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How language changes over time

How language changes over time
Related:  inspirationEnglish ErikaWays of Knowing

Kombinera ordspråk och bild Mina åttor håller just nu på med ett omfattande skrivarbete där de skriver olika typer av texter som på något sätt anknyter till identitet. De ska även skapa en framsida till sina texter. Ett omslag som berättar något om vem de är, vill vara eller kommer att bli. Uppgiften är ganska enkel och består av några steg: Välj en liknelse, ett ordspråk eller idiom som på något sätt berättar om vem du är, vill vara eller kommer att bli.Berätta om ditt valda ordspråk för en kompis. Känslan när jag får susa fram på mina supersnabba slalomskidor * Jag är hämtat idén från Sten Canevall, en bildlärare med grymma idéer. Activities for correcting writing in the language classroom How can teachers encourage learners to correct their own writing? Second-time winner of TeachingEnglish blog award, Cristina Cabal, offers a few tried and tested error-correction activities. Does every single writing error need to be corrected? In the learning of a second language, this is a question that stirs up great controversy. While it is true that most spelling errors will disappear as learner proficiency increases, there are some persistent errors – mainly grammatical – which remain despite repeated efforts to correct them. In the following collection of error-correction activities for writing, the main aim is to get students to identify and correct writing errors taken from their own essays. The activities are fun and highly motivating, and because they are fast-paced, I would suggest going through the errors with the whole class a second time at the end to reinforce learning. Use 'grass skirts' This activity is a lot of fun. Use sticky notes Use slips of paper Correct or incorrect?

Why learn a foreign language? Benefits of bilingualism Students who study foreign languages tend to score better on standardised tests than their monolingual peers, particularly in the categories of maths, reading, and vocabulary. You build multitasking skills Multilingual people, especially children, are skilled at switching between two systems of speech, writing, and structure. According to a study from the Pennsylvania State University, this “juggling” skill makes them good multitaskers, because they can easily switch between different structures. In one study, participants used a driving simulator while doing separate, distracting tasks at the same time. The research found that people who spoke more than one language made fewer errors in their driving. You stave off Alzheimer’s and dementia Several studies have been conducted on this topic, and the results are consistent. Top 10 best languages to study to get a job: in pictures Your memory improves Educators often liken the brain to a muscle, because it functions better with exercise.

Gaza and the language of modern war The propaganda battle in a modern war begins with its name. Israel's attack on Gaza this summer was given an official Hebrew name meaning "resolute cliff", so as to assure its victims of the futility of resistance. Only a fool would try to fight a cliff, even an irresolute one. The name in English was "Operation Protective Edge". This, an Israeli military spokesman explained, was chosen to "give a more 'defensive' connotation". The people fighting on either side of this "clash" or "conflict" (but rarely "war") were named in ways carefully emphasising a gulf in respectability: Israeli "soldiers" but Hamas "militants". That consequence was said rather to be the fault of Hamas, for using the people of Gaza as "human shields". Hamas told its supporters, when referring to those killed by Israeli actions, always to use the phrase "an innocent citizen", though some of those killed had actually been fighting or launching rockets at Israeli towns.

Activating TOK | thinking clearly in the world Students love being able to understand and read current news in English and there is something to interest everyone in a newspaper. The average reading age for most newspapers is approximately 11-13 years old, just perfect for those learning English as a foreign language. Newspapers are also a handy resource for English language teachers. If you are teaching in an English speaking country look out for the free press newspapers. Try to collect enough newspapers so that you have one copy between two students. If you are not in an English speaking country you could print articles from news websites such as the BBC or CNN. Here are a number of ways you can use a newspaper in your English language lessons. 1The role of newspapers in our livesTalk about the role of newspapers in daily life as a whole class, in pairs or in small groups.

Why is English so weirdly different from other langu... English speakers know that their language is odd. So do people saddled with learning it non-natively. The oddity that we all perceive most readily is its spelling, which is indeed a nightmare. In countries where English isn’t spoken, there is no such thing as a ‘spelling bee’ competition. For a normal language, spelling at least pretends a basic correspondence to the way people pronounce the words. But English is not normal. Spelling is a matter of writing, of course, whereas language is fundamentally about speaking. There is no other language, for example, that is close enough to English that we can get about half of what people are saying without training and the rest with only modest effort. We think it’s a nuisance that so many European languages assign gender to nouns for no reason, with French having female moons and male boats and such. More weirdness? Why is our language so eccentric? Sign up for Aeon’s Newsletter English started out as, essentially, a kind of German.

Språklig rikedom och språkliga kontraster – ett tack till Jason och Jonas | Mias klassrum Har du funderat på hur många som egentligen arbetar med språk? Nu tänker jag inte främst på språklärare, lingvistikforskare och översättare. Jag tänker på alla som baserar sitt arbete på språk i någon form. Jag tänker på journalister, på författare, på skribenter, på debattörer. Det svenska språket har skapats av dess användare. När jag tänker på vilka i min generation som påverkar det svenska språket mest faller tankarna direkt på två personer. Det som kännetecknar Jason och Jonas är inte bara att de är unga och arbetar med språk. När man arbetar med flera språk ser man kontraster. Jag är själv uppvuxen som enspråkig, uppvuxen i Sverige med svenska föräldrar. Jag och min kollega har tillsammans vänt och vridit på många ord och talesätt under året. Jag vill tro att det är just den här språkliga rikedomen som för Jason och Jonas så framgångsrika i sitt språkbrukande. Majoriteten av svenskarna skulle idag påstå att de är bra på engelska. I språkundervisning blir inte ett plus ett två.

Steve Ramirez and Xu Liu: A mouse. A laser beam. A manipulated memory. Close Help with subtitles Desktop / laptop users: please make sure you have the most updated versions of your browser and Flash player, and that Flash is enabled when you visit iOS users: to access subtitles, start playing the video, then tap the speech bubble icon that appears in the bottom row of video controls. Android users: although Android devices do not support subtitles, you can download the TED app from the Google Play store.

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