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Spraktrollet: Discussions 9d weeks 3+4

Spraktrollet: Discussions 9d weeks 3+4
You probably remember the articles we worked with last year and the discussions you had afterwards. We will work the same way this year. You will get 2 1/2 lessons to work on this so get started!In your group, divide the articles among you. Assignment: Read your article carefully. OBS! Article 1 Why it’s time to celebrate Sweden’s diverse identity? What does “equality” mean to you? Article 2 Parents keep child’s gender secret (Not so hard. Why did the parents do this? Article 3 I can’t embrace Swedes’ obsession with the hug (Not too hard) Is this true that the article is about? Article 4 Smartphones stop Swedes from talking (Not too hard) Do we need to learn to switch off? Article 5 Can you do anything to save the lion? Article 6 Why do they steal passwords? Article 7 The Royals are here (Not so hard) How much did you know about the British royal family before? Article 8 (You can read the version on 700 words or a longer version. Do you draw pictures or scribble to express yourselves? Related:  SpeakingTalk

Digitalt, kollegialt lärande i världsklass! Frustrerad ställer jag en fråga i facebookgruppen Engelska för år 6-9 där jag söker råd och hjälp kring hur andra brukar göra med grupper som inte vill eller vågar tala engelska. Tycka vad man vill om sociala medier, men att under en dag kunna diskutera problemet med lärare som är spridda över hela Sverige tycker jag är fantastiskt. I gruppen finns också deltagare från Finland och Norge. Råd och tips strömmar in och många känner igen i sig problemet. Många väldigt goda ideér strömmade in i gruppen och nedan har jag försökt kategorisera och sammanställa gruppens råd. Ett råd som jag gett många gånger tidigare är att skaffa för att spara och kategorisera webbsidor. Sammanställningen nedan är inte i rangordning, utan i den ordning som de efterhand dök upp i facebookgruppen. Råd och tips till er som har talovilliga grupper: Varken punktlista eller numrering fungerade att använda i bloggen, därav att det ser lite rörigare ut. Visa en bild för eleverna. Speedtalking. Speak up.

Argumentation year 9 Evie - - Electronic Virtual Interactive Entity - Artificial Intelligence is communication - Natural language is universal Speaking Activities for Intermediate ESL Coming up with speaking activities for advanced ESL students, who can talk anyone’s ear off, is a breeze; but, speaking activities for intermediate ESL is a little more difficult. Intermediate ESL students are in a tough spot. They can say a lot, but they are also very aware of how much they don’t know, which often makes them self-conscious and nervous about speaking English. In the following activities, the students have an objective to get their minds off of speaking, while still motivating them to talk a lot. Guidebook Have students work in groups to write a guidebook to give to visitors and newcomers to your city. Amnesia In this activity, the student who is "it" presumably did several things yesterday that he doesn’t remember. Send one student out into the hallway or another room where he cannot hear what’s going on. Make sure someone in the class has the activities written down, and then invite the amnesiac back into the room to figure out what he did yesterday. Whodunit? Mole People

33 ways to speak better English If you’re reading this, I imagine you want to speak better English and communicate in a more confident and competent way. When we communicate effectively we are able to express our ideas and opinions, share experiences, and build relationships with others. When we struggle to express ourselves, we feel unvalued and insecure. In the modern world, we communicate across borders. By speaking better English, people all over the world can hear our voice. Well, English teachers and English classes definitely help. What you need is to become a self-directed learner, somebody who takes responsibility for their own learning and creates their own learning programme to develop their English. Now, it’s certainly true that speaking is a social activity and is best done with other people. You can do the same with your English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I want to go for a drink tonight. How do native speakers pronounce to / for / a in the sentence? I wanna go ferra drink tenigh. 8. 9. 10. to be honest 11. 12.

Engelska åk 9 - Nationella prov i främmande språk, Göteborgs universitet Här ges exempel på olika typer av uppgifter som har förekommit och kan förekomma i nationella prov i årskurs 9. Provuppgifterna kommer framför allt från utprövningsmaterial som inte använts i prov, men också från tidigare givna prov, som inte längre omfattas av sekretess. Observera att dessa uppgifter främst avser att exemplifiera olika typer av uppgifter som kan förekomma i proven, så elever inte ska känna sig främmande för hur de ska genomföra en uppgift i provsituationen alla typer av uppgifter inte förekommer varje gång och att nya format kan komma att introduceras exempeluppgifterna inte sammantaget utgör hela, representativa prov - vare sig när det gäller omfång, svårighetsgrad eller autenticitet Lgr11 (i A3 format) Speaking The World Around Us (Elevblad)Blå kortRöda kort Bedömningsanvisningar Reading Welcome to Wales Bedömningsanvisningar A Multicultural CityBedömningsanvisningar Young and FreeBedömningsanvisningar Native LanguagesBedömningsanvisningar Odd NewsBedömningsanvisningar Listening

Online Speaking and Listening Exercises | Speech Peek panel discussion 2013.docx panel discussion 2013.docx - Section 3: Finish Panel Discussion for groups 2-4 page 1 of 3 panel discussion 2013.docx Panel Discussion of Characters in "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" (Day 1 of 2) Panel Discussion of Characters in "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" (Day 1 of 2) Unit 2: Metacognition and The Absolutely-True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Lesson 15 of 19 Objective: SWBAT negotiate speaking roles and adapt to three fluid speaking genres by engaging in a panel discussion. Tim Pappageorge 128 Lessons Big Idea: Student uptake--when they explain ideas directly to one another in a whole class forum--creates a transformative genre of class discussion! 1 teacher likes this lesson Standards: Subject(s): English / Language Arts, Literature, Fictional Literature, Short Stories 35 minutes Introduction Checks for Understanding: Formative Assessment between lessons Resources (1) Resources (1) introduction.wmv Resources collapse content Remind Groups of Norms and Speaking Roles
