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Typography 101: Everything a Beginner Should Know. Like many of you, I am a trained marketer and a DIY designer.

Typography 101: Everything a Beginner Should Know

I read The Marketer’s Crash Course in Visual Content Creation and learned some essential PowerPoint and Photoshop tricks, but I really wanted to take my design skills to the next level. So I asked all my designer friends what my next step should be, and every single one said to take a course on typography. So I decided signed up for a typography course at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. I figured I'd learn how to identify a good font from a bad one. What I didn't realize was that starting out small and paying attention to the details makes all the difference in the world when you're laying out an email, ebook, or image for social media. Every little change you make to a word or a body of text can make a huge difference in the overall piece. In fact, one of the only college courses Steve Jobs took was on calligraphy and typography, which he believed played a critical role in the success of Apple.

Typefaces vs. 【Photoshop】コーディングする時のスライス方法とか. Webデザイナーにオススメしたい、TED極上プレゼンテーション15選. TEDが毎年主催し、「Ideas Worth Spreading (広める価値のあるアイデア)」をスローガンに、学術・エンターテイメント・デザインなど様々な分野の人物がプレゼンテーションを行う講演会、TED Conference(テド・カンファレンス)。


講演会の様子を撮影した動画アーカイブ「TED Talks」は、2012年10月12日現在1358個のプレゼンテーションが無料公開されており、実際どれから見たら良いのか困ってしまうほど膨大です。 今回はそんなTED Talksの中でも、特にWebデザイナーの方にオススメしたいTEDプレゼンテーション15個をまとめたエントリー「15 TED Talks Every Web Designer Should Watch」が公開されていたので、今回はその中から日本語訳されているプレゼンテーションをまとめています。 どれもデザインや美しさなどについて、あらゆる分野の著名な人物がプレゼンテーションを行っており、デザイン制作に取り入れたいインスピレーション、アイデアを与えてくれるかもしれません。 詳細は以下から。 TEDとは? Rendering a 2D Spark Plug Diagram from 3D Components in Illustrator. Often, the best way to be sure of your depth and angles is to render objects using Illustrators 3D tools.

Rendering a 2D Spark Plug Diagram from 3D Components in Illustrator

This tutorial will take you through building a 3D spark plug from multiple components and then expanding the image into a 2D vector diagram. Previous experience with Illustrators Revolve and Extrude tools will be necessary for this. Final Image Preview Below is the final image we will be working towards. Want access to the full Vector Source files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this one? How to Create Smoky Brushes and Type In Illustrator CS4. I've always been fascinated by smoke, and have experimented a lot with it.

How to Create Smoky Brushes and Type In Illustrator CS4

So in this tutorial, I explain how to create realistic smoke, make it into a brush and use it for type. Let's light up our vector cigarettes and get started smokin'! Create a New document (Command + N) for print in A3 (297 x 420mm). Make a rectangle with the Rectangle Tool (M) that covers the whole artboard and make it black. While the rectangle is selected go to Object > Lock > Selection (Command + 2), which will lock the object so that you can't select it. Take your Pen Tool (P) and make a vertical stroke (click to make a start point, then click somewhere over or under the start point while holding Shift to make a vertical stroke). While your stroke is selected grab the Selection Tool (V), then hit enter and type in 0.05mm for Horizontal and 0 for Vertical.

While all of your strokes are selected, set the Blending Mode to Screen and Opacity to 8%. 【Illustrator】デザインをワンランク上げるイラストレーターのチュートリアル集. KONICA MINOLTA エコ&アート アワード 2013. Future - Science & Environment - Drake equation: How many alien civilizations exist? Are we alone?

Future - Science & Environment - Drake equation: How many alien civilizations exist?

It is a question that has occupied mankind for centuries. Today, we live in an age of exploration, where robots on Mars and planet-hunting telescopes are beginning to allow us to edge closer to an answer. While we wait to establish contact, one technique we can use back on Earth is an equation that American astronomer Frank Drake formulated in the 1960s to calculate the number of detectable extraterrestrial civilizations may exist in the Milky Way galaxy.

It is not a rigorous equation, offering a wide range of possible answers. Ideas, issues, knowledge, data - visualized! [Webデザイン] 文字組みについて本気出して考えてみた. これはもう何年も前から気になってることなのですが。

[Webデザイン] 文字組みについて本気出して考えてみた

何故、昔からずっと見出し画像などの文字組みや文字詰めの甘いWebサイトが多いのでしょうか。 私はデザインについて偉そうに言える立場でないのは分かっていますが、折角全体的なデザインや背景、写真、Flashなどの動きはとても美しく、文章構成のしっかりしたサイトなのに、ただ一点文字詰めだけが甘いというサイトがあまりにも多くて、そういうサイトが減る様子もないのがずっと気になっています。 私は以前、ファッション雑誌やビジネス誌の組版(MacのInDesignやQuarkXPressを使って印刷用のデータを作る仕事。 DTPとも言う)の仕事をしていて、見出しは言うまでもなく、本文の文字詰めが少し甘いだけでもものすごく怒られたものですが、Webデザインの世界ではそういうのはあまり怒られることがないのでしょうか。


DESIGN TOOL. デザイナー必見!アナタにとっての『見たことも無いデザイン』を探すことが出来そうなサイト色々! WEBサイトを作る時、アイデア出しに詰まったりするなら参考になりそうなサイトを探したりするのもアリだと思いますが、たまには『WEBデザイン』の枠を超えた所からアイデアなんかが思いつくこともしばしばかと思います。


特にスペシャルコンテンツ的なサイトを作るときには、時として奇抜なアイデアや見たことも無いようなインパクトを必要とされる事もしばし。 そんな時僕は一度“WEBデザイン”のことを忘れ、WEBデザイン以外のギャラリーや専門サイトを見る事も少なくはありません。 DIGITAL STRATEGY. Launches Social Network for Data Visualization. With 32,000 designers signed up on and a couple million people returning each month to explore and share infographics, the site has rapidly become the leading destination for infographics and data visualization. But while you’ve told us you’ve enjoyed seeing what we have to offer, we’ve also heard loud and clear that there were features we could improve on. For example, while thousands of designers have created their portfolios on, it wasn’t always easy to find a particular designer once you’d discovered them and keep track of his or her work. And, many of you wanted to provide a more personalized experience when exploring infographics and visualizations. Today, we are launching the world’s first social network for data visualization. It starts with improved profiles for our members, including aggregated metrics about the infographics you’ve shared.

This is the first step toward the launch of our marketplace later this year. TOP- DESIGNBEEP ARTICLES. Where 4 dimensional movies had made their appearance, going through one-dimensional content in a web page is simply boring.


For a change you can include photos with your write-ups. However, that is also somewhat turned into a clichéd concept. Something...