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Syntax Highlight Code in Word Documents. Combine fantasy and realism for striking creature art. Before launching into a sketch of my character, whether human or animal, I try to collect and study a huge amount of reference material first – both photographs and video.

Combine fantasy and realism for striking creature art

Expand your skillset with these amazing Illustrator tutorials This is necessary to understand the forms and movements of the character I'll draw. The What, Why and How of Textures in Web Design. The use of textures and patterns in webdesign has come a long way in only a short amount of time.

The What, Why and How of Textures in Web Design

From cliche grunge and gaudy vintage textures, today's best websites use texture in a wide variety of ways to create a more immersive experience, define the personality of the site and create a more refined look and feel. In today's tutorial, we're going to jump straight into some of the ways that you can use texture and patterns to enhance your next design, serve up some inspiring examples of textures used in the right way and also provide a series of mini tutorials to give you an introduction to some of practical ways to include textures in your next project.

Ready to get started? Before we get started, let's take a moment to quickly define the difference between textures, patterns and background images. Web Design Client Questionnaire – 10 Key Questions. Web design client questionnaire: why do you need it?

Web Design Client Questionnaire – 10 Key Questions

First of all, to understand what your clients need and provide them with most competitive proposal. Second, you need to filter out price shoppers who unlikely will out the complete form. You can use this web design client questionnaire via email, phone or even in the meeting. Web Design Consultation Client Questionnaire. KS2 History. 30 plus photographs from Rome, Pompeii and Herculaneum.

KS2 History

An alien visits Roman Britain, see if you can save the alien from the Romans! Vocabulary based on Unit 6a from the DFES Schemes of Work. Test your knowledge of the Romans invading Britain through this drag and drop quiz. Eight photo jigsaws based on the topic of Romans. Customize using the picture, style, number of pieces and rotation features. KS2 History - WWII.

The 30 greatest free web fonts. It's time-consuming to cut through the ocean of free fonts online, especially web fonts, to find the real gems that punch above their price tag.

The 30 greatest free web fonts

With this in mind, we've rounded up the greatest free web fonts from around the internet to get you started. There are various methods to source and license web fonts, including subscription-based models such as Typekit and Fontspring, which boast libraries of quality typefaces that are becoming increasingly popular with professional designers. If you're on a tight budget, however, or are just looking to experiment on a smaller project, there are plenty of good web fonts available at no cost if you know where to look. The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web – a practical guide to web typography.

Perspectives: Mood Boards, Love ‘em or Hate ‘em (plus a panel) Sample mood board from Viget Labs.

Perspectives: Mood Boards, Love ‘em or Hate ‘em (plus a panel)

Embiggen To mood board or not to mood board. Is that the question? Yes. Design Questions. As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, the initial direct contact with clients during the discovery meeting is likely the most important moment in the life of a project.

Design Questions

Style Tiles. 
Beyond "I hate green:” Managing Productive Visual Design Reviews. Raise your hand if you’ve ever been a part of a design review that included any of the following comments: [ ] I hate green. [ ] Can you make it “pop?”

Beyond "I hate green:” Managing Productive Visual Design Reviews

[ ] Just tweak it around a bit and we’ll have another review. [ ] Make the logo bigger. [ ] Can you just make it look like Apple? It’s a common challenge in visual design: creating a feedback structure that respects the subjective nature of visual design, yet also generates actionable items for moving forward. W3Schools Online Web Tutorials.

CGI - Common Gateway Interface. Note: This page is no longer maintained.

CGI - Common Gateway Interface

It is left here for historical purposes. Unfortunately, over time, some links may break that are not maintained by the entities managing those resources. An HTTP server is often used as a gateway to a legacy information system; for example, an existing body of documents or an existing database application. The Common Gateway Interface is an agreement between HTTP server implementors about how to integrate such gateway scripts and programs.

It is typically used in conjunction with HTML forms to build database applications. See also: WWW and OOP for more on building distributed applications on the web. Specs and Documentation CGI 1.2 specification (in progress) This directory is the repository for the effort (reactivated in November of 1997) to turn the de facto Common Gateway Interface "standard" into an actual Informational RFC. The WWW Common Gateway Interface Version 1.1 16th October 1995. Fixed vs. Fluid vs. Elastic Layout: What's The Right One For You? Advertisement The problem has boggled the minds of Web designers for years: fixed, fluid, elastic or a hybrid layout design?

Fixed vs. Fluid vs. Elastic Layout: What's The Right One For You?

Each option has its benefits and disadvantages. What is the going hourly rate for web design / maintenance ? CGI - Common Gateway Interface.

Design Concepts