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Mythology. Mythology. Myth. Ancient Civilizations. Teoria astronautului antic. Despre acest Dogu (土偶) s-a speculat a fi un astronaut antic care a vizitat pământul în perioada Jomon din Japoniaantică; prezintă unele caracteristici pe care unii cercetători le consideră că ar reprezenta un costum spațial cu ochelari și cu cască.

Teoria astronautului antic

Electricitatea si becul electric? Fotografia arată partea stângă în relief a criptei din templul Hathor de la Dendera. (Egipt) Conform teoriilor despre cosmonauții antici, ființe extraterestre inteligente (numite astronauți antici sau extratereștri antici) au vizitat Pământului și acest contact are legătură cu originea și cu dezvoltare culturilor umane, tehnologiei și/sau religiilor. Unele dintre aceste teorii propun ca zeități din cele mai multe dacă nu toate religiile, sunt de fapt extraterestri, si tehnologiile lor au fost interpretate ca dovadă a statutului lor divin.[2][3] Ancient Alien/UFO. UFO / ET / Ancient Aliens. Secretele zeilor. Absolut toate culturile vorbesc în miturile lor despre fiinţe venite din stele, care au creat şi civilizat oamenii, le-au transmis acestora cunoştinţe şi i-au supravegheat de-a lungul timpului.

Secretele zeilor

Scrierile antice sanscrite spun că există 400.000 de specii umanoide în Univers, răspândite pe diverse planete, sisteme solare sau dimensiuni. De-abia la începutul mileniului al III-lea a reînceput să fie acceptată de majoritatea credinţa în viaţa extraterestră. În 2011, mai mult de jumătate din populaţia Terrei credea că există viaţă pe alte planete şi că suntem vizitaţi de extratereştri încă din cele mai vechi timpuri.

Erich von Däniken. Terence McKenna. Terence Mckenna. Drugs. Apariţii OZN de la începuturile istoriei - Extraterestrii şi intratereştrii. Oamenii au observat OZN-uri şi au avut contacte cu extratereştrii încă din preistorie, perpetuate apoi în antichitate, evul mediu şi până în prezent.

Apariţii OZN de la începuturile istoriei - Extraterestrii şi intratereştrii

În lipsa aparatelor de fotografiat, imaginile acestor întâlniri s-au păstrat sub formă de gravuri, picturi sau basoreliefuri. Totuşi, aceste mărturii istorice nu pun doar problema extratereştrilor, ci şi a intratereştrilor La început... n-a fost Roswell! Cazul Roswell este probabil cel mai cunoscut inci­dent legat de extratereştri şi navele acestora. NIEWYJAŚNIONE. ThePyramids of Caral Peru.

Called “the cradle of civilization of the Western world,” the ancient city of Caral in Peru is known for its pyramids, which represent one of the world’s greatest discoveries.

ThePyramids of Caral Peru

Although they are more weather-worn and less physically impressive than other pyramids around the world, they are no less historically significant, and their discovery offers new insights into the history of the Americas. Location Caral is located about 75 miles north of Lima in Peru’s Barranca region, near the central Peruvian coast. The pyramids are built on the fertile Supe Valley terrace, and are surrounded by desert.

Caral is 14 miles inland from its nearest neighbor, the town of Supe, and is one of 18 ancient settlements built by the Norte Chico civilization in the Supe Valley region. Pyramid Facts. Rise of the Greek Civilization. Research, Minoan Crete/Caphtor surrounding cultures. Mythology, folklore, and religion. UFOs and Aliens in Ancient Art. Posted by theghostdiaries on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 · 1 Comment The earliest depictions of ancient aliens and UFOs are those carved on a mountain in Hunan, China.

UFOs and Aliens in Ancient Art

They are said to be dated 47,000 years old, which puts them in the time span of the Neanderthal man, predating Homo-sapiens. These paintings seem to suggest early encounters with unknown beings and, perhaps, visitations from extraterrestrials. The further back you go in time, the harder these art pieces become to interpret. Extraterrestrial depictions in paintings are an incredibly controversial topic among scientists and ancient alien theorists. Despite scientific skepticism, the annals of art history contain many curious examples of mysterious objects being sighted in the sky.

Legendary creature. A legendary creature is an animal whose life is accounted in non-historical or yet to be verified stories that sometime involve the supernatural.

Legendary creature

However, other legendary animals, such as the unicorn, were documented in accounts of natural history by various scholars of antiquity.[1] Due to the lack of fossils of these creatures, the veracity of these historical recordings is questioned by modern zoologists. Some of the these creatures can also be cryptids, although the terms are not synonymous.

See also[edit] Mystical creatures. Mythology.


Ancient Astronaut Theory. Unexplained. Nephilim. Extraterrestrial Mummy Found In Egypt. Some online sources said that this is a species-being for its fur and reptilian traits that characterize them, such as their eyes, too large and oval shaped.

Extraterrestrial Mummy Found In Egypt

Inscriptions on the tomb of the mummy showed that the king was a counselor named Osirunet, meaning star or sent from heaven. ” The mummified body was buried with great respect and care, accompanied by a number of strange objects far from the archaeological museum managers can not identify. According to Egyptian sources, the alien mummy was discovered by Dr. Viktor Lubek, Czechoslovakian citizen and retired professor of the University of Pennsylvania.

Archaeologist located the hidden compartment while conducting an investigation into a small pyramid south of the main pyramid, Senusret II, which contains the queen of the pharaoh. At the site also found some gold and clay mixtures covering the body, and traces of cloth linen like appearance, the skin covering the enigmatic being. GALACTICFACETS - CRYSTAL SKULLS.