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Behance. Behance. Behance. Behance. D&AD Make Your Mark (Handmade Project - Labels) 2014 on Behance. Brick X Brick . Co on Behance. Believe it or not, this project started as an investigation into glitch and digital spaces.

Brick X Brick . Co on Behance

Over time while investigating I came to understand that what I found so wonderful about glitching software and overwhelming circuits was that the moment of exposing a supposedly reliable system as nothing more than a series of complex working agendas was the real draw for me. Capturing an artifact of that proof was like seeing a security photo of a culprit caught red handed, the truth exposed. Ultimately, the purely digital experience wasn't in line with my interests though I'll continue to pursue it in other projects.

I loved the inherent power relationship and the perception of reality at play with these moments, but the digital metaphor breaks down for me in the real world where I'm surrounded by the slow burn of latent analog culture errors. At the end of the day, I decided to start working on fixing the glitch. Free PSD Mockups on Behance. Glitch, interfering with beauty on Behance. Super demain - Poster Design on Behance. Super Demain, c’est un événement qui change le regard sur les technologies numériques.

Super demain - Poster Design on Behance

Souvent abordé sous l’angle des dangers, le rapport entre famille, éducation et société de l’information interpelle mais ne propose pas de réponses efficaces aux enjeux sociaux, culturels et économiques posés par le développement des technologies numériques. C’est aussi un événement pour tous les publics : Super Demain invite les professionnels comme les familles à découvrir en s’amusant, les coulisses des médias et du monde numérique, le fonctionnement technique d’internet, les techniques des communicants et des publicitaires… Débats et conférences, rencontres, c’est également un événement dédié aux professionnels et aux écoliers.

Voici donc le visuel que nous avons conçu pour cet événement… 10 Miedos que debes Superar para Iniciar tu Propio Negocio. Una vez tomas la decisión de Iniciar un Negocio Propio, inmediatamente vienen a ti infinidad de dudas y temores que te bloquean, impidiéndote dar el primer paso.

10 Miedos que debes Superar para Iniciar tu Propio Negocio

Para comenzar, debes entender que es completamente normal sentirse así. Siempre que vas a realizar algo que es importante para ti, es inevitable sentir miedo, incertidumbre y ansiedad. Pero, emprender es un reto en el que debes superarte a ti mismo constantemente y estar dispuesto a enfrentar tus más grandes temores. Sloche on Behance. Suprematic lemon tea on Behance. Behance. Olympus Travel on Behance.

#diadomauhumor on Behance. KVs Stuhlberger 65 Anos on Behance. Metro Re Branding on Behance. We need to Recycle on Behance. MAO 16" x 20" Spray Paint & Acrylic on Cradled Wood Panel in Fresh. Data Flow 2 - Geometric Experiments on Behance. Art Out Loud for LexArts #Posters in Art Out Loud. Architecture Now! Vol. 10 book cover in Fresh. #poster #flyer #layout #music #minimal in Notwo. Auri Sacra Fames by Anthony Neil Dart in Poster. Silver Black Cycle. Behance. Behance. Bartolina Busca-Pé… E o Zé! on Behance.

Bartolina Busca-Pé… E o Zé!

Bartolina Busca-Pé… E o Zé! on Behance

This is not a ordinary picture book. It is a book that dares to merge words, illustration and type into an object that speaks to and challenges the reader. “Bartolina Busca-Pé… E o Zé!” Is a 200-page story, therefore it could not be conceptualized like a picture book, in which the illustration follows, almost literally, the story and takes centre stage. That was our starting point. Resultados de la Búsqueda de imágenes de Google de. Cinemagraph: 28 Still Photos With Subtle Motion. So today we’re going to showcase animated GIF artwork but there are not the regular GIF we use on websites.

Cinemagraph: 28 Still Photos With Subtle Motion

These are beautiful twist from somehow nasty animated Gif artworks with the use of high quality photos from modern photography, and the pioneer, Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg called it – Cinemagraph. (Image source: From Me To You) Like what you’ve seen in most GIF animation, cinemagraph is a product of still photo with minor elements moving on. It’s nothing impressive on technique but what makes cinemagraph unique is it brings back certain part of the photo to life, thus making the entire photo more realistic, attractive and sometimes even thought-provoking, just like the magical newspaper from the movie Harry Potter. Dozens of photographers have found this technique interesting, so do we. Recommended Reading: More Cinemagraphs: 32 Still Photos With Subtle Movements 28 Inspiring Cinemagraphs A Wonderful World.

