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Art & Design for the Internet. 36 Stunning Magazine and Publication Layouts for your Inspiration. 20 Examples of Effective Image Usage in Web Design. Images can play a huge role in a web design.

20 Examples of Effective Image Usage in Web Design

This Advertising Life. 25 Mobile App UI Designs for Inspiration. Le Tigre. Music From The Internet. 21 Raw and Stunningly Realistic 3D Character Models. Most of us are intrigued by the amazing graphical character designs of our all-time favourite animated movies like the Shrek, Monster Inc., Ice Age etc.

21 Raw and Stunningly Realistic 3D Character Models

In fact, CG (Computer Graphics) character designs for computer games makes up an integral part of the gaming process. Much as we often take for granted these creatively detailed designs, there is always a tedious behind-the-scene effort needed to make this characters come ‘alive’ by first creating an animated 3D model. The CG characters you are about to see are created with powerful 3D tools like ZBurhs, 3DMax, Photoshop, etc.

In order to appreciate the beauty of our favorite on-screen characters, one should see how the 3D models are first created. 42 Free Online Magazines for Designers. Art and design magazines are designers close companion.

42 Free Online Magazines for Designers

Not only it feeds us with latest trends and news in the design industry, it’s also a good source of inspiration, particularly useful for those who hit the design block frequently. 70+ Insightful Retro And Historic Artworks Around The World. When one speaks of retro art, images of art styles derived from advertising and propaganda posters from 1930s to 1960s usually flood the mind.

70+ Insightful Retro And Historic Artworks Around The World

The simple graphics made from oil paints reflect the less advanced technology of that time. This period is also a time of significant turbulence in our modern history, when major events such as the rise of communism and World Wars were taking ground. It is then not surprising that many posters serve as propaganda tools for the ruling governments. These propaganda images eventually contributed to the development of different retro art styles. Top Beers - Popular. Interaction Design. 20 cool interaction design concepts. 5 Ways to Fatten Bass Sounds – AbletonOp. Bass is a tricky fish. It’s an integral part of a track’s ecosystem — yeah, okay, I’m going to cut the line and stop the metaphor here. I just can’t keep it up. Bass lines are some of the most important and memorable parts of dance music — since drum and bass, and (more recently) dubstep, we’ve been showing off bass as the main element of a track. This is an idea that was virtually nowhere to be found in all previous popular music (and most other types of music).

So now that bass has become so important to the music we listen to, we need to give it special attention — everyone could use a little bass education. One of the biggest problems with synthesizing bass sounds is that you naturally lose the fat, heavy, deep tone a bass is supposed to have. This is the most simple way to make a bass sound bassier — push up the low frequencies. Bass before EQ: Bass after EQ: When using EQ to manually adjust frequency levels, you should also drop in a Spectrum. Business Insider. What Hong Kong Looked Like 40 Years Ago.

Top 10 Fonts Web Designers Love. When I was starting out with Web and graphic design, I was always wondering about the fonts that real designers use.

Top 10 Fonts Web Designers Love

So I conducted a research to find out the most popular fonts designers like to use, their best practices, and also out of personal curiosity, their typographical needs. It would be nice to know which font is good for which situation and today I am sharing with you the results of my research. Through a combination of data collected from Polldaddy, Forrst, Facebook and Twitter, I got feedback from 34 designers from 14 countries answering questions about their favorite fonts and explaining to me why they love them.

By analysing all the input submitted I have uncovered some interesting information, which has been put together in an infographic by friends in Piktochart. Below that, check out the Top 10 list of free and premium fonts, and some of the interesting reasons why designers have their favorite fonts. Click on image to see in full scale. Top 10 Favorite Free Fonts. 70 Wonderful 3D Typography That Truely Inspires. Imagine an artwork without type – you can only make assumptions what the graphics are trying to deliver.

70 Wonderful 3D Typography That Truely Inspires

Type enhance and ensure you get whatever message the campaign is delivering. Typography design on the other hand, is what many designers are striving to improve and excel. 50 Greatest Computer Workstation (PC/Mac) Setups. Pin it Whether you are working on a Mac, a PC, or even both, the way your workstation is setup tells more or less about your attitude and style of working.

50 Greatest Computer Workstation (PC/Mac) Setups

The workstation could also be your source of inspiration, therefore you might want to put in more thoughts on the place that you’ll spend most of your time at. Nouvelles: Florian Rivière ~ Urban hacktiviste. Stats et Tweets - Euro 2012. NME News Article Single Player - Chromeless.


Movie Mimic. DSCRD plays Karlax. SUPER ART MODERN MUSEUM - SPAMM - MUSEE DES ARTS SUPER MODERNES. Music_Misc. Selecta // Electronic Music. HOME.