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50 Awesome New jQuery Plugins :Speckyboy Design Magazine. The jQuery community never fails to let you down. Its constantly evolving, constantly improving and, thankfully, constantly releasing a tidal wave of fresh and powerful freely available plugins for every possible requirement. Today we round-up the best and most powerful jQuery plugins from the last few months. You will find a comprehensive selection of the always popular sliders, image galleries, navigation solutions and form validity options. But this round-up has much more. Much, much more. jQuery Mobile jQuery Mobile is a unified user interface system across all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation.

jQuery Mobile Download & Docs → Globalization Plugin from Microsoft The jQuery Globalization Plugin enables you to add globalization support to your JavaScript applications. Globalization Plugin from Microsoft Download & Docs → Transformie Transformie Download & Docs → CLEditor CLEditor Download & Docs → Color Plugin xcolor Sexy.js Crazy Dots .goMap. A Complete Guide to Progressive Enhancement. For years, web designers have been using graceful degradation principles to make sure visitors in older browsers can at least see the content on their websites, even if they don’t see it exactly how the designer intended. Graceful degradation let designers design for the newest and best browsers without completely alienating those using older browser versions. And just because those with older browsers often got a less-than-optimal user experience didn’t deter designers from placing their focus squarely on the newest technologies and techniques, rationalizing that those using older browsers were either used to it or should just upgrade.

Progressive enhancement gives us a better option. Rather than focusing on browser technologies and support, PE focuses on content. As most designers would certainly agree, content is the most important part of virtually any website project. Who Benefits from Progressive Enhancement? Other Benefits of Progressive Enhancement Build From the Inside Out. 27 Amazingly Realistic CSS Icons and Logos. CSS3 comes up and you can replicate fancy effects you thought you can only do in Photoshop. Now people create logos and icons within only lines of code and what’s more no images! Effects are stunning and unbelievably realistic.

In this article, we have handpicked some awesome css3 experiments so far which will make you say wow. Olympic Logo Name: Doug Neiner Purely css, ems based and dynamically scalable. It also requires a browser capable of rendering border-radius. For now that includes recent versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer 9. jQuery Logo Name: Doug Neiner We all know jQuery. jQuery UI Logo Name: Doug NeinerjQuery UI icon. Impressive CSS logo replications Name: Justin Sepulveda Nice piece of icon set. Opera Logo Name: David DeSandro Nicely made Opera icon. iOS icons Name: Louis Harboe Great work. Simple css icons Name: Zander Martineau I didn’t know making triangles out of css2 was possible, till this article research. Pure CSS animated 3D Super Mario Icon. CSS3.0 Maker | CSS3.0 Generator.

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