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Green Seal. LEED. Know we're back! We know. "In The Know" took a several week long — unannounced — hiatus. Maggie and I apologize, but we have been working on a number of international efforts that have kept us occupied! In short, we’re back, so is Mad Men, and we have a tremendous amount to share in the coming weeks. U.S. Washington, D.C. — (April 10, 2014) — The U.S. 3 billion square feet — but who's counting? At USGBC, we've had no shortage of notable milestones of late. LEED committee self-nominations close on April 10 A reminder for those interested in working with volunteer experts in the development and maintenance of the LEED rating system: The current LEED Committee Call for Volunteers is scheduled to close on Thursday, April 10th at 5:00 pm PST.

Detail Green. Building Sustainable Design. Planetary Solutions. SMARThouse. Dwell.