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Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools

Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools
About the Course Are you overwhelmed by the tidal wave of new technology tools available for teachers and learners? Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools can help channel that flood into a manageable power source for student engagement and motivation in your classroom! You will learn how to use these tools effectively in your classroom through unique problem-based scenarios that will help you understand how to choose the best Web 2.0 tool. Course Syllabus Our Web 2.0 explorations during Weeks One, Two and Three are based on ideas in the article, Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as Lever by Arthur Chickering and Stephen C. Week One: Can you hear me now? In Week One, we will explore the first of the seven principles, "Good Practice Encourages Contacts Between Students and Faculty." Week Two: Do we have to do group work? In Week Two, we will consider the second principle, "Good Practice Develops Reciprocity and Cooperation Among Students." Week Four: Oh! Yes. Related:  ossaobEducaciónDigital Literacy studies

Your Smarticles: QR Code Ideas and Resources QR Code Activities for YOUR Classroom! Below are some QR Code Scavenger Hunts that I have designed to be fully printable and ready to use. As long as you have a wi-fi enabled smart device that can scan, you can use these ‘hunts’ to support student literacy skills. #1. #2. #3. #4 QR Code Scavenger Hunt - Identifying Main Idea This scavenger hunt features a five reading passages that students must read and identify the main idea presented by the author. The theme of this scavenger hunt is bridges. The passages are: The Spin on SpansA Bridge Too FarLearn to Play BridgeSo Many Bridges (homographs)The Bridge as a Symbol The supporting website for this QR Code hunt is located at: #5 QR Code Scavenger Hunt - Working with Text Features This QR Code activity provides students with a fun and interactive way to access and practice utilizing important features in expository text. #6. Students 'scan' a QR code to get their statement that they have to make inferences from.

Shaping the Way We Teach English, 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching About the Course This course is aimed at English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, both those who are intending to pursue this field as a career and those already working in the field who would like to revise and refresh their methods and approaches. The materials and approaches presented should complement college courses such as Introduction to TEFL/TESOL Methods. This five-week course explores important aspects of teaching English as a second or foreign language. The goal of this course is to help you become a better teacher. This is the first of the two-part Shaping the Way We Teach English series. Course Format This is a collaborative course, where you enhance your English language teaching expertise by sharing ideas with others. Each week, a reading on methods and teaching practices, written by teachers for teachers, adds perspective to the classroom videos. As you watch and read and discuss, we hope you’ll build your creativity and flexibility as a teacher.

Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning - Course Thank you for your interest in the Disciplinary Literacy for Deeper Learning, a Massive Online Open Course for Educators (MOOC-Ed). This MOOC-Ed is brought to you by the New Literacies Collaborative (NLC) a program of the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University's College of Education. It is designed specifically for teacher educators and 6th - 12th grade teachers in: English & Language Arts Science History/Social Studies Mathematics However, the MOOC-Ed is open to all educators in K-12 and postsecondary levels interested in learning more about disciplinary literacy for deeper learning. You will: While the course materials are U.S. focused, we invite educators from around the world to join the course. While this course is open to individuals, we welcome participation by professional learning communities from schools, districts, or other organizations.

ESL Listening Comprehension Exercises: Movie clips to practice English | ELL/ELT SECTION 1: Movie Clips Learning through media (movies, music, etc.) is one of the best ways to learn a new language. The exercises below use movie clips to help you to better understand spoken English. Here's what you do: Click on the video you want to watch below.Watch the video, and pay attention to it! The Great Gatsby Moonrise Kingdom Silver Linings Playbook Away We Go Bolt Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Chronicle The Avengers Adventureland The Royal Tenenbaums NOTE: All of these videos are protected by copyright.

loísmo, laísmo y leísmo, aclaración Le se emplea como complemento indirecto, tanto para el masculino como para el femenino: «Le dijeron (a él o a ella) una mentira» o «Le extirparon (a él o a ella) el bazo». Lo se emplea como complemento directo, solo para el caso del masculino: «Lo alabaron mucho (a él)» o «Lo vi por la calle (a él)». Dado que hay zonas en las que con esta última función se emplea mayoritariamente le, se acepta también el empleo de le como complemento directo, pero solo cuando se refiere a personas del sexo masculino y en singular, esto es, en los ejemplos anteriores también sería admisible «Le alabaron mucho (a él)» y «Le vi por la calle (a él)», pero se desaconsejarían «Les alabaron mucho (a ellos)» y «Les vi por la calle ( a ellos)» por estar el pronombre en plural. Por otra parte, el leísmo es siempre incorrecto referido a animales y cosas («Se le desbocó el caballo y no pudo dominarle» o «Se le perdió el reloj y no le encontró»).

