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Introducing Tabby: an industrializable, production ready, versatile, universal chassis.

Introducing Tabby: an industrializable, production ready, versatile, universal chassis.
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David A. Mellis: DIY Cellphone An exploration into the possibilities for individual construction and customization of the most ubiquitous of electronic devices, the cellphone. I investigate the implications of digital fabrication and open-source hardware for DIY practice. Research questions include: To what extent is it feasible for people to make the technology they use in their daily lives? Publication David A. Autobiographical Exploration The DIY cellphone has been my primary mobile device for over two years. Workshops I've taught multiple workshops in which participants have made their own versions of the DIY cellphone. Online Dissemination The DIY cellphone is open-source (software, hardware) and plans for making it are available online. Press Make Magazine: "Open-Source Cellphone" (Vol. 38, March 2014)

Strings as Structural Elements? Engineers Devise Mathematics for New Age Structures March 27, 2006 -- Scientists at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) have devised two mathematical tools considered to be a major contribution to the optimal design of a new generation of deformable bridges, buildings, shape-controllable airplane wings, radio antennas, and other alternatives to current structural technologies. Two reports will be published in the International Journal of Solids and Structures, with the first appearing in the April issue. The deformable characteristic is made possible with strong, ultra-light truss-like arrangements of rods suspended by strings or wires. “Although tensegrity structures are not yet part of mainstream design engineering, we think their amazing properties explain why you find this arrangement in spider webs, the protein cytoskeleton of cells, and many other biological structures,” said Robert E. Artists such as Buckminster Fuller and Kenneth Snelson appreciated the concept of tensegrity. Milenko Masic, Robert E.

Fanciest Camping Tent Trailer Ever! OggStreamer | Developing an OpenHardware Streaming Device Akten - Simple Harmonic Motion Simple Harmonic Motion is an ongoing research and series of projects investigating complexity from simplicity; exploring the nature of complex patterns created from the interaction of simple multilayered rhythms. It is inspired by observations of natural physical and mathematical phenomena; as well as works by the likes of Norman Mclaren, John Whitney, Steve Reich, John Cage, Gyorgi Ligeti, Edgar Varèse, Brian Eno. Behind the different incarnations, at the heart of the project lies the concept of creating complexity from simplicity. Through the use of custom software, a number of ‘agents’ are created and assigned a simple behavior. Each follow an extremely simple repetitive pattern of movement and sound. The seed of inspiration comes from the motion of pendulums and other fundamental oscillatory phenomena which exhibit simple harmonic motion. Our capability in recognising patterns sonically is very different to our capability in recognising patterns visually.

Literary gold mine for CNC millers From 1976 to 1983, Popular Science magazine, along with the American Plywood Association, ran an annual plywood panel project design contest for its readership. Often the winning projects were items of furniture, but that was not a requirement. A potter’s kick wheel and a folding plywood boat are notable exceptions. The rules were simple: Apart from common fasteners, the entire project had to be constructed from one or more panels of plywood, cut to make most efficient use of the material. In 1984, these projects were collected, by original contest editor Alfred W. Lees, into a book called 67 Prizewinning Plywood Projects. 1984, of course, was decades prior to the advent of accessible home CNC milling, so all those carefully shaped and slotted parts, at the time, had to be laboriously hand-cut using a jigsaw or similar tool.

