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A Quick Gratitude Trick for You | Happiness Realization. Happiness Realization. Foot Chakra. If it isn’t working right… Do you feel ungrounded? Do you have trouble keeping focused on the things you are trying to accomplish? Do your thoughts always seem to be up in the clouds, wandering here and there, unable to stick to one thing long enough to actually accomplish anything? Do you think of yourself as clumsy, tripping often on bumps in what you thought was a flat ground? It’s easy to forget the feet. Like all chakra problems, a weak foot chakra produces results as subtle as the more desirable results of a healthy one.

The major symptom of a weak foot chakra, though, is lack of material stability. When it is working right… You feel confident and secure. In the long term, keeping your foot chakra at its top energy means job advancement, job and life satisfaction, and money in the bank. Chakra characteristics… Color: A rich, earthy brown. The foot chakra is usually broad and flat, like a wooden manhole cover on which you stand. Chakra Health Hey, guess what? Meditation. Living Chakras. Six right livelihood guidelines. Religion: Paganism. Runes, Alphabet of Mystery. 10 simple mindfulness exercises — All Considering. I was eating at an Ethiopian restaurant yesterday. For those not familiar with that cuisine, the food is served on thin pancakes and one is supposed to eat one’s dinner with the right hand. For me it was a painful exercise in overcoming my conditionings. The table went quiet: a measure of the concentration we all needed to not eat warm food with knife and fork.

We were suddenly fully there: eating. In this post I’m stepping away from the abstract philosophical to the practical every day. One of the ways we complicate our lives is by lack of mindfulness, not being ‘in the moment’. Sometimes this is OK. The exercises below are meant for those times when you are so fluttered you bump into doors and chairs, for instance. Mind your feet while you’re grocery shopping. In all these cases the point isn’t to beat yourself over the head if you can’t do it consistently. If you liked that, you may also like these mindfulness calendars and mindfulness books. Audio Dharma - Welcome to Audio Dharma. Tibetan Buddhist Internet Radio.