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Lemuria. ~~~~~ The Esoteric Blog: Ursi's Eso Garden ~~~~~ Monday, 21. August 2006 News & Stories Vault Believers Want New Dig by Virginia Gazette.Advocates of our version of “The DaVinci Code” were back in town Friday, calling for another excavation to locate the “secret vault” of Sir Francis Bacon, which they still allege is buried beneath the churchyard of Bruton Parish Episcopal Church. The story propagated by Sir Francis Bacon's Sages of the Seventh Seal has all the elements of Dan Brown's theological thriller. Men and Women Dream Differently by icWales.Do you own a cat, suffer from back pain, or have a scar on your knee? Questions That Call for a Genius by The Observer.Is there life on any other planet?

Earth's moon could become a planet by CNN.If astronomers approve a newly proposed planet definition next week, things could get really strange. And: Details Emerge on Plan to Demote Pluto by was a wild week for astronomers. Some news-links do not last long. Sunday, 20. Tantra of Gyuto – Sacred Rituals of Tibet Saturday, 19. THE TOP TEN BEST PARANORMAL AND GHOST HUNTING TELEVISION SHOWS. Ghost hunting has grown into an international industry with high tech gadgets aimed at not only catching images. Ghost Mania has made us all more aware of what a ghost and paranormal activity is supposed to really be. Well Haunted America Tours Visitors you have voted and picked these shows as your most and best favorite shows to watch! 1. Haunting Evidence Today when you say the word Supernatural. Supernatural - The Complete First Season Buy it here now!

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