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Cinemax “Strike Back” Interactive SuperWall  Newcastle Brown Ale: Shadow Art Installation  Check out this creative billboard from Newcastle Brown Ale.

Newcastle Brown Ale: Shadow Art Installation 

Debuted in the Gaslamp district in San Diego from now until the end of September this shadow art installation represents the brand’s tag line “The lighter side of dark”. San Diego based agency Vitro created this shadow art installation using 3000 real-life Newcastle Brown Ale bottle caps. This video shows how the two New York shadow artists created this large scale public art piece. The 28 square foot shadow sculpture displays as an unusual looking billboard by day but transforms by night to reveal this striking image. Jell-O’s 3D Billboard Smiles Or Frowns Twitter’s Mood. The Jell-O Pudding Mood Meter that launched a couple of weeks ago, will now take physical form as it looms over NYC to inform us what the collective mood of the world is vs. our personal limited one.

Jell-O’s 3D Billboard Smiles Or Frowns Twitter’s Mood

The 3D billboard, located on West Broadway and Grand Street, monitors the world’s mood as expressed via Twitter, and captures it through a 3D mechanical face that smiles or frowns to reflect those emotions. How it works: Crispin Porter + Bogusky, who collaborated with Jell-O on the campaign, have monitored Twitter for two months and found that the global average of smiles :) is 12,000 per minute, while the average of frowns :( is 800 per minute.

Using that as their mean, the SoHo billboard pings Twitter every seven seconds, searching for the smiles and frowns, and adjusts the percentage, and subsequently, the face, to correspond to the global mood. Jell-O Pudding Face Click here to get your Need to Know on-the-go. McDonald’s: Dollar Drink Days Experiential  Here is a great idea to kick off the week, and while it’s not digital by any means, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it just the same!

McDonald’s: Dollar Drink Days Experiential 

McDonald’s Canada have created a very cool experiential piece at an Alberta summer beach party, by unloading a massive ice sculpture. The catch is, this ice sculpture has over 4,000 $1 coins frozen inside, with each $1 just happening to be the going rate for drinks at McDonald’s this summer! After a while, passers by started to pick at the ice, eventually working out that they can take as many coins as they can get out! Be Sociable, Share! Digital Signage Recognizes Shoppers To Provide Intelligent Advertising. Japanese technology company, NTT DoMoCo, is developing an intelligent digital display prototype that uses an embedded camera to recognize the number of people standing in front of it at any given time.

Digital Signage Recognizes Shoppers To Provide Intelligent Advertising

It then instantly serves up relevant advertising content designed to influence customer behaviors. One scenario presented by the company, imagines a shopping mall display that not only offers information and promotions about nearby restaurants, but also specifically features those restaurants that currently have enough room to accommodate the number of people viewing the ad, theoretically encouraging more foot traffic at these locations. NTT DoCoMo As featured in the Future of Retail report. Domino's / Digital Billboard. Troy Davis: Making the invisible visible. L’art du détournement d'affiches selon Thomas Schmitt.

« Échantillons » est une première pour Thomas Schmitt.

L’art du détournement d'affiches selon Thomas Schmitt

L'artiste français sort de son territoire urbain et expose ses toiles à Paris du 23 au 29 mai. Thom Thom, sélectionné par Jean Faucheur pour l'édition 2011 du prix Sciences Po pour l'Art contemporain, franchit un cap et saisit ainsi l'occasion, de rencontrer son public. Voilà 10 ans que ce street artist, surfant sur les ailes du temps de la pub s'approprie les affiches publicitaires parisiennes et change leur destinée en les découpant sous l’œil intéressé des piétons ou des usagers du Métro. Mais c'est tout récemment que, encouragé par les passants, Thom Thom pérennise ses œuvres sur toiles. Band Posters Pop Out To Grab Your Attention.

Sometimes it just takes a dash of creativity and simple tools rather than an expensive full-blown multimedia campaign to grab mainstream attention.

Band Posters Pop Out To Grab Your Attention

Just take a look at this series of pop-up posters for an upcoming band named ‘Dry the River,’ designed by Phil Clandilon and Steve Milbourne with the assistance of a French intern, Xavier Barrade. Clandilon explains: We thought it would be interesting to make 3D posters, and we set him the extra challenge of making them huge. He ended up creating these rather marvellous three dimensional paper-craft horses at B0 size. The flat, poster component was beautifully screen printed by Bob Eight Pop in east London and the paper horse structures were designed in 3D using Google Sketch Up, before being printed out in their component parts and hand-assembled.

Vitaminwater Bus Station Ads Can Charge Your Phone. At last: advertising you'll be glad to see. Vitaminwater is highlighting its "energy-boosting" properties with bus shelters in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston with a 5-volt battery-powered USB port. Using the port, consumers can charge their phones, iPods and gaming devices. The effort is the first from Crispin Porter + Bogusky, which won the account in May and is part of Vitaminwater's "You're Up" positioning. Offering a charge to consumers isn't new. Samsung has been running charging stations in airports for years. Gü invente l'affichage publicitaire musical.