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Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age - David Livingstone. A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson. Hairdressser Vidal Sassoon's fascist fighting past. Vidal Sassoon. Chapman Pincher. Henry Chapman Pincher (29 March 1914 – 5 August 2014) was an English journalist, historian, and novelist whose writing mainly focused on espionage and related matters, after some early books on scientific subjects.[1][2] Early life[edit] Pincher was born in Ambala, Punjab, to English parents.

Chapman Pincher

Chapman Pincher - obituary. It is a story that sheds light on Pincher’s life in that (typically) he had been shooting; someone bore him a profound grudge; an influential colleague helped him; and he presented it as a tale of Bondish espionage with himself at the heart of it.

Chapman Pincher - obituary

The son of a major in the East Surrey Regiment, Henry (Harry) Chapman Pincher was born in Ambala, India, on March 29 1914. He was educated at Darlington Grammar School and King’s College, London, taking a BSc in Botany and Zoology. He was on the staff of the Liverpool Institute before joining the Royal Armoured Corps in 1940. The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz : Denis Avey, Rob Broomby : 9781444714197. This is a most important book, and a timely reminder of the dangers that face any society once intolerance and racism take hold.

The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz : Denis Avey, Rob Broomby : 9781444714197

Sir Martin Gilbert This memoir is an important contribution to a terrible chapter in history. Daily Express Denis is a hero in time of terror, a man of limitless moral and physical courage. Henry Kamm, New York Times correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner 'This is the most amazing Holocaust memoir it's been my good fortune to read...this is a beautiful, uplifting book about a real ben adom, a mensch, who saw evil and, instead of averting his eyes, did what he could to help the victims'. Washington Jewish Week an excellent memoir of survival. Publishers Weekly A unique war story from a brave man.

Black Flags: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of the Islamic State : Joby Warrick : 9780385538213. A revealing, riveting and exquisitely detailed account of the life and death of Zarqawi, the improbable terrorist mastermind, and the rise of the movement now known as the Islamic State (also known as ISIS).

Black Flags: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of the Islamic State : Joby Warrick : 9780385538213

"San Francisco Chronicle" "A detailed, step-by-step narrative demonstrating how repeated miscalculations by the United States, Arab leaders and al-Qaeda wound up empowering the Islamic State ... "Black Flags"provides answers in this still-unfolding history of what happens when religious radicals try to outdo one another for the mantle of God s favorite. " Their Trade is Treachery: The Full, Unexpurgated Truth About the Russian Penetration of the World's Secret Defences : Harry Chapman Pincher : 9781849547833. Zed-books.blogspot. Thejudeorussianmafia. David Bowie was 'in deep fear' at end of cancer battle, Ivo van Hove reveals. Le GIGN va être doté de quatre nouveaux pelotons d'intervention.

TERRORISME - Quatre nouveaux pelotons d'intervention interrégionaux de gendarmerie (PI2G), antennes régionales du GIGN, vont être créés afin de renforcer "le rôle fondamental" de la gendarmerie dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, a annoncé lundi 11 janvier le ministre de l'Intérieur Bernard Cazeneuve.

Le GIGN va être doté de quatre nouveaux pelotons d'intervention

Adolf Hitler DID fake death after WW2 then flew to TENERIFE. Using a collection of never-before-seen documents, the team claim to have proof Hitler did not kill himself in his underground bunker at the end of the Second World War.

Adolf Hitler DID fake death after WW2 then flew to TENERIFE

Instead, the investigators believe Hitler faked his own death before scarpering to the Canary Islands to live out his days in the sunshine. CIA veteran Bob Baer said: "The narrative the government gives us is a lie. if you look at the FBI files it throws open the investigation. What the U.S. Elite Really Thinks About Israel, by Jeffrey Blankfort. CFR Logo The Council on Foreign Relations is always near the top of the Left’s list of bogeymen that stand accused of pulling the strings of US foreign policy.

