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BRICOLAGE Réalisez un Suiveur ou Tracker Solaire pour Panneaux Photovoltaiques. {DIY} Des photophores petit budget - PrettySouthweds. « Oooohhh ahhhhhh », c’est joli des photophores dans une déco de salle ou même du lieu de votre cérémonie! Oui, mais si on a la folie des grandeurs et qu’on veut en mettre partout (ou si on a décidé de suivre le précepte déco « c’est l’accumulation d’un même objet qui fait que ça rend bien »!)

, ça commence à faire un sacré budget! Voici une chouette idée de DIY pour fabriquer vous-mêmes vos photophores qui nous vient du blog Confesiones de una Boda. Testé et approuvé par la demoiselle elle-même puisqu’elle a mis ces fameux photophores partout dans sa déco de mariage. Pour réaliser ces photophores, il vous faut: - Des ballons - De la cire en paillettes (cire végétale, d’abeille ou paraffine) - Deux casseroles, l’une plus grande que l’autre (pour faire un bain marie) - une aiguille - des bougies chauffe plat Première étape: Mettre les paillettes de cire à fondre au bain marie. Etanchéité à l’air, transfert de vapeur d’eau et pont thermique : le point sur des confusions courantes.

Trois phénomènes liés au confort thermique à bien comprendre On parle d’étanchéité à l’air pour décrire les problématiques de fuites ou d’infiltrations d’air parasites dans les parois. Ces fuites proviennent généralement de défauts de construction, de défauts de mise en œuvre des composants des parois. Les ponts thermiques sont, eux, générés par : Les points singuliers de la construction suivant le système constructif mis en œuvre (plancher bas, plancher d’étage, acrotères non isolés, etc.) ; les fuites et infiltrations d’air du bâti non traitées ; une isolation inexistante et /ou discontinue, notamment sur les points de jonction et cela même en cas d’étanchéité à l’air parfaite.

Les transferts de vapeur d’eau quant à eux sont permanents dans l’habitat. L’occupation des locaux (hommes, animaux, plantes) est génératrice de vapeur d’eau (respiration, transpiration, cuisine, douches, lessives…). Les conséquences sont nombreuses pour la maison : Etanchéité à l'air et la ventilation. How to Make 30 Minute Infinity Scarf - Knit. When I stumbled upon 30 Minute Infinity Scarf tutorial by Audra from “The Kurtz Corner” I got very enthusiastic about this fabulous idea. Since then I’ve been so hooked on this method of knitting that I can’t recall how many times I’ve made this fluffy scarf.

I’m sure that it’s the easiest and the most fun way to start your adventure with knitting. Since it's still a bit cold outside, we’ve decided to show you a bit altered version of the tutorial. Our idea was to make it even more helpful, so we used knitter’s perpective. Will you try your hand at arm knitting? Swan Cookies Recipe. You would think cookies in the shape of a swan are difficult to make, but in reality they are quite easy when you try.

There isn’t much hassle with achieving this creative and yet delicious result, you just have to use any cookie dough, as long as you can roll it. Here is what you’ll need: • 2 eggs (save the yolk of the second egg to brush over cookies before baking); • a couple of coffee cups of sugar; • one and a half coffee cup of vegetable oil; • one ammoniac soda sachet; • one coffee cup of milk; • lemon; • a small pack of vanilla flavor; Start by mixing well the eggs and adding the ammoniac sachet, dissolved before in the milk. Take a tall glass and make some circles in the dough; each will be a swan after you’re done with the shaping process. DIY Piggy Banks. It’s not an original idea to use plastic bottles for all sort of DIY projects, but it remains among the most creative ways of making a unique thing. Recyclables materials are often used in this domain because they are cheap (even free!)

And usually easy to handle. If you want a more fun method of keeping your money, you can use plastic bottles to manufacture a piggy bank. All you need is 2 bottles, from which you only need the bottom. Carefully use a knife and scissors to cut the bottles to the necessary size and then simply put them on top of each other. Then use any brand of acrylic craft paint to give the transparent plastic bottle a colorful bright new animal facade. Involve your kids; they’ll love to paint the new piggy bank in any animal they want: cow, pig, dog, bunny, pony etc. The piece of bottle which has the face of the animal will act like a lid for your small plastic bank. How to Create Pretty Paper Snowflakes in 6 Easy Steps! How to Create Pretty Paper Snowflakes in 6 Easy Steps! How to Create Pretty Paper Snowflakes in 6 Easy Steps! By alexandra.mcalpine from Creative Ideas in House & Home 'Tis the season for snow!

