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Comparing XSLT and XQuery. March 09, 2005 XSLT has been the main XML technology for transformations for some time now, but it’s not the only player in the game. Although XQuery is designed for retrieving and interpreting information, it is also, according to the specification, “flexible enough to query a broad spectrum of XML information sources, including both databases and documents.” In this article, we’ll be transforming the following XML source information from Cathy Kost, a beginning XML student who helps with a pot-bellied pig rescue organization. <animal><species>pot belly pig</species><name>Molly II</name><birth>February, 1998</birth><in-date>January, 2000</in-date><from>Middle Ave.

</from><gender spay-neuter="yes">F</gender><info> She is a sweet, friendly pig who likes to hang out on Cathy&#8217;s porch on the lounge pad. </info><picture><file>images/molly_th.jpg</file><description>Black pig</description><caption>Molly in the Pasture</caption></picture></animal> Which Tools to Use? The Main Differences. XML transformation language. An XML to XML transformation An XML transformation language is a programming language designed specifically to transform an input XML document into an output document which satisfies some specific goal.

There are two special cases of transformation: XML to XML: the output document is an XML document.XML to Data: the output document is a byte stream. XML to XML[edit] As XML to XML transformation outputs an XML document, XML to XML transformation chains form XML pipelines. XML to Data[edit] The XML (EXtensible Markup Language) to Data transformation contains some important cases.

Existing languages[edit] XSLT is the best known XML transformation language. XQuery XProc XProc is an XML Pipeline language. XML document transform Is a Microsoft standard for performing simple transforms on XML documents. STX (Streaming Transformations for XML) is inspired by XSLT but has been designed to allow a one-pass transformation process that never prevents streaming. XML Script XDuce CDuce XFun XStream Xtatic HaXml Scala.


XSL. Xquery. XML Introduction - What is XML? DeveloperWorks : New to XML. Although the tags you see in Listing 1 are the most common serialization of XML, it is very common to deal with XML data in the context of an application. In that case, you will typically use one of several models, including the following. The Document Object Model (DOM) The Document Object Model, or DOM, is an object-based, tree-like way to view XML data. For example, in Listing 1, the salesperson, order, and return elements are children of the transaction element, meaning that they are contained below it in the hierarchy. DOM is the primary way in which most XML-based applications deal with XML.

The Simple API for XML (SAX) DOM is useful when you are trying to manipulate data, because everything resides in memory. The Simple API for XML, or SAX, solves the problem of having everything in memory at one time by analyzing data from the beginning of the document to the end, and notifying your application of every event, such as "start element" or "characters". Understanding SAX. XML in 10 points. | Translations XML, XLink, Namespace, DTD, Schema, CSS, XHTML ... If you are new to XML, it may be hard to know where to begin. This summary in 10 points attempts to capture enough of the basic concepts to enable a beginner to see the forest through the trees.

And if you are giving a presentation on XML, why not start with these 10 points? 1. XML is for structuring data Structured data includes things like spreadsheets, address books, configuration parameters, financial transactions, and technical drawings. 2. Like HTML, XML makes use of tags (words bracketed by '<' and '>') and attributes (of the form name="value"). 3. Programs that produce spreadsheets, address books, and other structured data often store that data on disk, using either a binary or text format. 4. Since XML is a text format and it uses tags to delimit the data, XML files are nearly always larger than comparable binary formats. 5.

Is the specification that defines what "tags" and "attributes" are. XLink XPointer and 6. 7. XML Tutorial. Relationships among HTML, JS, XML, XSL, and Xpath. XML From the Inside Out -- XML development, XML resources, XML specifications. XML basics for new users. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language, with the markup bit being the key. You can create content and mark it up with delimiting tags, making each word, phrase, or chunk into identifiable, sortable information. The files, or document instances, you create consist of elements (tags) and content, and the elements help the documents to be understood fairly well when read from printouts or even processed electronically.

The more descriptive the elements, the more a document's parts can be identified. From the early days of markup to today, one advantage of tagging content is that if a computer system is lost, the data in print can still be understood from its tags. Markup languages evolved from early, private company and government forms into Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and eventually into XML. SGML can seem complex, and HTML (which was really just an element set) was just not powerful enough to identify information. Building XML <? <? <? <? XML - Managing Data Exchange. Xania has nominated himself for use of the Checkuser tools.

Please provide your input on this important decision. XML - Managing Data Exchange From Wikibooks, open books for an open world Jump to: navigation, search eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a widely used computer language for creating and designing pages on the World Wide Web, and for defining other languages with more specialized purposes. This Wikibook provides a detailed description of XML, its origins, its programming, and its uses on the Internet today. If you wish to participate in the writing or editing of XML - Managing Data Exchange, or if you have an idea as to how this book can be improved, please see the "to-do" list.

Chapters[edit] Preface Appendices[edit] External Links[edit] Retrieved from " Subjects: Hidden categories: Navigation menu Personal tools Namespaces Variants Views Actions Navigation Community Tools In other languages Sister projects Print/export.