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Poglej temo - Užitni GOZDNI VRT (edible forest garden, food forest) :: Vse o vseh rastlinah. Povzetek/prevod poglavja o rodnosti in hranilih iz knjige Creating a forest garden, avtor Martin Crawford Rodnost v gozdnem vrtu Naravni gozdovi ne potrebujejo gnojenja. Dobijo hranila v obliki iztrebkov ptic in drugih živali, s pomočjo rastlin, ki vežejo dušik, na voljo je atmosferski dušik. Trajnostni vir vseh hranil prihaja tudi z naravno mineralizacijo kamnin in prsti, ki je v veliki meri podprta z glivami. Gozdni vrt nam po drugi strani nudi več pridelkov in s tem potrebuje načrtovanje za dobro zagotavljanje rodnosti določenih rastlin.

Različne rastline potrebujejo različna hranila Rastline v gozdnem vrtu so glede na potrebo po hranilih razdeljene na štiri skupine. 1. dobijo dovolj hranil z naravnimi procesi - nezahtevne, nežlahtne rastline, npr. sorte gloga (Crataegus spp 4. potrebujejo veliko hranil, da rodijo po pričakovanjih. Slednji tabeli prikazuje potrebo po hranilih za najbolj pogoste rastline Trajnostno zagotavljanje rodnosti / hranil Uporabni viri hranil Zaloge hranil pH ZEMLJE. Building your own renewable energy systems from recycled materials. Steward Community Woodland was born five years ago, when a group of us looking to set up a sustainable living and working woodland project bought and moved into Steward Wood on the edge of Dartmoor in Devon. With a need for electrical power but no thoughts of having a connection to the grid, we looked into renewable ways of producing this.

Using reclaimed parts from skips and recycling centres has meant that a lot of the systems we have used to produce power, especially in the early years, cost little or nothing to build. It makes so much sense, both financially and in terms of our environment, to Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle. Bike generators: starting out with human power Humans provided our first source of power through cycle generators. A person cycles to turn a generator that produces electricity that is either used immediately (the most efficient way) or stored in batteries (which is less efficient but can be more convenient). Micro Hydro Power A Pelton Wheel generator. Divje rastline | 1379286_417259428386492_1232903743_n.jpg (JPEG Image, 720 × 508 pixels)

Fall Gardening Guide. Keeping food fresh the old fashioned way. Have you ever imagined a world without a refrigerator? Korean designer Jihyun Ryou certainly believes that we can survive in this world without relying on them. Save Food From The Fridge is a project about traditional oral knowledge, which has been accumulated from experience and transmitted by mouth to mouth. Particularly focusing on the food preservation, it looks at a feasible way of bringing that knowledge into everyday life.

Her ideas are definitely worth sharing. How an Aquaponics Biofilter Works. The word aquaponics may sound very technical, but the truth is that aquaponics and biofilters actually mimic the natural processes that happen in the wild. Nature does not allow anything to go to waste. Everything is recycled and reused. For example, animal excreta become a source of food for plants, and the plants in turn provide food for animals. The most efficient systems are those that mimic nature as much as possible.

Aquaponics is one such system. The word aquaponics is a combination of the words aquaculture and hydroponics. You can use these same principles to grow your own vegetables and fish in your backyard or garden. How It Works If you’ve ever kept an aquarium, you’ll already be familiar with the concept of bio filtration. Basic Principle of an Aquaponics Biofilter Those who have kept planted aquariums will be able to testify to the fact that their filtration requirements are far less as compared to those of unplanted aquariums. Propagation Techniques by Plant Variety | How To Propagate Plants.

Untitled. Pri ribniški foliji, ostalih materialih in tehničnih materialih za ribniške namene, vodnih rastlinah ter ribah, je sprememba cen še bolj očitna, kot pri akvaristiki, saj je odvisna precej od sezone, kar pomeni, da so cene spomladi mnogo višje, kot jeseni. Zato izdelam predračun za vsak ribnik posebej. Osnovne podatke in vaše želje nam sicer lahko pošljete na, a je praksa navadno takšna, da se v primeru ribnika vedno prvo oglasimo na objektu, kjer lahko skupaj dorečemo končno obliko in lego ribnika, saj ni vseeno, v kakšni legi bo ležal ribnik. Prav tako ponujamo vsaj dva cenovna razreda opreme (črpalke, uv-žarnice, podvodne luči, filtri,... itd).

Pri izdelavi predračuna stranki strokovno svetujemo prednosti in slabosti obeh cenovnih razredov. Oglejte si ponudbo opreme zelo priznanih Evropskih podjetij! VELDA je podjetje, ki ponuja zelo kakovostno - vrhunsko opremo, a z dokaj razumno ceno. Vodne pretočne črpalke - High Stream Uv - žarnice Avtomatski hranilnik rib Zdravila! VertiCrop Processes 10,000 Plants Every 3 Days Using Vertical Hydroponic Farming. Vertical farming is one of the most innovative solutions for lowering the amount of energy, space, and water needed to grow food, but Valcent Products has taken the practice to a whole new level with their revolutionary VertiCrop technology.

