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Medical Device Regulations. Business Model generation. Suppliers. Online 1. Compliance. Références USDA. An open-source solution for on-the-fly processing of images using .NET. Framework. AForge.NET is an open source C# framework designed for developers and researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence - image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, machine learning, robotics, etc.


The framework is comprised by the set of libraries and sample applications, which demonstrate their features: AForge.Imaging - library with image processing routines and filters;AForge.Vision - computer vision library;AForge.Video - set of libraries for video processing;AForge.Neuro - neural networks computation library;AForge.Genetic - evolution programming library;AForge.Fuzzy - fuzzy computations library;AForge.Robotics - library providing support of some robotics kits;AForge.MachineLearning - machine learning library;etc. Framework. Cassandra Studio. Zeromq/netmq. GraphicsMagick Image Processing System. Windows 8 Toolkit - Charts and More - Home. Oculus Rift Controller-Free Navigation UI for Architectural Visualization and more - Arch Virtual. [youtube= One of the most popular features in our latest VR projects has been the Oculus Rift controller-free navigation UI system that uses the player’s focal point to trigger menu options.

Oculus Rift Controller-Free Navigation UI for Architectural Visualization and more - Arch Virtual

We realized early on, especially in architectural visualization projects, that the VR experience is already so immersive that adding the use of a controller to walk is often confusing to non-gamers, and can cause motion sickness if the player moves too much without first taking some time to become assimilated to the VR experience. Using the player’s focal point enables them to easily jump to various locations within the environment, simply by centering their focal point on various menu options.

Additional ‘beacon’ targets can be added anywhere in the scene, triggering product animations, or embedded in a 3D model of the building enabling the player to open windows containing more information about an area, or to teleport to various locations on a scaled-down 3D model of the building. Python Tools for Visual Studio - Home. GeekTrainer/BootstrapMVA. Jongalloway (Jon Galloway) Hadoop, Business Analytics and Beyond. A Big Data Manifesto from the Wikibon Community Providing effective business analytics tools and technologies to the enterprise is a top priority of CIOs and for good reason.

Hadoop, Business Analytics and Beyond

Effective business analytics – from basic reporting to advanced data mining and predictive analytics — allows data analysts and business users alike to extract insights from corporate data that, when translated into action, deliver higher levels of efficiency and profitability to the enterprise. Underlying every business analytics practice is data. Traditionally, this meant structured data created and stored by enterprises themselves, such as customer data housed in CRM applications, operational data stored in ERP systems or financial data tallied in accounting databases. Fast Analytics and Rapid-fire Business Intelligence from Tableau Software. Inter-American Development Bank. The Structured and Corporate Finance Department (SCF) is responsible for the IDB Group’s financing of large banks and private sector investments in nearly all economic sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Inter-American Development Bank

SCF also supports the development of international trade through the implementation of IDB’s Trade Finance Facilitation Program (TFFP). SCF provides loans from IDB’s own resources (“A” Loans) and works with banks and institutional investors to participate on a co-financing basis with the IDB through the sale of loan participations, or “B Loans”. Roland Weigelt. Recently, WebAssembly was announced, a new standard that defines a binary format and execution model for the Web.

Roland Weigelt

With Google, Mozilla, Microsoft and others voicing their support, my first thought was: Wow, so there is actually hope to get rid of JavaScript someday! In this blog post I’ll explain why I think WebAssembly is such a big step in the right direction, even if it’s something that won’t have an immediate impact. What’s the problem with JavaScript, anyway? JavaScript is a programming language that has quirks (see Seven JavaScript Quirks I Wish I’d Known About or JavaScript garden), lacks important features (e.g. proper arithmetic data types) and isn’t type safe (by design).

Pie in the Sky (March 14th, 2014) - The Silver Lining Blog. Sign in Pie in the Sky (March 14th, 2014) MSDN Blogs > The Silver Lining Blog > Pie in the Sky (March 14th, 2014) Server & Tools Blogs > Server & Management Blogs > Silver Lining Blog Silver Lining Blog.

Pie in the Sky (March 14th, 2014) - The Silver Lining Blog Round 6 results - TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks. In the following tests, we have measured the performance of several web application platforms, full-stack frameworks, and micro-frameworks (collectively, "frameworks").

Round 6 results - TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks

For more information, read the introduction, motivation, and latest environment details. Round 3 Even more frameworks. Round... ES6 Generator functions in ES5. Nikhilk (Nikhil Kothari) Free: Software Design Kits for Windows 8 and Visual Studio - Secret Microsoft Communications. Visibility visible undoes visibility hidden - Back to Basics When allowing user uploads, don't allow uploads to execute code. Access Technologies For Commercialisation. Silverlight and other cool things ... Peter Provost's Geek Noise.

Today we are releasing SQL Server Data Tools – Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2012 (SSDT BI) templates.

With SSDT BI for Visual Studio 2012 you can develop and deploy SQL Server Business intelligence projects. Projects created in Visual Studio 2010 can be opened in Visual Studio 2012 and the other way around without upgrading or downgrading – it just works. The download/install is named to ensure you get the SSDT templates that contain the Business Intelligence projects.


Reference Source. Microsoft/referencesource. On parametric polymorphism and JSON serialization. But what’s the purpose of Fleece?

On parametric polymorphism and JSON serialization

Why another JSON library? Why F#? Is Fleece merely another case of Not-Invented-Here Syndrome? Amazedsaint's Tech Journal. Interoperability Bridges and Labs Center. Call For Papers of Conferences, Workshops and Journals. Index of /~wrf/wiki. Pricing — Fritzing Fab. Fusing Decision Support Systems Into the Fabric of the Context. Moving toward a circular economy. The circular economy aims to eradicate waste—not just from manufacturing processes, as lean management aspires to do, but systematically, throughout the life cycles and uses of products and their components.

Moving toward a circular economy

Indeed, tight component and product cycles of use and reuse, aided by product design, help define the concept of a circular economy and distinguish it from the linear take–make­–dispose economy, which wastes large amounts of embedded materials, energy, and labor. In the first exhibit of this narrated slideshow, McKinsey alumnus Markus Zils explains how a circular economy works. In the second, he uses the example of a market for power drills to detail four scenarios in which circular-economy principles are applied: In the status-quo scenario, 1,000 power drills are made in China and sold in the European Union. In the refurbishment scenario, 800 drills are sold at the original price, and 200 are refurbished and sold at 80 percent of it.

Rewire the web. Presentation Designer.


Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA. Any Technology.