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Welcome to Posterous Spaces. Polyvore. Day. Ma quanto mi costi? Sette linee guida per misurare il social media ROI [HOW TO] Dopo il grande successo dei social media e del loro utilizzo nel business d’impresa, per molte aziende è giunto il momento della verità: quali sono stati i risultati ottenuti?

Ma quanto mi costi? Sette linee guida per misurare il social media ROI [HOW TO]

Come ogni attività di comunicazione d’impresa, infatti, anche la pianificazione di campagne online necessita di risorse (tempo, specialisti, strutture, etc.) che a loro volta generano costi. E allora come fare a capire quali ritorni ha comportato questo investimento? La misura generalmente utilizzata per calcolare il ritorno di un investimento è il ROI (return on investment), calcolato attraverso il rapporto tra il risultato ottenuto e quanto abbiamo investito. I dati relativi al calcolo ed all’utilizzo effettivo nelle aziende del ROI per valutare l’efficacia e l’efficienza di un’azione di social media marketing non sono però positivi.

In particolare, in una recente indagine eMarketer è emerso che meno di 1 responsabile marketing&comunicazione su 5 misura il ritorno dell’investimento nei social media. a. B. C. Social Media Landscape Redux. A new version of this landscape has been published here: Social Media Lanscape 2011.

Social Media Landscape Redux

Following last year’s first version of my Social Media Landscape, I am induced to publish a new version to sync with the market’s latest evolutions. And I a not the only one: The Conversation Prism v2.0. This new landscape is now spitted into four main usages (expressing, sharing, networking, playing) and is structured around social platforms which ambition is to cover each user’s needs. The large size version is here : Social Media Landscape (redux).

Four Main Usages The various tools and services displayed on this landscape are listed bellow. 1. Publicatin tools like blogs (Blogger, Typepad, WordPress), wikis (Wikipedia, Wetpaint, Wikia), microblogs (Twitter, Tumblr, Identica), citizen news (Digg, Newsvine, AgoraVox) and livecast (JustinTV, Ustream, BlogTV) ;Discussion tools like forums (phpBB, Phorum) and video forum (Seesmic), instant messengers (Y! 2. 3. 4. From Social Networks to social Platform. Il Cluetrain Manifesto in italiano. Inside the Marketers Studio - David Berkowitz's Marketing Blog: 100 Ways to Measure Social Media. Originally published in MediaPost's Social Media Insider If there's anyone out there left who says you can't measure social media, here are a hundred answers.

Inside the Marketers Studio - David Berkowitz's Marketing Blog: 100 Ways to Measure Social Media

At most of the events I've been to lately, measurement continues to be a hot topic. The first question that comes up is, "What can I measure? " That's where this cheat sheet can come in handy: a list of 100 thought-starters. Some entries here can be interpreted several ways. Consulenza in Social Media Marketing (Facebook, etc.) – I Social Media sono davvero utili? Internet Statistics & Social Media Usage. Journalist blogging and commenting guidelines. 1.

Journalist blogging and commenting guidelines

Participate in conversations about our content, and take responsibility for the conversations you start. 2. Focus on the constructive by recognising and rewarding intelligent contributions. 3. Don't reward disruptive behaviour with attention, but report it when you find it. 4. 5. 6. 7.