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Une voiture piratée à distance par des hackers. TECHNOLOGIE - Les voitures connectées, c'est bien.

Une voiture piratée à distance par des hackers

Mais à une certaine échelle, cela peut devenir dangereux. En témoigne l'expérience menée par un journaliste américain du site spécialisé Wired qui a vu sa Jeep échapper littéralement à son contrôle alors qu'il était au volant. Publiée mardi 21 juillet, la vidéo de cette expérience (en tête d'article et en anglais) montre comment deux hackers parviennent à infiltrer le système d'exploitation de cette Jeep Cherokee dernière génération. L'objectif de Charlie Miller et Chris Valasek, les deux "pirates" en question, est de montrer que la technologie embarquée à bord des nouveaux véhicules comporte des risques et qu'il sera question à l'avenir de s'en protéger.

Apple Watch. How to Control Multiple Computers with a Single Keyboard and Mouse. How Do You Create A Culture Of Innovation? This is the third part in a series by Scott Anthony, author of The Little Black Book Of Innovation.

How Do You Create A Culture Of Innovation?

It sounds so seductive: a “culture of innovation.” The three words immediately conjure up images of innovation savants like 3M, Pixar, Apple, and Google--the sorts of places where innovation isn’t an unnatural act, but part of the very fabric of a company. It seems a panacea to many companies that struggle with innovation. But what exactly is a culture of innovation, and how does a company build it? While culture is a complicated cocktail, four ingredients propel an organization forward: the right people, appropriate rewards and incentives, a common language, and leadership role-modeling. The Innovator’s DNA Has Four Components If you ask most people what makes a great innovator, the most common response is innate gifts from parents or a higher power. At the core is what the professors call “associational thinking.” Questioning: Asking probing questions that impose or remove constraints.

iRing - The first motion controller for all your music apps and more. Take Control Now control your music apps and effects without touching your device with the iRing™ touchless controller for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

iRing - The first motion controller for all your music apps and more

The new iRing uses hand gestures to control parameters of effects and other items in your music apps, allowing you to create stunning and dramatic music in an incredibly fun way by simply moving your hands in front of your device. iRing uses patented advanced image-recognition, motion control and precise geometric positioning technology to give you control of assignable parameters within your apps. It uses the front-facing camera on your device to determine the exact position of the wearable rings, and recognizes and tracks the movement of the linear or triangular patterned iRing “rings” allowing you to control up to six parameters at a time. Nanowire battery can hold 10 times the charge of existing lithium-ion battery. Stanford Report, December 18, 2007 Courtesy Nature Nanotechnology Photos taken by a scanning electron microscope of silicon nanowires before (left) and after (right) absorbing lithium.

Nanowire battery can hold 10 times the charge of existing lithium-ion battery

Both photos were taken at the same magnification. The work is described in “High-performance lithium battery anodes using silicon nanowires,” published online Dec. 16 in Nature Nanotechnology. Stanford researchers have found a way to use silicon nanowires to reinvent the rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that power laptops, iPods, video cameras, cell phones, and countless other devices. The new technology, developed through research led by Yi Cui, assistant professor of materials science and engineering, produces 10 times the amount of electricity of existing lithium-ion, known as Li-ion, batteries. "It's not a small improvement," Cui said. The greatly expanded storage capacity could make Li-ion batteries attractive to electric car manufacturers. Cui's battery gets around this problem with nanotechnology.

An Interactive Infographic Maps The Future Of Emerging Technology. Can speculation about the future of technology serve as a measuring stick for what we create today?

An Interactive Infographic Maps The Future Of Emerging Technology

That’s the idea behind Envisioning Technology's massive infographic (PDF), which maps the future of emerging technologies on a loose timeline between now and 2040. Click to enlarge. On it you’ll find predictions about everything from artificial intelligence and robotics to geoengineering and energy. Mouse over the entries for blurbs describing them and links to more information; you won’t find much more than a Wikipedia page explanation, but that’s plenty helpful for the uninitiated. In 30 years, it will also be a great reference for where we thought we might end up. Breakthrough Nanotechnology Will Bring 100 Terabyte 3.5-inch Digital Data...

Have you ever dream of 100 terabyte of data per 3.5-inch disk?

Breakthrough Nanotechnology Will Bring 100 Terabyte 3.5-inch Digital Data...

New patented innovation nanotechnology from Michael E. Thomas, president of Colossal Storage Corporation, makes it real. Michael invented and patented the world's first and only concept for non-contact UV photon induced electric field poling of ferroelectric non-linear photonic bandgap crystals, which offers the possibility of controlling and manipulating light within a UV/Deep Blue frequency of 1 nm to 400 nm. It took him 14 years to find a practical conceptualization that would work to advance the storage industry; 3D Volume Holographic Optical Storage Nanotechnology, for which Michael holds the patents. He was invited to present this fascinating discovery to the National Science Foundation in February 2004. • Join on Facebook!

The expected cost of the Atomic Holographic DVR disc drive will be from $570 to $750 with the replacement discs for $45. A 'light wand' that lets you create photo realistic images and animations in mid air.