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PgFouine - a PostgreSQL log analyzer. SQL Fiddle. PostgreSQL as a Schemaless DB. New explain | Understanding Postgres Performance - Craig Kerstiens. Update theres a more recent post that expands further on where to start optimizing specific queries, and of course if you want to dig into optimizing your infrastructure High Performance PostgreSQL is still a great read For many application developers their database is a black box.

Data goes in, comes back out and in between there developers hope its a pretty short time span. Without becoming a DBA there’s a few pieces of data that most application developers can easily grok which will help them understand if their database is performing adequately. This post will provide some quick tips that allow you to determine whether your database performance is slowing down your app, and if so what you can do about it.

Understanding your Cache and its Hit Rate The typical rule for most applications is that only a fraction of its data is regularly accessed. We can see in this dataclip that the cache rate for Heroku Postgres is 99.99%. Understanding Index Usage Heroku Dashboard as an Example.


PostgreSQL 9.0: Performance Tips. Top 10 MySQL Mistakes Made By PHP Developers. Learn more on MySQL with our screencast MySQL on the Command Line. A database is a fundamental component for most web applications. If you’re using PHP, you’re probably using MySQL–an integral part of the LAMP stack. PHP is relatively easy and most new developers can write functional code within a few hours. However, building a solid, dependable database takes time and expertise. Here are ten of the worst MySQL mistakes I’ve made (some apply to any language/database)… 1. MySQL has a number of database engines, but you’re most likely to encounter MyISAM and InnoDB. MyISAM is used by default.

The solution is simple: use InnoDB. 2. PHP has provided MySQL library functions since day one (or near as makes no difference). If you are using MySQL versions 4.1.3 or later it is strongly recommended that you use the mysqli extension instead. mysqli, or the MySQL improved extension, has several advantages: Alternatively, you should consider PDO if you want to support multiple databases. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.