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The Coca Cola Bag. 大阪駅の水時計 [ Osaka Station City ] e. Perfect timing. Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / home. Transportation. We are wondering why it is that car manufacturers are tripping over each other inventing boring and redundant “super modern” and “high design” cars, when the end result is a sea of lookalikes.


One can no longer recognize a “premium” make from a lower-end car, certainly not by distinctive and recognizable design features. They are unimaginative, uninspiring and suffer from a serious case of follow-itis. As opposed to being leaders and, in particular, design leaders. We see design tweaks and add-on features advertised as if they were a revolution when in fact, there’s nothing really significantly new or exciting. Anotaciones sobre una novela, por Arturo Pérez-Reverte ·