Captivating Cinemagraphs. Cinemagraphs - Amazing 3D-like Animated Photos. “What we describe as animated photography is not animation at all.

Cinemagraphs - Amazing 3D-like Animated Photos

All that happens is that a long string of snap-shot photographs… are passed at rapid speed before the eye.” – F. A. Talbot “Moving Pictures: How They are Made and Worked”, 1912. Even if we tend to perceive the movement, it is only an illusion, as the animated photos (Cinemagraphs) don’t record the moving object, but different motionless positions of the object, that are later combined using different kinds of sometimes sophisticated techniques to create the animated photography that amazes us so much. Another element of amazement is the 3D-like effect that occasionally makes it more realistic than we could imagine it is possible. Ok, so there’s a trend lately in photography, maybe you’ve seen something while surfing the internet in one of those restless sleepless nights. In the showcase for today we’ve gathered amazing 3D-like animated photos for your enjoyment and inspiration. Captivating Cinemagraphs.

Captivating Cinemagraphs. 50+ Epic Cinemagraph Animated Gifs. Photography is a great hobby and passion for many creatives.

50+ Epic Cinemagraph Animated Gifs

We enjoy seeing beautiful things far and wide whether it be a landscape, a bustling city street, or a beautiful building tucked away somewhere quiet. Sometimes though, still pictures can get a little bit boring. The animated gif is always fun, and has been around for quite some time, it was once shunned on the internet but its glory has been restored as the internet has fully re-embraced that trusty little image format. Mixing Animated Gifs with still photography (or video elements), it seems, is a brilliant idea. Not only are the results fantastic, but the animation is often mind bending and captivating – leaving you breathless as you do nothing but stare – unable to turn away. What Is A Cinemagraph? Cinemagraphs are still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs.

So while it looks so classic, refined, and beautiful – it hasn’t been around all that long! » “Así de sencillo es arruinar la vida de alguien en Facebook” Video Institucional del Ejército de Chile. Coke Now with More Lives on Behance. Coca-Cola Oympics on Behance. El “banco de rocío”, un forma inteligente de recoger agua potable. El onymacris unguicularis es un escarabajo negro endémico del desierto de Namibia, uno de los insectos más admirado por los ingenieros gracias a su mecanismo para conseguir agua en parajes tan extremos.

El “banco de rocío”, un forma inteligente de recoger agua potable

Temprano, por la mañana, cuando la niebla cargada de rocío se alza sobre las dunas, el escarabajo sube a la cima y coloca su cuerpo orientado hacia el viento. En su espalda cuenta con una serie de protuberancias que atrapan la bruma condensándola en gotas más grandes que, al crecer, resbalan por unos canales que conducen el agua directamente hasta su boca. Sistema para recolectar agua del rocío. Dos arquitectos israelíes han diseñado un sistema sencillo para obtener agua potable del rocío como parte de sus tesis doctorales.

Sistema para recolectar agua del rocío

Captando Agua Potable del Rocio. Captando Agua potable del Roció El símbolo ~ se obtiene apretando las teclas Alt 123 He aquí una simple manera de aprovechar el Agua Potable depositado por el Roció, el cual se manifiesta durante las horas nocturnas.

Captando Agua Potable del Rocio

Consiga una lamina o mas de Hojalata Galvanizada (creo que vienen en planchas de 2 x 3 ó x . Construya un armazón para esta/s plancha/s, este puede ser de madera o metal, construya este armazón para que tenga un ángulo de inclinación de aproximadamente 35 grados, esto es para que una vez que el Roció se haya condensado en la lamina, puede descender por gravedad hacia el filo inferior de la lamina, donde se colocara un pequeño receptor plástico (tubo plástico cortado horizontalmente en dos) a la cual se le colocara una pequeña manguera, para que esta conduzca el agua a un contenedor, teniendo este si fuera posible, un cuello angosto, para así evitar la evaporación del agua almacenada en el. Sistema de captación de agua de la niebla. - Bajatec Manuales: Soluciones caseras sostenibles. Incluso en el desierto más árido de la tierra, Atacama al norte de Chile, es posible conseguir agua. Gracias al aire húmedo que viene del pacífico, es posible recolectar el agua de la bruma que se forma por las mañanas de la humedad creada durante la noche.

