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"Voice Array" at MCA Sydney (2011) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. "Voice Array," 2011 Subsculpture 13 intercom, 576 white LED lights, holosonic speaker, custom-made hardware and software display dimensions variable "Voice Array" is a construction for vocal improvisation that uses blinking LEDs and a customized intercom system of audio playback and recording.

"Voice Array" at MCA Sydney (2011) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Capturing hundreds of voices and translating each one into a series of light flashes, the piece stores a unique pattern as a loop in the first light of the array, until the next participant speaks into the intercom. Each new recording is pushed along its long horizontal band of LEDs, as sounds of the voices gradually accumulate. When the first voice reaches the other side of the piece, the participant’s phrase is once again released as sound, punctuated by the staggering pulsation of all the lights in tandem. The ever-changing voices stored by the piece play back through a directional speaker, during moments of less activity. Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. Sensei. SUPER ART MODERN MUSEUM - SPAMM - MUSEE DES ARTS SUPER MODERNES. Interactivo - Zona digital de juegos de Paul Neave. Damellis/EncodeAudio. Yes Lab. Crowdfunding the commons. Susana Noguero Mission and strategy From the "hard drive" of our Foundation, Susana is the executive management lead, keeping track of Goteo’s objectives and challenges, leading the team in decision making, and acting as the key person for all opportunities coming our way, both day-to-day and long term.

Crowdfunding the commons Playing Card Recognition Using AForge.Net Framework. Introduction Playing card recognition systems can be coupled with a robotic system which acts like a dealer or a human player in a card game, such as blackjack.

Playing Card Recognition Using AForge.Net Framework

Implementing this kind of application is also a good example for learning computer vision and pattern recognition. This article involves binarization, edge detection, affine transformation, blob processing, and template matching algorithms which are implemented in AForge .NET Framework. Note that this article and this system is based on Anglo-American card decks, it may not work for other card decks. However, this article describes basic methods for detection and recognition of cards. Here’s a quick video demonstration. Card Detection We need to detect card objects on image so that we can proceed with recognition. First step, we apply grayscaling on image. After we convert colored image to grayscale image, we apply binarization on image. OpenFrameworks. Talk to Me.

Welcome to Talk to Me, an exhibit at MoMA July 24–November 7, 2011 Whether openly and actively or in subtle, subliminal ways, things talk to us.

Talk to Me

Tangible and intangible, and at all scales—from the spoon to the city, the government, and the Web, and from buildings to communities, social networks, systems, and artificial worlds—things communicate. Graffiti Research Lab Archive. Delicate Boundaries. Evan Roth: BAD ASS MOTHER FUCKER (BADASS MOTHERFUCKER #BADA55) CreativeApplications.Net. Night Bright is an interactive installation by @design_io of nocturnal discovery #openframeworks. Night Bright is an interactive installation by Design I/O ( Emily Gobeille & Theo Watson) of nocturnal discovery where children use their bodies to light up the nighttime forest and discover the creatures that inhabit it.

Night Bright is an interactive installation by @design_io of nocturnal discovery #openframeworks

Children listed to sounds in the forest and play a nighttime game of hide and seek. Some creatures are curious and will investigate the light, while others are frightened and will hide in the shadows. Likewise, children can grow nocturnal plants and release fireflies from their flowers. Night Bright uses an Xbox Kinect for tracking and takes the position of the children and their distance from the wall and uses it to calculate the location and amount of light they emit into the forest. The light is calculated with a shader and some of the other creatures in the forest ( like the fireflies ) also emit light which helps light up the environment. Palabras Digitales. On Journalism #2 Typewriter Periodismo con memoria a través de textos generativos y visualización de datos On Journalism #2 Typewriter es una instalación de Julian Koshwitz que redacta de manera automática la historia de los periodistas asesinados en todo el mundo a partir de 1992.

Palabras Digitales

La Mansión Escondida. Animado por los resultados de mis primeras pruebas con Inform 7 (un software para escribir y programar aventuras conversacioneles) he rescatado un librillo que compré en el Alcampo cuando era un chaval.

La Mansión Escondida

Se titulaba “Programa tus Propias Aventuras en tu Computadora” e incluía el código completo de un juego titulado “La Mansión Escondida”. Después de un par de días de pelea con el ordenador, he terminado de reescribirlo con Inform, así que ya podéis descargarlo y jugar desde kekorto. Juega a “La Mansión Escondida” >> “La Mansión Escondida” fue creada originalmente por Chris Oxlade y aunque en nuestra versión hemos conservado su estructura original, también hemos preferido incluir descripciones mas detalladas de cada uno de los objetos y escenarios. El juego incluye 64 habitaciones, 8 tesoros que el jugador tendrá que encontrar para completar la aventura y 10 objetos variados que le ayudarán a hacerse con el botín oculto en este misterioso caserón. Exposition Monet 2010 - RMN - Grand Palais - Paris.

The Wilderness Downtown. ShapeOko + grbl = Awesome! Windbelt Micro-wind Generator. Liquid 2.0. Give Water. There is a water problem on planet Earth.

Give Water

Jason Bruges Studio.