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Learn How | Knit Simple Magazine. First Fall 2012. Knitting Yarn, Books, Patterns, Needles & Accessories. Citron shawl - Knitty: Winter 2009. CENTER CO 3 sts. K 6 rows. At end of 6th row, do not turn work. Rotate piece 90 degrees clockwise; pick up and k 3 sts (1 st in each garter st ridge) along adjacent edge of piece. Rotate piece again, 90 degrees clockwise; pick up and k 3 sts (1 st in each CO st) along CO edge. 9 sts. Row 1 [WS]: K3, place marker, p3, place marker, k3. SHAWL BODY Note: In all directions that follow, “work in pattern” means to work in stockinette st, maintaining first and last 3 sts in garter st as set. In the sequence of rows below, Rows 1-7 will form a ruched band. First Section: Row 1 [RS]: K3, [kfb] in each st to next marker, k3. 60 sts.

For each section below, work Rows 1-20 as for the first section, EXCEPT that the Increase Rows (Rows 9 and 19) will be worked differently. Third Section: Row 1: 252 sts. Fourth Section: Row 1: 348 sts. Fifth Section: Row 1: 444 sts. Note: To change size of shawl, more or fewer sections may be worked. One Row Lace Scarf pattern by Turvid.