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Suns from Sunsets from Flickr : Penelope Umbrico. Suns from Sunsets from Flickr, 2006 - ongoing 541,795 Suns from Sunsets from Flickr (Partial) 1/23/06, 2006 Detail of 2000 machine c-prints, each 4 x 6 in I began the project Suns from Sunsets from Flickr in 2006 when, looking for the most photographed subject, I searched the photo-sharing website Flickr and found “sunsets” to be the most present (tagged) resulting in 541,795 in 2006 hits. I thought it peculiar that the sun, the quintessential giver of life and warmth, constant in our lives, symbol of enlightenment, spirituality, eternity, all things unreachable and ephemeral, omnipotent provider of optimism and vitamin D… and so ubiquitously photographed, is now subsumed to the internet – this warm singular object made multiple in the electronic space of the web, and viewed within the cool light of the screen.

I collected those sunsets from Flickr that had the most defined suns in them, and cropped just the suns from these images. Suns from Sunsets from Flickr / Airmail, 2009 - ongoing. MARIO GIACOMELLI OFFICIAL WEB SITE. Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon - Exposition Les SUDRE, une famille de photographes - Jean-Pierre Sudre. Imaginaire planétaire Jean-Pierre SUDRE Dim en cm 60x48 Montée sur arches 1992 - COLLECTION PARTICULIEREToute reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation des ayants droits. Imaginaire planétaire Jean-Pierre SUDRE Dim en cm 48x60 Montée sur arches 1992 - COLLECTION PARTICULIEREToute reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation des ayants droits.

Paysage Matériographique Jean-Pierre SUDRE Dim en cm 29x50 Montée sur arches - Lacoste 1983 - COLLECTION PARTICULIEREToute reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation des ayants droits. Insectes Jean-Pierre SUDRE Dim en cm du tirage 28x22 monté sur arches 48x37 1979 - COLLECTION PARTICULIEREToute reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation des ayants droits. Insectes Jean-Pierre SUDRE Dim en cm 29x21 Montée sur arches 1979 - COLLECTION PARTICULIEREToute reproduction est interdite sans l'autorisation des ayants droits.

Le panier aux oeufs. Le panier aux cerises. Monde et pêches. Le monde des livres. ARCHITECTURE // conniezhou. Jean-Michel LENOIR. Cindy Jeannon - Photographe Nature. Thomas Devaux. Jean-Pierre Frippiat. Mitch Dobrowner.