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DateTime Arduino Library, timekeeping and time data manipulation on Teensy. DateTime, by Michael Margolis, adds timekeeping ability and provides access to to hours, minutes, seconds, days, months and years.

DateTime Arduino Library, timekeeping and time data manipulation on Teensy

Download: The example was slightly modified with a default time, so it will run without needing a separate program to set the time. DateTime works on Teensy without modifications. Hardware Requirements None. Basic Usage DateTime.sync(time) description, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah DateTime.available() DateTime.Hour DateTime.Minute DateTime.Second DateTime.Day DateTime.DayofWeek DateTime.Month DateTime.Year Example Program // DateTime.pde// example sketch for the DateTime library #include Details Details may be found at the official DateTime page.

Processing ControlP5 library example 1 : user interface – : creative media technology. // ControlP5 Example 1 : Basic UI elements import controlP5.*; // import controlP5 library ControlP5 controlP5; // controlP5 object // array to store 7 colors that can be changed by the different // user interface elements color [] colors = new color[7]; void setup() { size(330,260); smooth(); controlP5 = new ControlP5(this); // description : a bang controller triggers an event when pressed. // parameters : name, x, y, width, height controlP5.addBang("bang1",10,10,20,20); // description : a button executes after release // parameters : name, value (float), x, y, width, height controlP5.addButton("button1",1,70,10,60,20); // description : a toggle can have two states, true and false // where true has the value 1 and false is 0. // parameters : name, default value (boolean), x, y, width, height controlP5.addToggle("toggle1",false,170,10,20,20); // description : a slider is either used horizontally or vertically. // width is bigger, you get a horizontal slider.

Processing ControlP5 library example 1 : user interface – : creative media technology

Code.compartmental. Yesterday was the first day of the Joue le Jeu – Play Along exhibition at the Gaîté Lyrique in Paris.


This show has been curated by two of my Kokoromi cohorts, Heather Kelley and Cindy Poremba, along with Lynn Hughes from Concordia University in Montréal. These three amazing women have curated a show containing both […] Probably the coolest Sound Byte yet, this one will generate drum beats based on probabilities for each sixteenth note in a measure. The sound-set is basic: kick, snare, hat, plus a chime loop that is overlaid for a little melodic flavor. You can tweak the probability of all the steps independently, or just click a […] I wrote a UGen the other day that allows you to change the tick rate (or sample rate, if you like), of any UGen that you patch to it. I’ve been meaning to try out some digital Moog filter code. I’m working on adding the ability to do frequency modulation in Minim.

Krister » Ess. If you'd like to load or stream MP3 files, the following additional .jar files must be downloaded and either placed inside the 'code' folder in your sketch (the 'code' folder sits alongside your 'data' folder, and can be created if it does not exist), or in the 'library' folder inside the 'Ess' folder (alongside Ess.jar): tritonus_share.jar mp3spi1.9.2.jar jl1.0.jar No code is required to activate MP3 loading and streaming functionality.

krister » Ess

These files cannot currently be included with the Ess distribution as they are licensed under the LGPL. It is important to realize that MP3 import adds a little over 200k to the size of your compiled sketch. If your sketch does not import MP3 files it is wise to make sure these files are not in your 'code' folder or in the 'library' folder prior to export. NOTE: If you are having Java out of memory errors when trying to load MP3 files, either increase your Java heap size or use the AudioFile class to stream the files instead. Open Computer Vision Library - Browse /opencv-doc/Tutorials, Presentations. NextText.