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La Reserva Federal de EU admite que fue hackeada durante el Super Bowl. Este anuncio se conoce a pocos días de que el grupo de ciberactivistas Anonymous reivindicara la publicación de información personal de 4 mil ejecutivos de bancos La Reserva Federal (Fed) admitió este miércoles que su sistema informático fue vulnerado por hackers durante el super bowl del domingo, pero señaló que el incidente no afectó “las operaciones fundamentales” del banco central estadunidense.

La Reserva Federal de EU admite que fue hackeada durante el Super Bowl

Everything you know about Anonymous is wrong. Montreal, Canada - What is Anonymous?

Everything you know about Anonymous is wrong

To some critics, the protest actions taken under the banner of Anonymous will be used by governments to exercise their repressive impulses. Internet critic Evgeny Morozov puts this position in no uncertain terms: "Hacktivists keep supplying the industry with strong examples as to why more public money should be spent beefing up Internet security and surveillance while eliminating online anonymity. " To others, Anonymous represents the finest the internet has to politically offer: "Anonymous demonstrates one of the new core aspects of power in a networked, democratic society: Individuals are vastly more effective and less susceptible to manipulation, control, and suppression by traditional sources of power than they were even a decade ago," writes legal scholar Yochai Benkler.

Both perspectives are valid - but incomplete. They exist in the internet ether They can unleash unfathomable evil Their political impact is negligible. Anonymous hackea el sitio de Banco Azteca. Hackers busted. New York, NY - Governments the world over are now fighting cyber wars, sometimes with other states, a variety of enemies and increasingly with their own citizens.

Hackers busted

Internet experts, electronic engineers and secretive "directorates" of web warriors are very much in demand as more and more regimes monitor every tweet and Facebook page they consider threatening. China's old Great Wall kept intruders out; its new great firewall censors internal expression. Israel has trained a cyber army to plant viruses in Iranian nuclear plants while Iran filters websites with anti-government rhetoric. All the while, the United States publicly supports a free internet - while using advanced technology to spy on it.

A growing industry of security companies and specialists have found ample employment serving what is now a global military-industrial-internet complex. Today, in the online age, high-tech surveillance systems are a high-growth sector. Democracy Now reports: We don't know. Now, the latest Spy vs. Top LulzSec hacker was FBI informant - Americas. A leading hacker, whose group claimed responsibility for attacks on the CIA, law enforcement agencies in the UK and Ireland and major corporations, was an FBI informant, according to court documents.

Top LulzSec hacker was FBI informant - Americas

Hector Xavier Monsegur, a leader of the Anonymous-linked LulzSec hacker ring, agreed to work with the FBI after secretly pleading to 12 charges of computer hacking last August, the FBI said, as charges against five other hackers were announced on Tuesday. Monsegur, known as Sabu online, and the five others were charged in connection with last year's infamous hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment, as well as attacks on Fox Broadcasting, the security companies HB Gary and Stratfor, and others, prosecutors said on Tuesday. More recently one of the hackers eavesdropped and recorded a telephone conference between members of the FBI and senior British police officials in an embarrassing episode for law enforcement agencies in the US and UK. Interactive timeline: Anonymous - Interactive. Algeria's Bouteflika poised to win elections#link# Gabriel Garcia Marquez dies at 87#link# mob in S Sudan raid UN base#link# 'concerned' about Muslim Brotherhood#link# deal reached on Ukraine crisis#link# soldiers killed in attack on army base#link# over missing Nigeria schoolgirls#link# government still wants Twitter office#link# diplomat kidnapped in Libyan capital#link# expels UN official over arms report#link# holds biggest day of voting#link# of Abu Hamza begins in New York#link# cuts sensitive nuclear stockpile#link# highlights of Arab press headlines#link# says no Russian troops in east Ukraine#link#

Interactive timeline: Anonymous - Interactive

Les Anonymous attaquent le site de l'Elysée. A la suite de la fermeture, jeudi 19 janvier, du site de téléchargement Megaupload, la riposte du collectif d'"hacktivistes" Anonymous se poursuit.

Les Anonymous attaquent le site de l'Elysée

Après avoir attaqué les sites Internet de la Maison Blanche, d'Universal ou de la Hadopi, les pirates informatiques s'en sont pris, vendredi 20 janvier, à celui de l'Elysée. Des éléments surprenants sont en effet venus s'ajouter sur la page d'accueil du site de la présidence, note ainsi le site Pc Inpact. Dans la barre d'URL qui s'affiche en haut du site, des messages inattendus sont apparus au fur et à mesure de la soirée, tels que "We are legion!

", "Sarkozy le peuple aura ta peau" ou "Megaupload". Le président de la République, Nicolas Sarkozy, avait été l'un des premiers à réagir à l'annonce de la fermeture de Megaupload.