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Apocalypse POW! An Open Letter to Jon Bon Jovi On What’s Really “Killing The Music Business” An Open Letter to Jon Bon Jovi On What’s Really “Killing The Music Business” Hi Jon, When my wife—a huge and long-time Bon Jovi fan—asked me to spend over $300 for two floor seat tickets to your Valentine’s Day show in Toronto, there were two reasons that I said yes. First, I really love my wife, and would do almost anything for her. Second, I looked through my iTunes collection and realized that there were more good Bon Jovi songs inside than there were for most of the musicians I “love.” To be totally honest with you, the concert was great. But now you’re putting our happy memories in jeopardy. . (1) My wife has carried around all of your albums (and many more) on Steve Jobs’ Apple devices since she bought her first iPod years ago. . (2) When we got married, her music collection became mine and vice-versa. . (3) We attended your concert in Toronto a month ago.

Jon, you lead the world’s top-earning touring band, which made $146.5 million on its last tour alone. Taken on an iPhone 4 Best, Jeremy. Why is aspirin toxic to cats? | Not Exactly Rocket Science. One animal’s cure can be another animal’s poison. Take aspirin – it’s one of the most popular drugs on the market and we readily use it as a painkiller. But cats are extremely sensitive to aspirin, and even a single extra-strength pill can trigger a fatal overdose. Vets will sometimes prescribe aspirin to cats but only under very controlled doses. The problem is that cats can’t break down the drug effectively. Now, Binu Shrestha from the Tufts University School of Medicine has found that cats may have developed their strange sensitivity because of their lifestyle as specialist hunters. Our livers break down aspirin using a protein called UGT1A6, encoded by a gene of the same name.

This is an old problem. But this problem isn’t limited to cats. The gene was active and serviceable in other groups of meat-eaters, including the other three hyenas, dogs, bears, mongooses and racoons. But if an animal’s menu consists largely of meat, it has little use for these anti-plant defences. Mental Floss. 31 Acronyms and Initials All Spelled Out. For the past few weeks, every time I saw an acronym or initials, I took a picture. You know the brands, authors, and pieces of legislation, but do you know what all those letters stand for? BMW means Bayerische Motoren Werke, which translates to "Bavarian Motor Works. " * 2. The company was founded by Leon Leonwood Bean CVS originally stood for Consumer Value Stores. Those letters on seemingly every zipper stand for Yoshida K?

The A and W of A&W are (Roy) Allen and (Frank) Wright 6. M&M’s stands for Mars & Murrie’s, the last names of the candy’s founders. 3M is a shorter, snazzier way to say Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing HSBC stands for Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation You probably know TCBY means The Country's Best Yogurt, but it didn't always. 10. Kresge is the K in Kmart, for founder Sebastian S. 11. DSW is short for Designer Shoe Warehouse, which makes DSW Shoes the ATM machine and PIN number of the retail footwear game 12.

James Cash Penney Columbia Broadcasting System. 16. 11 “Modern Antiques” Today’s Kids Have Probably Never Seen. Even though I'm fairly ancient, I've never seen a Model T outside of a classic auto show. So I realize that there are many things that have been obsolete since the elastic waistband was invented and would confound anyone under age 70. But what about some common items that have come and gone within the last 30 or so years? See how many of these you recognize, and how many of them would puzzle your kids or grandkids. 1. 45 rpm Record Adapter Seven-inch singles produced in the US had a large half-dollar size hole in the center, unlike the tiny hole punched in LPs that fit conveniently onto a turntable spindle. 2. Those good ol' fashioned metal roller skates that strapped onto your shoes were useless if you didn't have a skate key on hand to adjust them. 3.

Many a barbecue and tailgate party was ruined in the pre-pop top days when it was discovered that no one had remembered to bring a church key to the proceedings. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 6 Comic Con-troversies. With the New York Comic Con under way, we thought we’d remind you that these brilliant, geeky get-togethers can mean more than just costumes and coveted signatures on first-edition books. Here are a few of the scandals that rocked (or gently nudged) Comic Cons across the country this past year. God Hates Geeks in Superhero Costumes? At the massive Comic Con in San Diego last year, assembled geeks gave Fred Phelps’ hate-mongering Westboro Baptist Church a run for its money. When church members—who’ve earned the dubious distinction of being so radical that even the Ku Klux Klan has disavowed any association with them—showed up to protest alleged immorality and rampant homosexuality amidst convention-goers, they were greeted by a throng of nerds dressed as superheroes, robots, Trekkies and anime girls staging a counter protest.

[Photo credit: ComicsAlliance. The Resident Evil Fan With the Pen in the Auditorium Master of Disguise "Insider" Exposed No Cape, No Service He Is the Lizard King. 11 Geeky License Plates. Who doesn't love a good vanity plate? You know, the ones where people clearly put in a lot of creative effort to express themselves while simultaneously getting a rise out of other drivers on the road. Here are 11 I found particularly witty. Oh, and the last one on the list really does go to 11... Have a favorite? As always, let us know in the comments below. Likewise, if you've seen a geeky one out on the roads, or even own one, we want to hear about it! See Also... 11 Controversial Vanity Plates.

TDW Geeks. Charlie Brown Meets Cthulhu of the Day. Most Upvoted 920 votes Viral Video of the Day: The Futility of Existence 861 votes Disney Doesn't Understand Pirates 738 votes Classic: One Bad Turn Deserves Another 659 votes Fail of the Day: This Guy Might Just be the Worst Contestant Ever on Wheel of Fortune 792 votes This Teen Learns the Hard Way Not to Joke About a Terrorist Attack on Twitter Yoshi Wants to Be Greninja Favorite Tags By TheAlwaysWrongGuy (Via: null) Share: 52 Share on twitter Share on google_plusone_share Share on pinterest_share Share on stumbleupon Share on reddit Share on email null 18 Comments See more at null I Can't Wait For The Swimsuit Competition Favorite Via: starfishface Share: 47 5 Comments The Amazing Animation Tattoo Art of Nika Samarina Favorite Via: NikaSamarina Share: 36 6 Comments See more at WIN!

Dark Souls in a Nutshell Favorite View Fullscreen By garsedj Share: 78 14 Comments Don't Hate Us Cause We're Beautiful Favorite By Uponit86 (Via: null) Share: 33 87 Comments Batman's 75th Anniversary Short Favorite Via: DC Entertainment Share: 56. Gender-Bent Justice League of the Day. Comics blogs.