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Quirky/romantic way to surprise my girl? - gesture girlfriend | Ask MetaFilter. 20 técnicas de composición que mejorarán sustancialmente todas tus fotografías. En nuestra época y desde hace varios años, la fotografía es una de las artes más a nuestro alcance y quizá por eso mismo más desaprovechadas. Por tener una cámara en nuestro smartphone podemos creer que basta con enfocar y disparar para tener una foto, y aunque esto es parcialmente cierto, cabría preguntarse si queremos nada más una imagen o si, por el contrario, nos gustaría tener fotografías que fueran un poco más allá de lo ordinario. A continuación compartimos una serie de consejos, técnicas y reglas posteadas originalmente por Barry O. Carroll en el sito Bored Panda pero que glosamos a nuestra manera para la comunidad de Pijama Surf. Si, como sugirió Italo Calvino, la fotografía es más bien arte para revivir una experiencia, quizá conocer y poner en práctica sus posibilidades nos acerque más a ese ejercicio estético y trascendente. 1. 2.

En otras condiciones, sin embargo, es posible aprovechar el centro de tu campo visual. 3. Nunca pierdas de vista los detalles. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. [TUTORIAL] How to release natural DMT - The Psychedelic Experience - Shroomery Message Board. Quote:Sitis said:I recently noticed the thread on a couple other forums talking about natural DMT from your brain, but I haven't seen anyone speak up on how to do this.

Well let me explain first that releasing DMT from your brain naturally IS possible and will require alot of patience and practice. Doing this is not just a matter of sitting cross legged meditating with your eyes closed focusing on your third eye. I just want to contribute a little to the community. So no need to flaming or anything if you don't believe me that's fine. Just be open minded.Here's the real deal folks.I am not going to give the secrets of what you can do with this, however I am going to give you the key to experience it. 12 consejos para aprender a hablar con desconocidos.

A no ser que seas un animal social, hablar con desconocidos suele ser un coñazo. Ya sea en el ascensor, en el primer día de tu nuevo trabajo o en una fiesta, tener que lidiar con gente nueva puede resultar muy estresante. Por ello, este hilo de Reddit nos ha resultado especialmente útil. En él, maestros de la charla trivial desvelan sus trucos para caerle bien al mundo. Lo que sigue es una recopilación de sus mejores consejos. 1. Hablale a todo el mundo como si hiciera años que os conocieseis. 2. La gran mayoría de personas se siente incómoda hablando con desconocidos. 3. Cuando conozcas a alguien, da por sentado que ya es amigo tuyo. 4. Es mucho más fácil empezar una conversación sobre algo que está en el mismo espacio que ambos compartís. 5.

A la gente le encanta hablar de sí misma. 6. Cuando decides que tus pensamientos, sentimientos y opiniones son más que suficientes, ganas confianza y seguridad. 7. 8. No hables de religión, política ni sexo. 9. 10. 11. 12. 15 Websites That Will Heighten Your Emotional Intelligence. When emotional intelligence (EQ) research arrived on the scene in the 90s, it proved that people of average-intelligence could outperform those with high intelligence. The stark reality? EQ trumped IQ as the key to success.

Nearly three decades later, EQ is what sets high performers apart, not to mention what keeps employees from writing open letters to their CEOs and getting fired a few hours later. So, where can a busy professional get some good resources to raise their EQ? While a Google search will land you over 61 million results, I'll simplify things with my own list of recommended resources, broken down into five categories. You're welcome. Articles 1. In this Harvard Business Review article, Emma Seppala, Science Director of Stanford University's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, tells you how to respond with more compassion the next time an employee blows it badly. 2. 3.

"7 Interview Questions That Determine Emotional Intelligence" Books 1. 2. 3. Videos 1. 2. Learn the Basics of Photoshop: The Complete Guide. How to Think of Quick Witted Comebacks: 18 Steps. Edit Article Things to Be Careful AboutWitticisms Edited by Flickety, Ben Rubenstein, Will, Glutted and 90 others Have you ever been in an argument in which your entire reputation among friends, family, or colleagues hinges on flinging a quick comeback at someone who has insulted or outwitted you? Being quick-witted with a comeback is a learned art and also involves being confident. Once you learn how to come up with quick comebacks, you'll be able to impress your friends -- and your enemies -- in no time. Ad Steps 1Develop quick thinking skills. 11Respect yourself and your opponent.

Method 1 of 2: Things to Be Careful About Wittiness comes with a price! 1Avoid swearing (or at least minimize it). 6Don't hold grudges. Method 2 of 2: Witticisms 1Find witticisms and remember them. Tips. How to Be Wittier: 6 Steps. Edit Article Being funny can be difficult, but being witty is even more challenging. To be witty, you have to be sharp, clever, and intelligent to boot. Your witty sense of humor should be able to make people crack up or just smirk to themselves. Whether you're already witty and hoping to hone your skills, or if you want to learn how to develop a witty sense of humor, just follow these easy tips and you'll be on your way.

Steps 1Learn from witty people. The easiest way to improve your wit is to study other people with admirable senses of humor. Community Q&A Ask a Question If this question (or a similar one) is answered twice in this section, please click here to let us know. Tips Being witty is one thing, but if you’re constantly sarcastic, it may be wise to tone it down, or people won't ever be able to take you seriously.Repetition is death to humor.

Article Info Categories: Personality Traits and Attributes In other languages: How Meditation Can Physically Change Your Brain. The world of meditation is a really interesting one. Due to it's well established roots in the mysticism of India and East-Asia, it usually comes hand-in-hand with other Eastern, practices and schools of thought like yoga, chi gung, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism etc. This makes it pretty inaccessible to the majority of westerners, particularly those who are non-religious, or who don't feel the need to explore Eastern religions and philosophies. Despite misconceptions though, meditation is not just a spiritual or religious practice. It's not about about good-feelings, wearing tunics, selling your earthly possessions or reaching Englightenment. Mindfulness Meditation is a powerful tool for continuous brain development and there are real, measurable, physical changes that take place in the brain of those who meditate regularly.

Here are just a few of the ways meditiation physically alters the brain for the better: Improved Alpha Brain-Wave Modulation Increased Cortical Thickness. How to Study: 13 Steps. Featured Article Categories: Featured Articles | Homework Skills In other languages: Italiano: Studiare, Español: estudiar, Deutsch: Richtig lernen, Português: Estudar, Français: étudier, Nederlands: Studeren, Русский: правильно учиться, 中文: 学习, Čeština: Jak se učit, العربية: المذاكرة, हिन्दी: पढ़ाई करें, Tiếng Việt: Học.


How to Develop a Photographic Memory. ASL Browser. Lucid Dreaming. The Top 10 Tips on Storytelling and Making an Impact. By Dr. Clare Albright All great communicators are great storytellers. Listeners are more open to receiving when they hear the message delivered in a story format - they can lower their walls and defenses because the message is coming to them in a safe and indirect way. Wherever you want to make an impact, tell a story! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. About the Author This piece was submitted by Dr. Related FeaturesTelling the TalesReading to Our Children Image: