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25 Unexpectedly Genius Household Hacks You'll Wish You'd Thought Of First. Handy Chart on 18 Ways to Tie a Necktie. 12 Things You Didn't Know You Were Doing Wrong. Top 10 Household Appliances And Their Surprising Uses. Many appliances in your home are used for one purpose only. Most of the people are not able to perform any other activity with them except for the purpose they are manufactured for. However, Brilliant minds have found alternate uses of everyday use devices that you use now and then. 10. The Microwave Oven dries Fabric Microwave ovens are found in nearly all households and they are used for heating or cooking purpose only. Here is another surprising use of microwave oven whereby you can use it for dyeing purposes. Microwave oven can minimize the time required to dry so it is used by DIY knitters, dyers and fabric painters. 9.

Hair dryer is a household appliance that has no other use than drying hair (as the name indicates). 8. It is strongly believed that there is no use of freezer other than storage of frozen foods. Popular on the Web.


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