In just 6 simple steps, you will have your house filled with snow in no time! What You'll Need paperscissor How To Step 1: Fold the paper in half diagonally so both points line up evenly. Step 2: Fold in half again and again, make sure the points align evenly. Step 3: Fold triangle into thirds. Step 4: Adjust and fold your paper when each side matches each other as seen in the picture below. Step 5: Cut a straight line across the bottom of your paper.

Step 6: Experiment but cutting different shapes and lines into your folded paper. Unfold your paper and admire your pretty snowflake! Photo Source: Martha Stewart See more creative ideas by visiting the Facebook page here! Marvellous DIY Christmas Star Ornament Never miss a post! Join Diply Today Connect with a social network Sign In to Diply Report Post. DIY Braided Hex Nut Bracelet. We’re nuts for nuts. Is there a more versatile and inexpensive DIY component than a hex nut from the hardware store? You can imagine our excitement when we first discovered Philip Crangi’s Giles & Brother Hex Collection. Honestly, nuts braided into jewelry is WTF genius! With a few items that we always seem to have lying around, we tackled the technique and made our own spine-like braided hex nut wrap bracelet. You’ll need:3 strands of cotton butcher’s twine cut into one yard pieces18 small brass hex nutsa bit of dexterity!

Gather the 3 strands of twine and tie a knot at the top, leaving about 2 inches of slack. Start braiding. Keep your thumb at the base of the braid, holding the nut in its place. Repeat the steps, by threading the rest of the nuts to the outer pieces of twine before they are crossed over. The bracelet should wrap around your wrist at least two or three times. Good luck!! (top image from here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF) Vintage Wine Crate Coffee Table. Don't forget to stop by and Like my Facebook Page and Follow me on Twitter! **** ~ GREAT NEWS!!! For all you Non-DIYers out there. The Crate Coffee Table is now FOR SALE! Go to my For Sale page for more information! ~ **** New: Check out the new Inspiration Page! At last! A leg of our old coffee table is about to give out.

Optional Materials: ~ Images (not necessary if you use a real wine crate) - I found one on The Graphics Fairy and a few others online ~ Mod Podge ~ Matte Finish ~ Stain ~ Vinegar, steel wool and brewed tea {See my Stain Tutorial for more options} ~ A variety of screws, nails, L brackets, and bolts ~ Satin Polyurethane Final Dimensions: 27"W x 27"D x 17"HTotal Cost: $7 (x4 crates), $8 worth of wood for the frame and $7 per caster = $72 *price does not include screws, nails, stain or finish. I'm not intentionally being vague but unless you go out to buy these exact crates from Michael's then your measurements are going to be completely different than mine. Stain time! How to Make Ice Cream Cones on a Panini Press. This one is worth screaming from the rooftops. YOU CAN MAKE ICE CREAM CONES WITH YOUR PANINI MAKER!

Easily! With no special ingredients! And they’re good! Get ready for your inner child to leap with joy once that familiar sweet, cookie smell you love from the ice cream parlor wafts about your kitchen. If you’ve ever watched the ice cream folks make cones, all they do is place some batter on a shallow waffle iron, press out the batter and shape the cone. It finally occurred to me…couldn’t we do the same thing on a panini press? For the cone batter, I looked to this super-helpful post on the Cupcake Project blog.

I made up a batch of the cone batter, applied a dollop to the panini grill (a heaping tablespoonful seemed about right), closed the lid, and waited anxiously for a little over a minute. This amoeba-with-ridges may not resemble the perfectly round discs that a regular waffle cone maker produces, but keep the faith…it’ll be worth it. It was easy enough to make my own cone mold. T-shirt pom poms. Learn how to turn old t-shirts into pom poms! T-shirt Pom Poms are so much more durable than tissue paper ones. And I think they look loads better! Got an old tee or two {or 20!} That you don’t wear anymore? Turn them into *pretty little pom poms! * they’re fun and easy to make and turn out oh-so-fluffy!

Supplies t-shirts, 1 per pom pomscissorscardboard use round objects to trace circles onto cardboard to make 2 templates like those shown above. i used a roll of tape and my camera lens cap…. the diameter of the outer circle is 6.5″ and the diameter of the inner circle is 2.5″. you can play around with different template sizes to get different sized pom poms. cut your t-shirt into 1/2″ strips. i only used from the arm pits down on each shirt. . take one strip and one template and place strips as shown close to the inner circle. sandwich the strip by putting the other template on top. take a fabric strip and place on cardboard with the end even with the outer edge. should look something like this.

Mondrian-like bed. Be Creative. Arts visuels et bricolages. Kiwis chocolat sucette. The Owner-Builder Network. L’art différent du recyclage - Different Recycle creative craft. Creative Ideas.