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Learn ASP.NET in MVC Style: Part 1 - [Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 5] Table of Contents This article will cover the following topics: Introduction I've been programming for the last two years and I started my career with ASP.NET Web Forms.

Learn ASP.NET in MVC Style: Part 1 - [Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 5]

Reverse Engineering the Master Boot Record. One day, I was curious about how the computer system goes from booting to actually loading up an operating system.

Reverse Engineering the Master Boot Record

Obviously, it must retrieve the operating system from disk at some point, so I decided to investigate this. The first step in this process is reading the MBR, or Master Boot Record of the hard drive. The MBR is used to store data about where the OS is stored on the drive. I figured the MBR would be interesting to learn a little bit more about, so I decided to load it up into IDA Pro, a tool for disassembling programs, and see what I could find out. Bash Guide for Beginners. You Can Now Take Microsoft Certification Exams From The Comfort Of Your Own Office Or Your Home.

If you want to take a Microsoft Certification, you need to visit an authorized test center and take it.

You Can Now Take Microsoft Certification Exams From The Comfort Of Your Own Office Or Your Home

Microsoft is now simplifying this process with online proctoring which allows you to take tests from your office or home. Also, the new Microsoft Labs Online let you order digital courseware and labs to lead in-house training. Protect your career with these 5 Web Development technologies. In 2009, rock star devs used to pimp jQuery and most web Ninjas were highly skilled at Rails.

Protect your career with these 5 Web Development technologies

Then rails became a ghetto and jQuery became a fat wife. Certification Crazy - your Certification Starting Point. Download Overview. .NET Core is Open Source - .NET Blog. Today is a huge day for .NET!

.NET Core is Open Source - .NET Blog

We’re happy to announce that .NET Core will be open source, including the runtime as well as the framework libraries. This is a natural progression of our open source efforts, which already covers the managed compilers (C#, VB, and F#) as well as ASP.NET: Let your code speak for itself. Download demo project - 8 Kb Table of Contents Introduction Surely there are a lot of best practices, patterns and advices like 'name your variables proper', 'keep your methods short', 'don't repeat yourself' and so on.

Let your code speak for itself

23 Go To Resources for Finding Great Code. English | Español | Français About Us Menu ≡ home > resources > articles > 23 go to resources for finding great code 23 Go To Resources for Finding Great Code. Studio. Getting ready for the future with the Microsoft .NET Portability Analyzer.


OmniSharp - Making cross-platform .NET a reality, and a pleasure. Clean Coder Blog. We rule the world.

Clean Coder Blog

We programmers. We rule the world. We write the rules that make our society work. Think about it; and think about it carefully. Nothing happens in our society without software. It’s certainly true that the Earth turns, the Sun rises, the rain falls, and the tides recede and advance without the aid of software. Without software: Phones don’t ring. We don’t quite understand this yet. HTML5 Guitar Tab Player. Figure 1.

HTML5 Guitar Tab Player

The HTML5 Tab Player - Beatles Demo Page Introduction If you ever played guitar, you probably used tablatures (also called "tabs") sometimes. And if you searched for tabs on the internet, most of the times you must have found the same kind of plain text tablature. Some websites provide tab players, but in most cases you will have to register a paid, premium account before using the service.

But what if you could take those plain text tabs and play them right now? Background For me, combining music and programming in a single article is a dream coming true. Figure 2. The idea of the HTML5 Tab Player jQuery plugin came to me when I was looking for guitar tabs for specific songs on the internet, and suddenly I realized that all of them were plain text. I Programmer - programming, reviews and projects.

Everything you wanted to know about databinding in WPF, Silverlight and WP7 (Part One) OK, so the title is a little ambitious, but there is nothing wrong with setting yourself lofty aims!

Everything you wanted to know about databinding in WPF, Silverlight and WP7 (Part One)

Because of the depth of this topic I have decided to split this tutorial up into a series of blog posts, each of which explore a different aspect of the binding framework. I don't usually write tutorial blog posts and series, preferring instead to develop new controls or novel techniques. However, I really felt this subject needed an in-depth tutorial. Databinding is a fundamental part of the WPF, Silverlight and the Silverlight for Windows Phone 7 frameworks.

Web Development

SQL Server. C# PDF Viewer C# API for Customizing PDF Viewer control in C# Windows Forms Applications. PDF Viewer WinForms Control Display PDF documents directly in your Windows Forms application.

PDF Viewer C# API for Customizing PDF Viewer control in C# Windows Forms Applications

KetticPDF Viewer Control contains convenient C# API of the KetticPDFViewerElement for the users to customize the control to their Windows Forms application. There are various methods available to the users to perform the customization of PDFViewer control, for example, the Page methods, the scrolling methods, the selection methods and the search methods. MCSD: Web Apps Certification. IT eBooks Info Search Engine. MCSA: SQL Server Certification.