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Getting Started with Tastypie — Tastypie 0.9.11 documentation. Tastypie is a reusable app (that is, it relies only on its own code and focuses on providing just a REST-style API) and is suitable for providing an API to any application without having to modify the sources of that app.

Getting Started with Tastypie — Tastypie 0.9.11 documentation

Not everyone’s needs are the same, so Tastypie goes out of its way to provide plenty of hooks for overriding or extending how it works. This tutorial assumes that you have a basic understanding of Django as well as how proper REST-style APIs ought to work. We will only explain the portions of the code that are Tastypie-specific in any kind of depth. For example purposes, we’ll be adding an API to a simple blog application. Here is myapp/ Interpreted Languages: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby (Sheet One) - Hyperpolyglot.

A side-by-side reference sheet sheet one: version | grammar and execution | variables and expressions | arithmetic and logic | strings | regexes | dates and time | arrays | dictionaries | functions | execution control | exceptions | threads sheet two: streams | asynchronous events | files | file formats | directories | processes and environment | option parsing | libraries and namespaces | objects | inheritance and polymorphism | reflection | net and web | gui | databases | unit tests | logging | debugging sheet two: streams | asynchronous events | files | directories | processes and environment | option parsing | libraries and namespaces | objects | inheritance and polymorphism | reflection | net and web | gui | databases | unit tests | logging | debugging version used The versions used for testing code in the reference sheet.

Interpreted Languages: PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby (Sheet One) - Hyperpolyglot

