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Jaime Maussan Presents the Smoking Gun

Jaime Maussan Presents the Smoking Gun
Related:  research on ET's

Adventures in Data Analysis-UFO Sightings and Visualizations in CartoDB | QuantBait Today my project was to visualize time series data in CartoDB. I discovered CartoDB about two weeks ago, read their blog (check out Fredo Baart’s water current simulation to see if the Alcatraz escapees could have survived) and fell in love. Excited to get started I grabbed the UFO sighting dataset from the National UFO Reporting Center and went to work. It is very easy to get started with the software. Google seems to think there was not a World Fair in New York in 1933!

List of UFO sightings From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of notable reported sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related claims of close encounters or abductions. UFO's are generally considered to include any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately identified or explained. Antiquity[edit] 16th–17th centuries[edit] 19th century[edit] 20th century[edit] 1900–1949[edit] 1950–1974[edit] 1975–1999[edit] 21st century[edit] By location[edit] The lists below contain UFO reports mentioned above, along with less notable UFO reports from the specific areas. See also[edit] Notes and references[edit]

Aliens, An Introduction To The Truth - They Exist An Overview of "The Gift" By Doug Ruby "The Gift" is a book about the decipherment of the crop circles. Many of the people who have read the book whole heartedly agree with me that I have, indeed, deciphered the crop circles. This statement should be tempered with the acknowledgement that there are many forms of information being communicated by the crop circles. Consequently, it will be through a group effort that the crop circles are deciphered in their entirety. With this said, let's take a quick look at what I have discovered and in the process offer you an overview of the book. After reading a number of crop circle books, I arrived at three rather stunning conclusions. Since I had established that the instructions would be found in the simple formations, I began with them. The instructions conveyed through these discs are as follows: I) The formations are meant to be picked up from the field and reduced to a size that we can work with; 2) A small model should be made of the formation - which in these cases are flat discs;

The New Germany and the Hollow Earth There is another Germany inside the hollow surface of our planet. This inner or New Germany grew from the first or outer surface Gemany, and both have full(but secret ) relations with each other. According to the book "Genesis for the New Age" by John B. Leith, the story begins in 1572 when 500 Germans from Sax-Coburg, including some Prussians and Bavarians were hired as soldier-mercenaries by the King of Portugal(Sebastian I) to build a fort and man a garrison up the Amazon River in a fight against the Spaniards. The new colonists made their home in and by the cave and eventually traveled further inward and downward into the caves's passages ultimately leading to the Earth's inner concave surface -which they reached in 1647. In 1647, under Australasia, upon entering the inner concave surface, the New Germans met with the Atlantean/Atturians and the 30,000 year-old Bodlanders who were the ancient ancestors of the modern Germans. In 1977, US General Edward D. Here is the full text..... i v

untitled Sightings of unidentified flying objects in the territories we know today as European Russia, Ukraine, the Baltics, Belarus, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Siberia and Far East began thousands of years ago. Some fascinating sightings took place in the tumultuous 17th century. Map of the Euro-Russia area. UFOs over Georgia Georgia, one of the most ancient and beautiful countries in the world, is situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. The name of the country is Sakartvelo in the Georgian language. The 17th century was full of hardships and suffering for the people of Georgia. Map of the Ottoman and Safavid Empires. Western Georgia belonged to the Osman Ottoman by the terms of the 1639 treaty. Akhaltsike (Credit: Aleksey Mukhranov/ Deacon Zakaria Sarkawagi was a churchman and Armenian historian. Home of Matenadaran Archives. One was titled Regarding the fall of light from the sky, and the other manuscript was titled About heavenly signs in the sky. UFOs over Russia

UFO EVIDENCE - Scientific Study of the UFO Phenomenon Physicists Reveal That The Great Pyramid At Giza Can Focus Electromagnetic Energy Take a moment and breathe. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and body. Click here to learn why we suggest this. When patients ask anesthesiologists what we charge for putting them to sleep, we often say we do it for free. This isn’t just a way of deflecting a question, it also serves as a gentle reminder to both parties regarding the importance of “coming to.” How does Anesthesia work ? From an Anesthesiologist’s point of view, we really shouldn’t charge for putting someone to sleep. In addition, those in my field have to contend with the reality that we really don’t know what we are doing. Take ether, for example. Why we still don’t know… If you have never closely considered how our bodies do what they do (move, breathe, grow, pee, reproduce, etc.), the answers may be astounding. The second difficulty we have is even more unwieldy and requires some contemplation.
