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Uniqlo and Twitter = UTweet. Twitter : ça gaze pour les gazouillis marketing ! Ce ne sera une surprise pour personne si je vous affirme que Twitter prend de plus en plus d’importance sur le web, et par conséquent sur notre mode de vie de tous les jours.

Twitter : ça gaze pour les gazouillis marketing !

C’est bien simple, la maxime populaire stipulant que « sur le web on trouve tout » peut désormais être appliquée à la plateforme de tweets. A la fois un espace de discussions courantes (à l’image d’un chat) pour les uns et un espace d’échanges de liens/informations ayant attrait à leur domaine de prédilection pour les autres, Twitter se démocratise. Parmi la pléiade de chiffres disponibles pour décrire le réseau de micro-blogging, j’en ai choisi deux relativement évocateurs : 800 millions de requêtes par jour, permettant à Twitter de surpasser Google en matière de croissance pour un moteur de recherches, excusons du peu! 300 000 nouveaux inscrits… par jour!

En général, « the place to be » rime rapidement avec « the place to biz » et Twitter n’échappe pas à la règle. Nike Livestrong Foundation : Wheat Thins : University Of Iowa Lets You You Tweet For Your Scholarship. The University of Iowa has recently unveiled a Twitter contest that challenged college aspirants to answer–in 140 characters or less–the following question: “What makes you an exceptional Tippie MBA candidate and full-time MBA hire?

University Of Iowa Lets You You Tweet For Your Scholarship

Creativity encouraged!” Applicants then tweet their answers or respond on Facebook, in lieu of a second application essay for the $37,000 scholarship. In a Twitter-intensive environment as ours, getting to the point and improving our eloquence on familiarity with in social media are two necessary skills. This contest takes advantage of our wired up world and let’s us benefit from it. University of Iowa. Ben & Jerry's Fair Tweets. Best Buy Goes All Twitter Crazy With @Twelpforce. This is an interesting one: consumer electronics retailer Best Buy is encouraging hundreds of employees to handle online customer service and company promotions via Twitter, even airing commercials not mentioning their own website but merely the URL of the profile they created on the micro-sharing service (two spots embedded below).

The new service, dubbed Twelpforce, was debuted over the weekend but so far hasn’t garnered a lot of online buzz, let alone followers on Twitter (currently at around 1350). I’m sure that will change soon enough. Tweet the Twelpforce, they’re here to twelp Leaving aside the brutal misuse of the ‘tw’ in Twitter for their own use of names and verbs, the concept is pretty well thought-out. Best Buy employees can use their company and Twitter ID to register for the service here, after which tweets from the lot of them will be displayed in a single stream on the same page. R-e-s-p-e-c-t Fantastic or spamtastic? More of this, please. Infographic: ZAGG 12 Weeks of Christmas. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there!

Infographic: ZAGG 12 Weeks of Christmas

If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic. <div style="clear:both"></div><div class="greet_block_powered_by">Powered by <a href=" title="WP Greet Box WordPress Plugin" style="text-decoration:none;">WP Greet Box</a><a href=" title="WordPress Plugin" style="text-decoration:none;">WordPress Plugin</a></div><div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> The ZAGG 12 Weeks of Christmas giveaway ran from October 10, 2010 to Jan. 1, 2011.

During that time, ZAGG gave away $24,000 worth of prizes, ranging from iPod nanos to 46” LCD TVs. Contestants entered the giveaway by submitting their email address and could gain additional entries by sharing on Facebook and Twitter. Payoff From RadioShack’s #UNeedANewPhone Promotion: 65 Million Twitter Impressions - Elizabeth Woyke - Mobilized. The Best of Twitter TV.