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Mr. Curry's Biology Page - Survival of the Sneakiest Cartoon. Mr.

Mr. Curry's Biology Page - Survival of the Sneakiest Cartoon

Curry's Biology Page Welcome to the exciting world of biology! Home Info Lessons Videos Labs LGDs and Vocabulary Sep 07 2012 Survival of the Sneakiest Cartoon Published by tcurry1977 Survival of the Sneakiest discussion No responses yet Trackback URI | Comments RSS Leave a Reply Create an Edublogs Account or login to include your Website or link when commenting. To prove you're a person (not a spam script), type the security word shown in the picture. Categories Uncategorized (119) Archives September 2012 (13) August 2012 (12) May 2012 (9) April 2012 (9) March 2012 (9) Jack Horner: Building a dinosaur from a chicken. Natural selection. Evolution Lesson Plans: Natural Selection Evidence, Darwin Theory. Education & Outreach: Curriculum Resources. Curriculum Resources On this page we have compiled resources for educators to use in the classroom.

Education & Outreach: Curriculum Resources

The first section consists of modules developed at NESCent. "Other Curriculum Resources" includes a list of various resources ranging from single lessons, to books, to computer simulations. The "Audio and Video Lecture" section has links to single lectures, interviews, and science shows. Some are are audio only while others include video.

Curriculum Resources by NESCent Other Curriculum Resources Suggested Textbooks and Reviews Reading List Video and Audio Lecture Collection Curriculum Resources by NESCent Influenza Virus: A tiny moving target Level: High School Time: 2-3 50 minute periods Overview: The potential of a new flu pandemic is a frightening idea. Click here to view "The influenza virus life cycle", an interactive presentation. Re-wilding North America Level: High School, Introductory College Biology Time: Two to three 45 minute class periods NPR Science Friday Interview with Josh Donlan. MUSE - Natural Selection - Course Overview and Materials. Unit Overview The Natural Selection unit described on this site was developed for use with 11th and 12th grade students.

MUSE - Natural Selection - Course Overview and Materials

If implemented as described here it will require seven to nine weeks of daily 45 minute instructional periods. The main focus of this unit is the development, use, and extension of the natural selection model. The materials for the Natural Selection unit are organized into four sections: 1. Within each of these sections there are two or more instructional materials related to the main learning outcomes of that section. Unit Materials. Candy Dish Selection. Overview: In this lesson students become unwitting subjects in a demonstration of natural selection.

Candy Dish Selection

Students select candies from a bowl and have an opportunity to think about what traits brought about the “survival” of some candies. Lesson Concepts: Not every feature is an adaptation. Adaptations often persist in a population because they are in some way advantageous. Adaptations are preserved in a population by natural selection. Grade Span: 9–12 Materials: Variety of candies—has to include popular ones and unpopular ones (try black licorice). Advance Preparation: — Prepare a list of the candies and their initial abundance in the candy dish. Eogsummer_resources_2011. Evolution 2011: A Workshop for Educators Resources Contents Monday Science Standards Nature of Science Policies and Reports Geology and Deep Time Tuesday Biodiversity Variation: Genotype to phenotype Evo Devo Wednesday Coevolution Human Evolution Selection Thursday Tree Thinking Simulations Friday.
