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Dine At The Base Of A Waterfall In The Philippines [Pics] HBO Promotes Boardwalk Empire With Vintage Subway Cars In New York City. Props to Gothamist for drawing our attention to this brilliant promotion launched by HBO to coincide with the second season of Boardwalk Empire. Going above and beyond posters in the subway station, the premium cable channel stepped it up with a concept that’s in line with the Prohibition-era period of the show. Beginning tomorrow, September 3, a vintage 1920s subway train will run along the 2/3 express line throughout New York City on weekends, ending on September 25 with the show’s premiere. The train is complete with all its original detailing from rattan seats, ceiling fans, drop sash windows, and some Boardwalk Empire-inspired period advertisements. HBO: Boardwalk Empire Click here to get your Need to Know on-the-go. Visit Wales / We Want Piers Bramhall.

Chaîne de waleswantsyou. Wales.

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Nike Sportswear: Ice Cream Truck. NAB / The Honesty Experiments. Pictionary Photo Booth Ogilvy & Mather Colombia‬‏ Tendances - Schiphol Airport se transforme en un vrai parc. Publié le 18 mai 2011 L’aéroport d’Amsterdam «déshabille» une partie de ses locaux en un vaste espace vert où détente et respect de l’environnement se conjuguent. Une quête du bien-être qui ferait presque adorer les retards de vols.

Un aéroport est un lieu de passage pour une destination de rêve ou non. Mais il s’apparente bien souvent à une salle d’attente. Une attente parfois trop longue et souvent subie. C’est au tour de l’aéroport de Schiphol à Amsterdam, qui après s’être équipé d’une salle de mariage, repense son espace sur le mode ludique bien sûr mais aussi dans l’esprit écolo, Pays Bas obligent! Les voyageurs peuvent en effet, tromper leur attente grâce à un immense parc reconstitué dans l’enceinte de l’aéroport. Les passagers peuvent se détendre dans des chaises-longues ou des fauteuils en bois ou en fer habillés de lierre et disposés autour d’un arbre vieux de 130 ans.

Car pour recharger son ordinateur, son ardoise ou son téléphone, chacun a le choix. Florence Berthier. Echafaudage Orchestra. NYC DiningCar: A 6-Course Dinner Party on the NYC Subway. A razor, a shiny knife. No Cash? Chicago Restaurant Accepts Goods And Services As Payment. Richard Wohn and his restaurant, Fireside, have gained popularity among denizens of Chicago’s North Side for its practical and very timely business strategy.

In our current trying economic times, restaurant-goers don’t necessarily have cash on hand, and rather than relying on credit, Wohn lets them barter goods and services instead. In the same way that other businesses have used the barter system to put things to good use, Wohn has adopted the strategy to keep his restaurant going. Some of the items in his kitchen, such as ice cream coolers, soup warmers, were obtained through bartering, and even vacations for Wohn and staff have been offered. Other services Wohn has received include grooming for his dog, and even time shares. Fireside Chicago.