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Descubre el nuevo CX, la gran alternativa a Dropbox. Si sois usuarios de Dropbox y el límite de 2 Gigas gratuitos se os hace pequeño, probad la nueva versión de Se trata de una herramienta muy parecida a Dropbox, con 10 gigas gratuitos y aplicación para Mac y Windows, así como versiones para dispositivos móviles, como podéis ver en la captura superior.

En acaban de anunciar su nueva plataforma con las siguientes novedades: - Comunicación en grupo: para sincronizar archivos ente amigos, grupos de trabajo, etc. - Comentarios en el contenido guardado: Podéis compartir fotos con la familia y recibir comentarios en cada archivo, por ejemplo. - Aplicación de escritorio mejorada. - Versiones para iPad y iPhone - Nueva interfaz web, más intuitiva La instalación es muy sencilla, permitiendo elegir el directorio desde donde se hará el backup de los archivos y nombrar el ordenador para tener las sincronizaciones de nuestro contenido bajo control. Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders. File Sync & Backup Software | File Management | Syncplicity.

Introducing Ubiquity. An experiment into connecting the Web with language. It Doesn’t Have to be This Way You’re writing an email to invite a friend to meet at a local San Francisco restaurant that neither of you has been to. You’d like to include a map. Today, this involves the disjointed tasks of message composition on a web-mail service, mapping the address on a map site, searching for reviews on the restaurant on a search engine, and finally copying all links into the message being composed.

This familiar sequence is an awful lot of clicking, typing, searching, copying, and pasting in order to do a very simple task. And you haven’t even really sent a map or useful reviews—only links to them. This kind of clunky, time-consuming interaction is common on the Web. It’s even worse on mobile devices, where limited capability and fidelity makes this onerous or nearly impossible. Most people do not have an easy way to manage the vast resources of the Web to simplify their task at hand.

Enter Ubiquity Ubiquity 0.1. | Support Home Page. Create a course in Edmodo. Tagged with: coursesgroups DIY with Bianca!! ** At my school I am the go-to person for edmodo. That’s cool, because I love edmodo – after all, I introduced it to our school over two years ago and I’m the one who spends most of her time raving about how great using edmodo is! Yesterday a Food Technology teacher asked me to show her how to use the library and folders features so she could upload all of her recipes to her Year 11 group.

The question this teacher asked makes sense for many teachers: ‘Can I use this group next year and just enroll new students?’ I once thought that this style of ‘static’ course approach was not possible in edmodo (and really, what did I care since it’s not my style of teaching anyway?) So here’s how: Have your program and resources handy. Now click set members as: Read Only. Selecting ‘read-only’ means that students can’t add posts to edmodo or add comments to posts. Upload your resources in the sequence you would like them to be accessed by your students. Drops. How to Use Dropbox as a Killer Collaborative Work Tool - Lifehacker. Nueve alternativas más a Dropbox a tener en cuenta si estamos pensando en cambiar de servicio.

Hace pocos días os ofrecimos en Genbeta tres alternativas a Dropbox para poder gestionar todos nuestros datos en la nube. Eran las tres alternativas más populares, y en los comentarios muchos de vosotros nos habéis mencionado más alternativas. Vamos pues con una segunda parte con nueve alternativas más, enumeradas brevemente, para todos aquellos a los que el debate de la privacidad de Dropbox no les ha hecho ninguna gracia.

Parece mentira, pero es ahora que Apple y Google planean llevar a la nube gran parte de sus servicios (incluidos los musicales) que todos estos servicios destacan más. ¿Llegó finalmente la hora de dejar de usar esos enormes discos de 2 TB y las interminables copias de seguridad? Echemos un vistazo a servicios que lo hacen posible después del salto, continuando con los tres primeros que ya tuvimos en cuenta. Sugarsync, compatibilidad ante todo Y vamos a empezar, por ejemplo, mencionando a SugarSync. Sitio oficial | SugarSync Vídeo | YouTube Sitio oficial | OpenDrive. Top 10 de los mejores servicios, hacks y plugins para DropBox.

Con el paso del tiempo, DropBox se ha convertido en una de las opciones más valiosas a la hora de respaldar nuestra información en la nube, permitiéndonos no sólo disponer de backups de aquella información que queramos respaldar, sino además, servir de instrumento para compartir algunos archivos con otros usuarios de forma cómoda. Y la comodidad también la obtendremos con cada una de las aplicaciones, hacks y plugins que nos permita sacar más provecho de DropBox, teniendo en cuenta que podemos hacer uso de él desde cualquier sitio simplemente disponiendo de un dispositivo con acceso a Internet. Así que aquí les tramos la selección de las 10 mejores utilidades para DropBox hechas por TheNextWeb: Sincronización de directorios del sistema JotForm: permitiendo a contactos el envío de archivos a tu cuenta DropBox vía formulario web AirDropper: página personalizada para enviar y recibir archivos en DropBox MailDrop: buscando y guardando archivos adjuntos en tu DropBox Vía: TheNextWeb.

