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ICT Applications in Literacy

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PhotoPeach. BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLF. Your activity. Little Bird Tales - Home. Zooburst. Royalty Free Sound Effects (FX) Library for Download. ICT applications in Literacy. MP3 commentary Description: Produce audio commentaries to be played back by an individual on a portable audio device as they move around a particular location.

ICT applications in Literacy

Examples: a guide to an art exhibition in which artists describe their pictures and sculptures; a guide to accompany a local history walk with descriptive and explanatory speech pertinent to specific points on the walk. Resources Digital sound recording devices or computers with microphones. Presentations Use pictures, text or multimedia effectively to support oral presentations.

Interactive whiteboard. Reading without expression Use a talking word processor to illustrate how important expression is when reading aloud. Word processor with text-to-speech feature. Podcast Take any digitally recorded audio outcomes from pupils' work and share with a wider audience via the Internet.

Audio files may be simply uploaded to a website so that they may be downloaded manually by listeners. Resources: Peer review. For Mac Comic Life 3.5.14 – Release HistoryUpdated January 17th, 2020 Requires macOS 10.10.3 or later64-bit processor 1 GHz+ Intel Mac 1024 MB RAM (2 GB rec.) 384 MB of video RAM 300 MB of available disk space Minimum 1024×768 display (Mac older than macOS 10.10.13?

Download Comic Life 3.5.10 here.This version requires OS X 10.6.8+) Try Comic Life: 30 day free trial! Download or buy Comic Life 3, the app with everything you need to make a stunning comic from your own images. Try it for 30 days, on us, and then buy it from our plasq store and register the trial or grab it from the Mac App Store. And don’t forget our amazing educational pricing! Login - Register at ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! About and Apple Devices. Create Comics with Chogger. Comic Master. World's Best Way to Make & Share Comics.

Hero Up with our free games, comic strips and episodes! Animation For Education. Oscar Stringer. Collaborative writing software online with Writeboard. Write, share, revise, compare. Hello, We launched Writeboard back in October of 2005 as a stand-alone service.

Collaborative writing software online with Writeboard. Write, share, revise, compare.

A few years later we integrated Writeboards into Basecamp Classic and Backpack. Today, the vast majority of Writeboards are created inside those two products. As part of refocusing on Basecamp, we’ve decided to retire You’ll still be able to create Writeboards inside Basecamp Classic and Backpack, but you’ll no longer be able to start new stand-alone Writeboards here at But don’t worry — any Writeboards you already created here at will continue to work. Thanks to everyone who used over the years.

Onwards, Jason Fried, Founder & CEO, Basecamp. Primary Pad · Superfunky Collaborative Writing For Schools. Student Interactives. Wordle in the Classroom. Sign in - Diipo LLC. Podcasting for schools - the basics. Podcasting can help reach pupils that more traditional methods cannot.

Podcasting for schools - the basics

But how does it work? Podcasting is becoming a bit of a big deal in the internet world, doing for audio on the web what blogging has done for text - making the production and dissemination of audio available to all; putting the means of production in the hands of the many. For schools, it offers the chance to provide lessons and learning opportunities in a way more likely to engage students than more traditional methods and can help reach children outside the classroom (for whatever reason).

Podcasting isn't about to replace teachers, but it could help them out a little. The good news for the technophobics is that podcasts are (relatively) simple - the MP3 files generated by podcasters are relatively easy to create and don't require high-priced equipment, allowing teachers to record without a large investment of time or money by the school. So, in simple terms, how do you do it? Podcast Themes - Make your podcast stand out. Free Audio Editor and Recorder.

ICT for the non-specialist - podcasting.