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Tell better stories

11 june 2015

Tell better stories

We need to tell better stories. Both to ourselves and to others. Some call it pitching. Others call it affirmation or priming our brain and our surroundings. There is something in the intent of words that makes our brains listen and pay close attention. Because our brain is basically a pattern recognition machine. It just loves good patterns and meta patterns. And that is just what stories is. When we tell a story to the brain it is all there is. for the brain all stories are equally real. the just have different resolutions and and density. If it’s to granular or has to many holes in it the brain does the rest. It makes up it’s own patterns to make the patterns more beautiful and complete. So the best way to tickle the brain is to serve it up with a promising story than it can work and polish on. So go on and tell bette stories to your own brain. And make others mesmerised with your stories as well. The brain wants to believe and will got to extraordinary lengths to make them come true. Help you brain there with leaping into acton and aiding your story along.

Tell better stories and pitch yourself and others better!

(Lord Sillion on Tumblr)