What the U.S. Elite Really Thinks About Israel, by Jeffrey Blankfort

It is right up there with the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission, right? Wrong. If that was the case, those arguing that US support for Israel is based on it being a "strategic asset" will have a hard time explaining a Pew Research Center survey on America’s Place in the World, taken of 642 CFR members between October 2 and November 16. The Pew poll not only reveals that the overwhelming majority, two-thirds of the members of this elite foreign policy institution, believes that the United States has gone overboard in favoring Israel, it doesn’t consider Israel to have have much importance to the US in the first place. Account of the Trial of John W. Hinckley, Jr. The verdict of "not guilty" for reason of insanity in the 1982 trial of John Hinckley, Jr. for his attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan stunned and outraged many Americans.

Account of the Trial of John W. Hinckley, Jr.

An ABC News poll taken the day after the verdict showed 83% of those polled thought "justice was not done" in the Hinckley case. Some people--without much evidence--attributed the verdict to an anti-Reagan bias on the part the Washington, D. C. jury of eleven blacks and one white. Many more people, however, blamed a legal system that they claimed made it too easy for juries to return "not guilty" verdicts in insanity cases--despite the fact that such pleas were made in only 2% of felony cases and failed over 75% of the time.

Public pressure resulting from the Hinckley verdict spurred Congress and most states into enacting major reforms of laws governing the use of the insanity defense. Two things about Al Haig that are not in his obituary, by Wayne Madsen. There are two things that the corporate media will not report about former Secretary of State and consummate Washington insider Alexander Haig, who died on February 20 at age 86.

Two things about Al Haig that are not in his obituary, by Wayne Madsen

Watergate Scandal: 1974 President Richard M. Nixon meets in the Oval Office with Vice President Gerald R. Ford, Secretary of State Henry A. Terrorisme : en 2016, un "11 Septembre européen" ? Attentats de Paris: "Bouzid" et "Kayal" contrôlaient les assaillants depuis Bruxelles. Belgique Les enquêteurs estiment que "Bouzid" et "Kayal" contrôlaient de Bruxelles les assaillants.

Attentats de Paris: "Bouzid" et "Kayal" contrôlaient les assaillants depuis Bruxelles

Les enquêteurs belges sont quasi certains d’avoir identifié les deux personnes basées en Belgique avec qui les auteurs des attentats de Paris ont longuement échangé des SMS dans la soirée du 13 novembre 2015. Ce n’est pas une surprise : il s’agit des deux hommes qui font l’objet d’un avis de recherche lancé dès le 4 décembre dernier, indique une source proche de l’enquête à "La Libre Belgique". Questions troublantes sur la tuerie du Connecticut. La tuerie du Connecticut serait-elle un coup monté ? C’est ce qu’il est permis de se demander au vu de l’écart considérable entre la version officielle, et les faits rapportés par certains observateurs. Beaucoup de questions viennent à l’esprit, et il est peu probable qu’on ait des réponses convaincantes de la part des autorités. Et si les vierges célestes du Coran n'étaient que fruits blancs ? LES ÉRUDITS paraissent inoffensifs.

On les imagine préoccupés de questions très obscures, inaccessibles au commun des mortels. Une épée romaine a été trouvée sur l'île aux Chênes au Canada. Traduit par Veritas Europe Certes, Christophe Colomb n'a pas découvert l'Amérique... une épée romaine retrouvée sur L'île aux Chênes (« Oak Island » en anglais), une île du comté de Lunemburg au sud de la province de la Nouvelle-Écosse au Canada, pourrait bel et bien refaire l'histoire. Cette épée romaine relance le débat autour de la découverte des Etats Unis d’Amérique. POLITIQUE ET ÉCO N°71 - PIERRE JOVANOVIC : LA CATASTROPHE FINANCIÈRE IMMINENTE. Habib al-Shartouni: Striking the Head of Collaboration. Habib al-Shartouni, who was convicted for the assassination of Bashir Gemayel after the Lebanese parliament elected him president under the gun-barrels of Israeli tanks in 1982, wants to break the silence in which he has shrouded himself for years.

