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Batman: Arkham Origins. Batman: Arkham Origins had to endure a lot of cynicism from the peanut gallery as it rushed headlong from sudden announcement to pre-Christmas release. It's hardly surprising, too -- after the Arkham series earned high critical acclaim, the third installment appeared to be little more than a hollow cash-in. It was set to be a contentious prequel, Warner Bros. announced downloadable content in tandem with the reveal of the full game, a pointless multiplayer mode was added, and it had switched developers from the beloved Rocksteady to the less lauded Warner Bros. Games Montréal and Splash Damage. Most people had come to expect little more than a stopgap release -- a bit of filler, made to scrape a quick buck off the Arkham name simply because that's what could be done.

Guess what. Batman: Arkham Origins (PC, PS3, Wii U, Xbox 360 [reviewed])Developer: Warner Bros. The problem with prequels rears its ugly head. The lack of excitement inspired by the villains permeates Origins' entire story. Blizzard Entertainment. Welcome to Steam. Polygon.