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Lymph system

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The Domino Effect of Neglecting your Lymphatic System. Introduction To Lymphatic System Detoxification Part 1. Self Lymph Drainage Massage by in Louisville, KY. Rescue Your Lymph From Stress... Before It's Too Late! - Dr. Douillard's LifeSpa. Self-Massage. The primary purpose of self-massage, which is also known as lymphatic massage, is to improve the flow and drainage of lymph by stimulating the lymphatic vessels.


Your lymphedema therapist will instruct you in a program of daily self-massage. This is an important part of managing your lymphedema and should be performed regularly as directed. If you have an infection, or any indication that you are developing an infection, you may need to modify (or skip) your self-massage until the infection is under control. Return to performing self-massage only after your physician has given the "all clear.

" Self-message is NOT RECOMMENDED for those with other medical conditions such as a malignant tumor. To understand self-massage strokes, pay close attention to the instructions provided by your therapist. Self-massage is a gentle technique taught to the patient by the therapist and the resulting massage should never hurt or make the skin red. Living Well with Lymphedema Ann Ehrlich, MA. What is lymphedema? Lymphedema (limf-uh-DEE-muh) is a build-up of lymph fluid in the fatty tissues just under your skin.

What is lymphedema?

What is the lymph system? Our bodies have a network of lymph nodes and lymph vessels that collect and carry watery, clear lymph fluid, much like veins collect blood from distant parts of the body (like the hands and arms) and carry it back to the heart. Lymph fluid contains proteins, salts, and water, as well as white blood cells, which help fight infections.

In the lymph vessels, one-way valves work with body muscles to help move the fluid through the body. Lymph nodes are small collections of tissue that work as filters for harmful substances and help fight infection. The lymph system in the upper body What causes lymphedema? During surgery for breast cancer, the doctor might take out lymph nodes from under the arm to see if the cancer has spread. Top 10 Natural Ways To Cleanse Your Lymphatic System. Dr. Robert Morse - The Great Lymphatic System (better quality) Love Your Lymph. Can you imagine what would happen if you city’s sanitation department went on strike?

Love Your Lymph

Trash would start to pile up, a stench would fill the air and rotting debris would create a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. Yuck, that’s not a very pretty picture! Unfortunately, that’s what happens inside your body when you don’t show your lymph a little love. While most people are familiar with the immune system and how supporting it can keep you from getting sick, few people know very much about its sidekick, the lymphatic system.

Biologically speaking, the lymphatic system is a vast network of fluid, organs, nodes, ducts, glands and vessels which are constantly cleansing your body of waste material. Top Tips for Keeping This One Neglected Body System Clean and Healthy. Photo credit:

Top Tips for Keeping This One Neglected Body System Clean and Healthy

Easy 3 Day Lymph System Cleanse. Photo credit: The body’s lymph system is probably one of the most under-studied, least understood, and most ignored system in the body.

Easy 3 Day Lymph System Cleanse

When you are feeling fine, your lymph system just gets pushed to the wayside. In fact, it seems as if the only time people really think about or talk about lymph nodes is when someone is diagnosed with cancer. Perhaps if people only understood how the lymph system works and how important it is to almost every other function and system in the body, we might not take it for granted. Women’s Health and Wellness.

Against bacteria, viruses and fungus This is a gentle, non-invasive manual technique that has a powerful effect on the body.

Women’s Health and Wellness

Research in Australia, Europe and North America has proven its efficacy as a stand-alone treatment and in combination with other therapies. Developed in France in 1932 by Dr. Emil and Estrid Vodder MLD has grown to be the most well known manual technique to assist lymph flow and aid in drainage of tissues. The skin is stretched and torqued in a specific manner, based on scientific, physiological principles that have proven to encourage lymph flow. The above information comes directly from the Dr. A Sluggish Lymph System Causes Snoring & Sleep Apnea. Wednesday, February 12, 2014 By: Byron J.

A Sluggish Lymph System Causes Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist Snoring is the main symptom of sleep apnea or its precursor condition, hypopnea, which involves the reduction of airflow. While it is disturbing to one’s sleep partner, it is also a sign of a health problem that should be improved to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and significantly improve energy. A new study by Italian researchers confirms a clinical observation I have made for years and opens the door to a solution for millions of Americans struggling with this problem. Fluid Retention and Snoring. A Healthy Lymph System is Vital for Flu Fighting Immunity.

Thursday, November 01, 2012 By: Byron J.

A Healthy Lymph System is Vital for Flu Fighting Immunity

Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist The healthy function of your lymphatic system is required for an optimal immune response. Millions of Americans struggle with a sluggish and stagnant lymph system. If you are one of them, this is because your lymph system, in addition to its immune related chores, is also involved with clearing trash and the absorption and transport of fat. The speed with which you mount an immune response can be drastically impaired by poor lymph function. Lymph System 101 During the course of infection, cells that have identified an invader—such as the dendritic cells of your front line immune troops—must migrate into your lymphatic system and present their findings to a subgroup of lymphocytes called T helper cells that reside within lymph tissue.