By applying Henry Ford’s super-efficient assembly line concept to vertical hydroponic farming, the Vancouver-based firm can produce the same amount of produce on a standard sized residential lot that most farmers would be able to grow on a 16-acre plot. Their stacked, mechanized, produce-laden plastic trays are already a hot commodity, with orders coming in from every corner of the globe. Step in for a closer look at how this technology is completely changing the way we grow food. The VertiCrop system consists of a series of mechanical 123 plastic trays stacked 8 high that can be placed on urban rooftops and other tight spaces. VertiCrops are climate controlled and use absolutely no harmful herbicides or pesticides. . + Valcent Products. Untitled. View the slideshow to see the evolution of the construction of my system. Floating rafts or Deep Water Culture (DWC) is another AquaPonics technique, developed and promoted by the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI).UVI is one of the pioneers of AquaPonics. see the links page for more info on UVI.

DWC uses tanks or ponds to grow plants in on floating rafts. Plants are grown in small pots filled with media that are inserted in holes in the rafts that keep them floatin on the water surface. The main advantage of this system is the ease of planning, sowing and harvesting of one particular fast growing crop, i.e. lettuce and herbs: very long "raceway" ponds are calculated so that the harvesting of one or more rafts coincides with the sowing of new ones.These raceways can be as long as 100 and 200 m. The main drawback of this system is the difficulty of bringing enough oxygen to the plant's roots. Another problem with DWC is plant support: the small pots do not give much stability. Insulation.


Low Impact Development :: One Community Pods. Low impact development housing is housing we consider for The Highest Good because it is more cost effective, lasts longer, and is built from resources that are readily available. Our goal is to operate as a think tank of sustainability and demonstrate the low-impact development of 7 different communal living mini-village models of 15-100 residences as examples and prototypes for self-sufficient and duplicable teacher/demonstration communities, villages and cities to be built around the world.

Each village model will represent a different ecobuild methodology that incorporates food production, sustainable energy, and ultra-affordable and eco-friendly living. The seven different eco-approaches we are planning include earthbag, straw bale, cob, adobe brick/earth block, subterranean construction, earthship and bottle home/reclaimed materials construction, and tree-houses. Click Here for Residency Projections POD #1 – Earthbag Construction POD #2 – Straw Bale Construction. Vertical Garden meets Aquaponics. This idea combines two of my favorite urban food growing solutions – vertical gardening, and aquaponics. Can they be friends? Of course they can! Charlie from Ecolicious in Sydney has been trialling a funky combo of these techniques in various urban gardens he’s been designing of late.

Vertical growing space of edible vegies and herbs, irrigated by a solar powered pump. Vertical food growing system with herbs and salad greens grown vertically, irrigated by fish pond water below the deck in an aquaponics array. Newly installed aquaponics system with vertical herbs and horizontal growbeds for vegetables, with the fishpond centre. © Ecolicious In the Aquaponics workshops that we run with Charlie in Sydney, it’s been clear that some students want to design and create vertical systems, to save space and to catch available light. The modular products that Charlie is now working with are one way to go about it, but there’s lots of scope for DIY vertical solutions here too. Vaguely related posts: 16 Foods That’ll Re-Grow from Kitchen Scraps. By Andy Whiteley Co-Founder of Wake Up World Looking for a healthy way to get more from your garden?

Like to know your food is free of the pesticides and other nasties that are often sprayed on commercial crops? Re-growing food from your kitchen scraps is a good way to do it! There’s nothing like eating your own home- grown vegies, and there are heaps of different foods that will re- grow from the scrap pieces that you’d normally throw out or put into your compost bin. It’s fun. Just remember … the quality of the “parent” vegetable scrap will help to determine the quality of the re-growth.

Leeks, Scallions, Spring Onions and Fennel You can either use the white root end of a vegetable that you have already cut, or buy a handful of new vegetables to use specifically for growing. Simply place the white root end in a glass jar with a little water, and leave it in a sunny position. Lemongrass Lemongrass grows just like any other grass. Within a week or so, new growth will start to appear. Ginger. Aquaponics and other 'liberty technologies' the focus of the Health Ranger on the Alex Jones Show this Thursday.

(NaturalNews) The article which originally appeared here has been removed because it is no longer aligned with the science-based investigative mission of Natural News. In late 2013 / early 2014, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of Natural News, transitioned from outspoken activist to environmental scientist. He now runs the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, conducting world-class food science research and publishing scientific papers on food contaminants and nutritional analytics. Through scientific investigation powered by university-level analytical instrumentation, Adams found that, much like the majority of the population, he had been suffering over the past several years from chronic exposure to cumulative toxic elements found in the food supply, including in many organics and "superfoods.

" Notably, Adams found that exposure to toxic elements in foods altered his mindset, outlook on life and degree of happiness in the world. "Everything is at stake. . • Scientific papers.