Open Source Laser Cut CT Scanner Taking a DIY approach to high tech imaging Providing the magical ability to scan not only the surface, but also to reveal details of the insides of an object, the CT (computed tomography) scanner has quite literally changed the way we see ourselves. Modern CT scanners are frightfully expensive and are usually found in hospitals but Canadian-born Peter Jansen has built one himself out of laser cut wood. “After seeing the cost for my CT scan, I decided it was time to try to build an open source desktop CT scanner for small objects, and to do it for much less than the cost of a single scan.” With a design quite similar to the early commercial CT scanners, Peter’s device began as a quarter-scale laser cut acrylic version that he whipped up in a single day. He then used this mockup to help refine the design, under the watchful gaze of a friendly house cat. The way this scanner works is that a target object sits on a movable table that is then passed through a rotating ring. OpenCT via Makezine

MobAppCreator - Diseña, crea y administra tus aplicaciones móviles en tiempo real, donde sea y en cualquier momento! diy neon sign | THE POOPERS Make your own indoor neon light sign, without needing to master the art of blowing neon glass tubes! And no, I'm not talking about taping glowsticks on a wall... ビール (biiru) means beer in Japanese Cocktails, anyone? Since I had been planning to help Mr. Not surprisingly, I ended up on various web stores that sell something called EL Wire (electroluminescent wire). Level of difficulty This how-to is going to be fairly extensive, and dedicated to the intermediate crafter (whatever that means). But...if you're not to the task and want to play around with EL wire anyway, sells pre-assembled kits that have one color of wire already hooked up. About EL Wire EL Wire is similar to your standard electrical wire. The light coming from EL Wire has varying intensities depending on the type and thickness you buy. Tools Most of your tools can be bought at any hardware store and craft store. Supplies EL wire can be bought from various online stores. A design! The unlit sign. Overview I know.

Protei >> 2013/04/25, 08:00 : Barcelona, Spain>> 2013/04/18, 08:00 - April 21, 20:00 : Casablanca, Morroco>> 2012/04/06, 08:00 - April 10, 20:00 Tema (Accra), Ghana>> 2013/03/25, 08:00 - March 30, 20:00 : CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA>> 2013/03/08, 08:00 - March 18, 20:00 : Port Louis, Mauritanie>> 2013/03/06 08:00 - March 11, 20:00 : Cochin, India>> 2013/03/01, 20:00 - Feb 25, 08:00 : Rangoon, Burma>> 2013/02/20, 08:00 - Feb 21, 20:00 : Singapore>> 2013/02/12, 08:00 - February 18, 16:00 : Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam>> 2013/02/07, 08:00 - Feb 8, 20:00 : Hong Kong>> 2013/02/03 : 08:00 - Feb 4, 20:00 : Shanghai, China>> 2013/01/30, 08:00 - Jan 31, 20:00 : Kobe, Japan>> 2013/01/27, 08:00 - Jan 28, 23:00 : Yokohama, Japan >> 2013/01/15, 08:00 - 16, 20:00 : Hilo, Hawaii, USA>> 2013/01/9, 17:00 : departure from San Diego, CA, USA >> 2012/11/29 : TEDxVilaMada "Nosso Planeta Agua" Sao Paolo, Brasil >> 2012/10/18 - 28 : Protei at Lodz Design Festival, Poland. Blog Origin of the name & Biomimicry Protei Community

Valve orienta a los jóvenes que quieran desarrollar videojuegos Los videojuegos son sinónimo de pasión para muchas personas (incluyéndome). Este medio de entretenimiento ofrece no solo diversión y emoción, sino también una forma de arte, una manera en la que los desarrolladores nos cuentan historias maravillosas y ofrecen grandes experiencias. No es de extrañar entonces que veamos a tantos chicos no solo disfrutar de un buen juego de vídeo, sino también querer hacer uno por sí mismo. Sin embargo, el desarrollar videojuegos como profesión es un tema que puede generar muchísima confusión, especialmente en lo que concierne a prepararse y estudiar para ello. Valve, responsables de la plataforma Steam planea orientar a los más jóvenes en el camino correcto para dedicar sus vidas a crear maravillosos juegos. ¿Cómo es trabajar en la industria de los videojuegos? Personalmente, creo que esta iniciativa tomada por Valve y sus pasantes es grandiosa. Espero con ansias ver crecer esta iniciativa y que en los próximos años de muy buenos resultados.

MichMich/MagicMirror: MagicMirror²
