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Eleven SSH Tricks. SSH is the descendant of rsh and rlogin, which are non-encrypted programs for remote shell logins.

Eleven SSH Tricks

Rsh and rlogin, like telnet, have a long lineage but now are outdated and insecure. However, these programs evolved a surprising number of nifty features over two decades of UNIX development, and the best of them made their way into SSH. Following are the 11 tricks I have found useful for squeezing the most power out of SSH. Installation and Versions OpenSSH is the most common free version of SSH and is available for virtually all UNIX-like operating systems. You can encrypt X sessions over SSH. Turn on X11 forwarding with ssh -X host. A nifty trick using X11 forwarding displays images within an xterm window. SSH looks for the user config file in ~/.ssh/config. ForwardX11 yes Protocol 2,1 Using ForwardX11 yes is the same as specifying -X on the command line. The config file can include sections that take effect only for certain remote hosts by using the Host option.

Secure Linux/UNIX access with PuTTY and OpenSSH. Many users have implemented Secure Shell (ssh) to provide protected access to a remote Linux system, but don't realize that by allowing password authentication, they are still open to brute-force attacks from anywhere on the internet.

Secure Linux/UNIX access with PuTTY and OpenSSH

There are worms running rampant on the internet which do an effective job finding weak username/password combinations, and these are not stopped by the use of Secure Shell. This Tech Tip details how to use the free PuTTY SSH client to connect to a Linux system running the OpenSSH server, all while using public key encryption and SSH agent support.

Much of this information applies to any OpenSSH installation on any UNIX system - Solaris, *BSD, OpenServer - but we've targetted this to the Linux platform when specifics are called for. Providing for full passwordless, agent-based access requires a lot of steps, so we'll approach this in steps by first providing for regular passworded access to the system. Download and install the programs Login! Run PuTTYgen ... PuTTY: a free telnet/ssh client. Home | FAQ | Feedback | Licence | Updates | Mirrors | Keys | Links | Team Download: Stable · Snapshot | Docs | Changes | Wishlist PuTTY is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator.

PuTTY: a free telnet/ssh client

It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham. The latest version is 0.74. Download it here. LEGAL WARNING: Use of PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink is illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed. Use of the Telnet-only binary (PuTTYtel) is unrestricted by any cryptography laws. Latest news 2020-11-22 Primary git branch renamed The primary branch in the PuTTY git repository is now called main, instead of git's default of master.

To update a normal downstream clone or checkout to use the new branch name, you can run commands such as ‘git branch -m master main’ followed by ‘git branch -u origin/main main’. 2020-06-27 PuTTY 0.74 released PuTTY 0.74, released today, is a bug-fix and security release. 2019-09-29 PuTTY 0.73 released Site map. Google Groups : comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc. Sorry, I should've been a little more clear...I was curious about PuTTY'ssupport for user public/private key auth...not stock password authentication From ye ole PuTTY FAQ....

Google Groups : comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc

----A.1.2 Does PuTTY support reading OpenSSH or SSHv2 private key files? Version 0.52 doesn't, but in the latest development snapshots PuTTYgen canload and save both OpenSSH and private key files. So, know I know. Sorry for the bandwith loss on this one. news:3ce2c755$ > hmmmm - interesting. > "Paul" > news:Xns920FB3A3AE4DFparrotpapa@ > > at 15 May 2002, Christopher H.