Since escaping from Roumieh prison in the wake of the collapse of General Michel Aoun’s government in 1990, Shartouni has shunned media and political attention. He spends his time at an undisclosed location with his family, and in reading and writing, while closely following the news from Lebanon and the rest of Arab world and developments in Palestine. أعظم شاعر عند الدولة اللبنانية يعبد إسرائيل‬‎ Lebanese Civil War 1982. July 24, 1982 Bechir Gemayel announced his candidacy for the presidency of the Republic.

July 27, 1982 On the eve of the return to Beirut of the US envoy, and the opening of the conference of the Arab Committee, Israel bombed West Beirut. The Palestinian forces retorted by shelling East Beirut. 112 deaths and 232 injuries were reported so far. August 1, 1982 The occupation of West Beirut turned into an annihilation war. Violent attacks killed 165 persons and wounded 400 others. August 6, 1982 The Accra building occupied by refugees collapsed during an Israeli air raid on Beirut, provoking the death of 250 persons. August 19, 1982 French, Italian, and American contingents were on their way to Lebanon. Signs of Conflict - Exhibits - Online Exhibitions - Themes, Icons & Signs.

Martyrdom is an omnipresent theme characterizing the subject matter of a large number of wartime posters. The age-old language of martyrdom is laden with emotional symbols of courage, self-sacrifice, nobility, and righteousness. While the glorification of martyrs has mostly been attributed to historical leaders, the posters presented in this section praise the partisans fallen during the course of the war. In their most basic function, martyr posters act as public obituaries. Habib Shartouni. Habib Tanious Shartouni (born April 24, 1958) (Arabic: حبيب الشرتوني‎) is the alleged assassin of the Lebanese president-elect Bachir Gemayel.[1] Early life[edit] Habib Tanious Shartouni, a Maronite, was born in a small village called Shartoun in Aley Mount Lebanon.

In the early 1970s, only few years before the outbreak of the civil war, he was inspired and became affiliated with the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP). When the Lebanese Civil War broke out, he volunteered to serve in one of the SSNP stations in Aley.[2] Lebanese Forces : Historical Fact: The Assassination of Bashir Gemayel. On September 14, 1982 while Bachir was speaking in his sister's convent, a twenty-six year old Lebanese man named Habib Tanous Chartouni was performing one last check on the massive bomb -450 pounds of TNT- that he had planted the night before in a room on the second floor, directly above the central meeting hall of the Phalange party headquarters in Achrafieh.

The detonator was a highly sophisticated Japanese device designed to set off an explosion from a distance of several miles away. According to Lebanese intelligence sources, the device was supplied by or through Bulgaria, which often acted on behalf of the Soviets in such matters. Chartouni, a Christian, encountered no difficulty entering the building. Independenza webtv s'entretient avec Adrien Abauzit : "L'anti-France est au pouvoir" Jérémo ✡ن (@jeremo12) Detection of Silent (Stealth) SMS Type 0 · Issue #69 · SecUpwN/Android-IMSI-Catcher-Detector. La sécurité à Charlie Hebdo était une «passoire»: la veuve du garde du corps de Charb porte plainte.

La plainte, révélée lundi notamment par L’Éveil Normand, un hebdomadaire régional dont Ingrid Brinsolaro est rédactrice en chef, a été déposée auprès du procureur de Paris, François Molins, pour « homicide involontaire aggravé par la violation manifestement délibérée d’une obligation particulière de prudence ou de sécurité imposée par la loi ou le règlement en application des articles 121-3 et 221-6 du code pénal ». « Je veux savoir pourquoi mon mari n’a pas eu les moyens de faire son travail. Depuis un an, je pose des questions et je n’ai pas de réponse », affirme Ingrid Brinsolaro dans l’hebdomadaire.

Le Programme HAARP : science ou désastre ? Sur un site du département américain de la défense (DoD) à Gakona, en Alaska, l'U.S. Rss. Hillary Clinton promet d'enquêter sur les ovnis si elle accède à la Maison-Blanche. Interrogée sur ses convictions sur les extra-terrestres, la candidate à l'investiture démocrate n'a pas perdu son sens de l'humour et a rappelé que plusieurs membres de son entourage étaient passionnés par la question. Il n'y a pas de sotte question lorsque l'on fait campagne. Les terroristes n'étaient pas drogués. Les expertises toxicologiques pratiquées sur les neuf auteurs des attaques et la cousine d'Abaaoud indiquent qu’ils n’avaient consommé ni alcool ni stupéfiants avant de passer à l’acte, révèle Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France.