How To Create Direct Links To Dropbox Content & Automate The Process. One of the best uses of Dropbox is file sharing. With your Dropbox account, you can use your Public folder to share files with others. In this article I will show you the quick and easy steps to share single files in your Public folder, and how to share a folder of files (a zip folder) via a direct URL link. This way, recipients don’t have to go to the Dropbox website to download your zip folder of files. Lastly, for Mac users, I will show you how to automate Dropbox using Automator. Create A Public Link I assume you already have Dropbox installed on your computer. Sharing Single Files If you have Dropbox set up on your computer, you can right- or Control-click on a single file in your Dropbox Public folder, select Dropbox, and then select “Copy Public Link” from the drop-down menu to create a link (see the following screenshot).

But notice, Dropbox will not allow you to send a direct link to a regular folder of files in your Public folder (see screenshot below). Create A Zip File. Ideapi – plataforma para la creación de documentos de forma colaborativa. Ideapi es una plataforma orientada a la creación de documentos en tiempo real de forma colaborativa entre varios miembros a través de internet. Para ello, el propietario de la cuenta podrá crear los documentos partiendo de cero o partiendo de las plantillas que haya creado previamente.

En cualquier caso, cualquier documento está basado en diferentes secciones, permitiendo ser alterados según la conveniencia de los miembros que participen en su redacción. Los contenidos de los textos permiten ser formateados, y las indicaciones se pueden encontrar a la derecha desplegando el widget que informa de ello. Además, una vez concluido cualquier documento, puede ser aprobado para ser publicado, permitiendo su acceso público, donde cualquier usuario podrá acceder al mismo, e incluso dejar sus comentarios. Vía. SugarSync. Education Eye - Mapping Innovations.

About Education Eye Futurelab's Education Eye brings you a wide range of exciting, relevant and useful innovations which are selected from the best of the web and updated daily. The Eye provides a way to discover, explore and share new ideas. It maps hundreds of the top educational websites, blogs, forums and practitioner case studies. With additional features like saving your own favourite innovations, Futurelab's favourites, customisable email digests, and a widget version, it is invaluable.

Visit the links below to find out more about Education Eye: Many thanks to Becta and Futurelab's design and development team for supporting and working hard on the Eye. Tour of features The Education Eye key features include A searchable, browsable space which leads you to discover new and exciting innovations tailored to the education industry and brought together in one easy-to-use location. Try the 'More like this' suggestions to discover similar innovations that you will likely find interesting. Cheat Sheet: 10 Tips and Tricks for Dropbox.

Gain Free Storage Space, Perform Off-Site Back-Ups, Share Your Account Safely, and More! Dropbox is, in a word, awesome. From its humble beginnings back in 2007, the robust cloud-storage service has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years. Now, in addition to its browser-based interface, the service boasts clients for Windows, OS X, Fedora, Ubuntu, as well as smartphone support provided you’re rocking either an Android or iOS-based handset.

With the low, low starting price of absolutely free, and an interface with one of the lowest learning curves in the business, its hard find an argument for why anyone wouldn’t want to give Dropbox a spin. To help get you started, we’ve put together ten tips on how to make one of our favorite cloud-storage solutions even more functional than it already is. Refer Friends/Associates to Gain More Dropbox Space Use Dropbox and Gspace to Build a Free Personal Online Storage Empire No friends to refer? Off-Site File Backups on the Cheap. How to Backup Files with Dropbox. Dropbox is a free service for online backup and file synchronization. This article explains how you can automatically back up your files and folders online with Dropbox. Dropbox offers 2 GB of free online storage space that you can easily bump up to 3 GB by inviting friends who aren’t on Dropbox yet.

This kind of space is not sufficient to backup the entire hard drive1 but enough to save your essential files and folders that you can’t afford to lose. These may include your documents, photographs, source code and other important files. Backup with Dropbox is effortless but one big limitation is that your files and folders need to be residing inside the main Dropbox folder before they can be sent to the cloud. To deal with this problem, we’ll make use of Microsoft SyncToy, a free application that keeps files and folders in sync with each other. Backup with Dropbox – Step by Step Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4.

Step 5. That’s it! Video Tutorial Liked it? Cloud computing posts - Webware. Keedox Bluetooth Sport Earbuds Compact and lightweight, behind-the-head cable design, sweat-proof, stay-put, comfort ear tips, Bluetooth 4.0 w/ NFC 'quick-pairing', built-in mic for hands free and and great sound all at a super affordable, low price. • Cloud based file hosting. The Complete Dropbox for Educators. Dropbox is a very useful tool to store online files, sync your computers and mobile devices and share files. With all those capabilities it makes it a natural tool for educators! Today, MakeUseOf published “Using the Magic Pocket: A Dropbox Guide” Using The Magic Pocket: A Dropbox Manual You can get a PDF version of The Magic Pocket here ! In addition to this wonderful guide, appstorm recently posted “ The Ultimate Dropbox Toolkit and Guide “ Do you need tips specifically for teachers?

More Tips for Teachers! A complete post on Dropbox wouldn’t be complete without a mobile component. Now, you need to know how to get the most out of it! Use AirDropper to Collect Files via e-mail! And finally, from my own site–How to Use DROPitTOme to replace! I hope you’ve enjoyed “The Complete Dropbox for Educators.” Tagged as: Apple , Dropbox , iPad , IPhone , MakeUseOf , Mobile device , Smashing Apps.