Como podéis ver, la idea es reforestar el desierto instalando una pantalla colectora junto a cada árbol. El método de siembra que acompaña a este artículo se puede encontrar aquí. Encontré este texto en y creo que necesita ser compartido con todos vosotros. Esta torre de bambú extrae agua del mismo aire para paliar la sequía. Rhubra Lukas Haider Graphic Design, Photography & Cinematography. Guanacaste entre sequía y muerte. La sequía extrema causa estragos en Guanacaste, hoy las pérdidas son incalculables en los sectores ganadero y agropecuario, lo que significa que por tercer año consecutivo el fenómeno de El Niño golpea sin misericordia a esta provincia, lo cual lo reconfirma también el Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN), quien indica que esta faltante de agua no se registraba en los últimos 78 años.

Costa Rica no vivía una sequía como la actual desde hace 75 años. Stretch & Squeeze Training on Behance. Behance. ЕБШ TRX BOX BAR on Behance. Stretch & Squeeze Training on Behance. Lever_Up_Fitness on Behance. The Forge on Behance. Athlete - Fitness and Sport Template on Behance. HBO Boxing - website redesign on Behance. Amanda on Behance. The Real Her on Behance. I Love You, I Love You! on Behance. Humanize Poster on Behance. Noel Gallagher Silkscreen Type Poster on Behance. Craft on Behance. PopUp Posters — 11/04/16 on Behance. Mayfesto on Behance. L'argent on Behance. Dostoyevsky "Crime and Punishment" on Behance. ROCKY OPENING CREDITS on Behance. MOVIE POSTER/ raging bull on Behance. Dark Star Crossfit Competition on Behance. Sports&Life - Gym & Fitness PSD Template on Behance. Athlete - Fitness and Sport Template on Behance. Free Font on Behance.

MMA Academy / Logos on Behance. Pretorian - Proposta E-Commerce on Behance. The Danger of Being Social. The Danger of Being Social. Watch DSKNECTD: Is Technology Changing Us? Online. Easy Brix: Grill & Wine on Behance. Market Street Catch on Behance. Branding on Behance. Hand drawn illustration on Behance. ReSTART Center for Technology Sustainability. Social media 'rehab': Is a 24/7 texting helpline really the best method? Social media has created dependency issues; research has proven it. Academic studies have linked apps such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to symptoms of depression, anxiety and general dissatisfaction. Therapy website Talkspace has a solution: a new 12-week plan to address social-media dependency. That's right, exchange texts with a real therapist to talk through your dependence – not "addiction," mind you – to your phone. Created in 2012, the Talkspace app offers text-based therapy provided by 200 therapists to its current 150,000 registered users.

But unlike texting a friend, a parent or a significant other, on the other end is a therapist. The launch includes an installation in New York's Flatiron District, where passersby are encouraged to look in a mirror and use the hashtag #reflectreality. Talkspace began as a way to "break down the barriers" to traditional therapy, says co-founder Roni Frank.

Frank identified three main barriers to seeking therapy: cost, access and stigma. Teen Social Media Addiction Treatment - Paradigm Malibu. Teen Social Media Addiction is a behavioral disorder in which teens become so preoccupied and obsessed with social media that it distracts them from engaging in the real world, and in turn, causes harmful effects on multiple aspects of their lives. While many teenagers engage in some form of social media (including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Vine, Snapchat, and video games) and consider it a daily part of their lives, Teen Social Media Addiction is characterized by the level of this use being so extreme that it negatively affects the relationships and responsibilities in the teens’ lives. What It Looks Like The two most dominating characteristics of Teen Social Media Addiction is the large amount of time that teens spend on social media and the underlying reasons why they’re doing so.

Teens with Social Media Addiction have an almost constant nagging desire to check updates, write statuses, share a picture, play a game, or engage in their social media world in some way. NSCA New Member Welcome Kit on Behance. Behance. » Primer “orgasmo social chileno”: Twitter se enciende con actriz que prueba un consolador frente a cámara. Nike Tech Pack in store app on Behance. Coca Cola - Gaming on Behance.