Marcel Violet. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Yves de Kersauson de Pennendreff. Constantin, empereur chrétien. R.I.P Ian Murdock, Founder of Debian Linux, Dead at 42 : sysadmin. Naomi Wolf On The Dangers Of Porn Addiction And The 'Kink Spiral' Terror attack on Cafe Leopold. Main RSS Feed. How Studying Stoned People Can Unlock Secrets of Paranoid Thinking. The Hidden Intelligence Breakdowns Behind the Mumbai Terrorist Attacks. StartPage Search Engine. Lightonconspiracies. Lightonconspiracies. Le terroriste inculpé pour les attentats de Mumbai travaillait en réalité pour les USA. F.B.I : La fabrique de faux complots terroristes à tout prix.

David Headley. 2008 Mumbai attacks. Mumbai horror revisited: 26/11 pattern in Paris attacks. Alleged Mumbai attack ringleader gets Bollywood spy film banned in Pakistan. The Hidden Intelligence Breakdowns Behind the Mumbai Attacks. David Headley. Hotel Taj hijacked by the terrorists during 26/11 terror attack. Confessions of Ajmal Kasab the 26/11 Pakistani terrorist.

Le pouvoir et le complot. Avant-guerre civile. Death Squads in Global Perspective: Murder With Deniability - Bruce B. Campbell, Arthur David Brenner. The 20th Kingdom of Daniel: The Kingdom of the Anti-Christ (English Edition) eBook: David A. Duke: Boutique Kindle. The Book of Enoch eBook: Enoch, John Smith: Boutique Kindle. PROPHECY: Common Questions, Uncommon Answers (English Edition) eBook: David A. Duke: Boutique Kindle. NASA Space Resources: Volume 2 - Energy, Power, and Transport (English Edition) eBook: Mary Fae Mckay, David S. Mckay, Michael B. Duke, NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): Boutique Kindle. NASA Space Resources: Volume 1: Scenarios (English Edition) eBook: Mary Fae Mckay, David S. Mckay, Michael B. Duke, NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): Boutique Kindle.

NASA Space Resources: Volume 4 - Social Concerns (English Edition) eBook: Mary Fae Mckay, David S. Mckay, Michael B. Duke, NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): Boutique Kindle. Who Created God? – The Secret History of "Spirit-Force" Leaderless resistance. Leaderless Resistance. Leaderless resistance today. Rss2. - The Website of Political Research Associates. Leadership vs. Leaderless Resistance: The Militant White Separatist Movement’s Operating Model. An Interview with Jay Courtney Fikes By Sandy McIntosh.

Psychedelic Intelligence - C.I.A. & The Counterculture. CIA, MK Ultra & Origins Of Acid Counter Culture, Jan Irvin, Joe Atwill 16May2013. CIA, FBI, NSA Secret Covert Psychological Experiments - MK Ultra, New Phoenix, ELF Waves. Counter Intelligence. With Adam Gorightly ~ The Plane Truth - PTS 3084. C.I.A., MK-ULTRA & The 60's Counter-Culture. David McGowan - Covert Ops Behind the Hippie Dream. Christopher Knowles - The Mystery Origins of Modern Music. Black Nobility, Manufactured Counterculture of 60's and 70's and NWO. Amazon. A Dark Muse: A History of the Occult: Gary Lachman: 9781560256564: Books. Revolutionaries of the Soul: Reflections on Magicians, Philosophers, and Occultists: Gary Lachman: 9780835609265: Books.

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream: David McGowan, Nick Bryant: 9781909394124: Books. The Space Race: Project Mercury. Des élites coupées du peuple et incapables de le protéger. Judéité, racisme et métissage. CCN – UnSpun 006 – Prof. Jay Fikes - Weaponized Anthropology & Manufactured Religion. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled.