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Document. Persevere-framework. Persevere is an open source set of tools for persistence and distributed computing using an intuitive standards-based JSON interfaces of HTTP REST, JSON-RPC, JSONPath, and REST Channels.


The core of the Persevere project is the Persevere Server. The Persevere server includes a Persevere JavaScript client, but the standards-based interface is intended to be used with any framework or client. The Persevere Server is an object storage engine and application server (running on Java/Rhino) that provides persistent data storage of dynamic JSON data in an interactive server side JavaScript environment with the following key features: Persevere JavaScript Client is a persistent object mapping framework for JavaScript in the browser, which allows programmers to access, traverse, and manipulate persisted objects graphs easily with standard JavaScript syntax and intuitive Persistent JavaScript (PJS) API.

MongoDB {name:"mongo",type:"DB"} Developer's Guide - Google AJAX Search API - Google Code. Note: The Google Web Search API has been officially deprecated as of November 1, 2010.

Developer's Guide - Google AJAX Search API - Google Code

It will continue to work as per our deprecation policy, but the number of requests you may make per day will be limited. Therefore, we encourage you to move to Custom Search, which provides an alternative solution. This documentation is designed for people familiar with Javascript programming and object-oriented programming concepts. There are many Javascript tutorials available on the Web The easiest way to start learning about this API is to see a simple example.