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(the eff-bot guide to) The Standard Python Library. Overviews (15) Core Modules [core-modules-index]Data Representation [data-representation-index]Data Storage [data-storage-index]File Formats [file-formats-index]Implementation Support Modules [implementation-support-modules-index]Internationalization [internationalization-index]Mail and News Message Processing [mail-and-news-message-processing-index]More Standard Modules [more-standard-modules-index]Multimedia Modules [multimedia-modules-index]Network Protocols [network-protocols-index]Other Modules [other-modules-index]Platform Specific Modules [platform-specific-modules-index]Preface [preface-index]Threads and Processes [threads-and-processes-index]Tools and Utilities [tools-and-utilities-index] Articles (249) The aifc module [aifc]The anydbm module [anydbm]The array module [array]The asynchat module [asynchat]The asyncore module [asyncore]The atexit module [atexit]The audiodev module [audiodev] The keyword module [keyword]The knee module [knee]

(the eff-bot guide to) The Standard Python Library

Text Processing in Python (a book) A couple of you make donations each month (out of about a thousand of you reading the text each week).

Text Processing in Python (a book)

Tragedy of the commons and all that... but if some more of you would donate a few bucks, that would be great support of the author. In a community spirit (and with permission of my publisher), I am making my book available to the Python community. Minor corrections can be made to later printings, and at the least errata noted on this website. Dive Into Python.