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Medical Review Faculty - C-Health. The MediResource Medical Review Faculty includes a dedicated staff of in-house health care professionals, editors and medical writers, along with a team of medical advisors and freelance medical writers. All have extensive experience in their medical specialty and in producing medical information for the public that is relevant, timely and accurate. We take pride in our medical experts and the high-quality medical information they produce for the public. All MediResource health content is clinically reviewed by a health care professional. Authors of health content are always qualified medical writers. Medical advisors Adverse Drug Reactions, Allergies Sandra Knowles, BScPhm, RPh Allergy, Immunology Harold Kim, MD Anticoagulation Cynthia Brocklebank, BScPhm, PharmD Bill Semchuk, MSc, PharmD, FCSHP Atopic Dermatitis Penny Miller, BScPhm, MA(Ed) Business/HR Derek Desrosiers, BScPhm Cardiology Richard Choi, MD Cuong R.

Medical editors Nicolette Blase, Hon. The TRUTH About Diabetes | Fights Diabetes. ...with the new diabetes cure that no pharmaceutical company will ever tell you about April 14, 2015April 4, 2015 | People who suffer from diabetes have long been told that there is no cure for their illness. Despite the fact that modern medicine has cured and eliminated diseases that were once catastrophic, pharmaceutical companies insist that there is no way to cure diabetes. It turns out that these are pure lies. Dr. David Pearson is a leading diabetes expert who began to devote his life to understanding this illness after it killed his father. In the course of his research, he came across some startling information. He found out that: The pancreas is not the only organ that reduces insulin. That’s right.

Instead, they continue to sell expensive drugs that will never cure people, and will likely lead to many deaths. So how exactly does this all work? Watch this video from Dr. The Big Insulin Lie For years, the medical industry has insisted that glucose is controlled by the pancreas. Dr. The Truth About Coconut Oil: 10 Facts You Need To Know. Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can be classified as a “superfood.” Its unique combination of fatty acids can have profound positive effects on health. This includes fat loss, better brain function and various other amazing benefits. Here are the top 10 health benefits of coconut oil that have been experimentally confirmed in human studies. 1. Coconut Oil Contains a Unique Combination of Fatty Acids With Powerful Medicinal Properties Coconut oil has been demonized in the past because it contains saturated fat.

However, new data is showing that saturated fats are harmless. Additionally, coconut oil doesn’t contain your average run-of-the-mill saturated fats like you would find in cheese or steak. No, they contain so-called Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) – which are fatty acids of a medium length. Most of the fatty acids in the diet are so-called long-chain fatty acids, but the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are metabolized differently. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Senolytics: Scientists identify new drug that slows the ageing process and could dramatically increase our life expectancy - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent. If their effect on humans is as marked as it is on animal models, their benefit could be enormous.

The research was carried out by a team from Mayo Clinic, The Scripps Institute and other institutions and published in the journal Aging Cell yesterday. "We view this study as a big, first step toward developing treatments that can be given safely to patients to extend healthspan or to treat age-related diseases and disorders," said co-lead author and TSRI Professor Paul Robbins, PhD. "When senolytic agents, like the combination we identified, are used clinically, the results could be transformative. " "The prototypes of these senolytic agents have more than proven their ability to alleviate multiple characteristics associated with ageing," added Mayo Clinic Professor James Kirkland, MD, who also worked on the study.

"It may eventually become feasible to delay, prevent, alleviate or even reverse multiple chronic diseases and disabilities as a group, instead of just one at a time. " 5 Anti-douleurs naturels aussi efficaces que les médicaments. Par Suzanne Meteyer 16 mars 2015 Les médicaments synthétiques ne sont pas les seuls antidouleurs capables de vous soulager. Il existe des traitementsnaturels efficaces comme la phytothérapie qui devient de plus en plus populaire. En fait, de plus en plus de personnes font confiance à la phytothérapie. Pour elles, l’utilisation des plantes médicinales peut aider à guérir diverses maladies. Selon les experts, la réduction de l’inflammation et des niveaux de toxine dans le corps sont certains des effets positifs de la phytothérapie. Pour vous soulager de manière naturelle, voici quelques aliments à consommer dès que vous avez des douleurs : Le gingembre Durant des siècles, le gingembre a été largement utilisé dans les pays asiatiques pour soulager la douleur et notamment celle générée par l’arthrite et le rhumatisme.

La grande camomille La capsaïcine (Piment rouge) La capsaïcine est une substance que nous trouvons dans les piments forts. La griffe de Diable. Oxytocin. Oxytocin (/ˌɒksɨˈtoʊsɪn/; Oxt) is a mammalian neurohypophysial hormone. Produced by the hypothalamus and stored and secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, oxytocin acts primarily as a neuromodulator in the brain. Oxytocin plays an important role in the neuroanatomy of intimacy, specifically in sexual reproduction of both sexes, in particular during and after childbirth; its name comes from Greek ὀξύς, oksys "swift" and τόκος, tokos "birth. " It is released in large amounts after distension of the cervix and uterus during labor, facilitating birth, maternal bonding, and, after stimulation of the nipples, lactation. Both childbirth and milk ejection result from positive feedback mechanisms.[3] Recent studies have begun to investigate oxytocin's role in various behaviors, including orgasm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors.[4] For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as the "bonding hormone".

Medical uses[edit] Side effects[edit] History of Science. Light and Optics. Businessinsider. Aspergers-Autism. La mort commence dans le côlon. Un de mes meilleurs amis a un enfant qui est accablé d’allergies, d’asthme, d’eczéma, de diarrhées, de constipation. Il fait infection sur infection. Ses parents lui ont fait arrêter le lait, le gluten, la charcuterie, les oeufs, rien n’y a fait.

Il se trouve que cet enfant est né par césarienne. Quand il m’en a parlé, je n’ai pas hésité une seule seconde. J’ai tout de suite pensé : « flore intestinale ». « La mort commence dans le côlon » Un tube digestif mal entretenu, peuplé de bactéries et de champignons opportunistes et pathogènes (en particulier Candida albicans) et pollué par des aliments mal digérés risque de se retrouver encombré par des matières fécales nauséabondes et toxiques. En particulier, vous pouvez souffrir de constipation rebelles, de ballonnements, de diarrhées, d’inflammations diverses, d’altération de la peau, d’instabilité d’humeur ou de maladies plus graves, comme une colopathie fonctionnelle, une diarrhée sanglante ou un cancer du côlon. Entretenir votre tube digestif.