Language, literacy and learning in the contemporary world | The Open University On this page This online module is for people interested in exploring language, literacy and learning in today’s world with its increasing linguistic and cultural diversity and rapid technological development. Focusing on the English language, it uses key current ideas and debates, together with audiovisual examples of practice from different language learning contexts, to explore new and more effective ways of helping students to learn language, to learn through language and to learn about language. It is designed for those who are interested in the role of language in education including professionals teaching English either as a first, additional (EAL) or foreign language (EFL). Register What you will study This module in our masters in education programme will provide you with the understanding and opportunities to investigate a wide range of English teaching/learning contexts from across the world. All the materials are online, apart from the set book. Vocational relevance Entry

Twelve Active Learning Strategies Example 1 Example 1 Explanation In order for students to learn effectively, they must make connections between what they already know (prior knowledge) and new content to which they're exposed. The opening of a lecture should facilitate these connections by helping students exercise their prior knowledge of the day's subject matter. The following four slides illustrate strategies which stimulate students' thinking and prepare them to learn. One useful strategy is to open the lecture with a question. Example 2 Example 2 Explanation "Think-Pair-Share" is an active learning strategy that engages students with material on an individual level, in pairs, and finally as a large group. When used at the beginning of a lecture, a Think-Pair-Share strategy can help students organize prior knowledge and brainstorm questions. Example 3 Example 3 Explanation Focused listing is a strategy in which students recall what they know about a subject by creating a list of terms or ideas related to it. Example 4

NATURAL SCIENCE 2 ESO Las nuevas tecnologas permiten dotar a los libros de texto de recursos difcilmente imaginables hasta ahora. Los libros digitales de Anaya Educacin estn pensados para usted y para sus alumnos. Pensados para utilizarse con tan solo un ordenador o, para su mximo aprovechamiento, con una pizarra digital interactiva en un aula con ms medios. Nuestros libros digitales le brindan la posibilidad de enriquecer sus exposiciones en clase con un vdeo, una audicin, un reportaje fotogrfico o con una actividad interactiva; con un esquema, un mapa, un grfico o con la adaptacin curricular del contenido en estudio, etc. Todo ello al alcance de su mano, con un sencillo "clic" y sin requerir prcticamente de conocimientos informticos. As son los libros digitales de Anaya Educacin: ricos, prcticos, sencillos, con infinidad de posibilidades y adaptados a la realidad de los centros educativos. Labet, ut ego, qui neque usu satis et ingenio parum possum cum patrono disertissimo compare2.

Définir la littératie numérique Habilo Médias, Centre canadien d'éducation aux médias et de littératie numérique, publie en ligne un document de discussion intitulé « Définir la politique de littératie numérique et la pratique dans le paysage de l’éducation canadienne » visant à définir les caractéristiques et les points d’intérêt de la littératie numérique et de la citoyenneté numérique dans l’ensemble du pays, à explorer des idées et des pratiques pour enseigner et apprendre avec les technologies numériques ainsi que de nouvelles perspectives dans les écoles où l’enseignement et l’apprentissage se font avec ces mêmes technologies. Quelle définition de la littératie numérique ? Selon les auteurs, il n'existe pas de définition consensuelle de la littératie numérique. Pour se forger une solide culture numérique, ils retiennent toutefois l'idée d'une combinaison de capacités technologiques, de compétences intellectuelles et de comportements éthiques. Enseigner la littératie numérique Utiliser, comprendre et créer

Think-Pair-Share Think-Pair-Share activities pose a question to students that they must consider alone and then discuss with a neighbor before settling on a final answer. This is a great way to motivate students and promote higher-level thinking. Even though the activity is called think-"PAIR"-share, this is the term many instructors use for pairs and small groups (three or four students) alike. Groups may be formed formally or informally. Often this group discussion "sharing" is followed up with a larger classroom discussion. Some think-pair-share activities are short, "quick-response think-pair-share" and sometimes the activities may be longer and more involved, "extended think-pair-share." Advantages of think-pair-share Instructors find they can have a format change during lecture that only takes a small amount of class time. Steps and tips for using think-pair-share Examples of think-pair-share questions include: Describe and interpret the image. Challenges of the think-pair-share technique

apd-asociaciondeprofesoresdedibujo: Manifiesto por la educación artística. Recogida de firmas. Las personas abajo firmantes queremos expresar nuestra más enérgica oposición a la desaparición de las disciplinas artísticas en la Educación Obligatoria. Las últimas reformas educativas llevadas a cabo en España han ido rebajando paulatinamente la presencia de las Artes Plásticas y Audiovisuales en la educación obligatoria. La implantación de la LOMCE incide en esta tendencia rebajando drásticamente las horas dedicadas a la formación artística Todos los organismos internacionales, desde la UNESCO al propio Parlamento Europeo, han hecho recomendaciones respecto a la necesidad de incluir las Artes en la educación para lograr ciudadanos con pensamiento crítico, creativos y con iniciativa, como invariablemente se proclama en los preámbulos de todas las leyes. Por todos estos motivos exigimos el mantenimiento de la carga horaria de las enseñanzas artísticas en la Educación Obligatoria y la paralización de la LOMCE en tanto que es la causa de todos estos problemas.
