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⊕ Search Engine | Online Marketing in China. SEO. ⊕ Tips to Improve Your Indexation on Baidu. I have recently checked several top Chinese property websites, which of course focus on Baidu, as their visitors are the mass audiences who tend to go to Baidu, and found that their results on Baidu are amazing. Both of Anjuke and Mytophome have achieved multiple times the amount of indexation on Baidu than on Google. What a huge difference compared to those international company websites, which have the situation the other way around! By looking into the structure, sitemap, links, etc, I summarized a few tips that might be useful for Baidu Indexation. 1. Flat Website Architecture/structure Both Anjuke and Mytophome use lot of sub-domains.

Each city is assigned with a sub-domain of 2. Baidu hasn’t launched its Webmaster Tools yet, so sitemap.xml and robots.txt that are used to submit to Google Webmaster Tools, are not working well with Baidu spider. 3. Local link building plays an important role in Baidu indexation. 4. 5. Tags: Baidu, China, SEO, Site Indexation.

Free keyword suggestion tool for SEO, Adwords & blogging from Wordtracker - the leading keyword research tool. SEO & Search Engine News : SEJ. SEO Consulting Blog - SEO Smarty. 搜狗特色功能——网页评级(Sogou Rank)查询. The Wealthy Affiliate University. 如何用百度查询网站的反向链接?--搜索引擎研究和软件技术分享-管理员博客. 反向链接. 编辑本段 基本信息 概述 假设把网页文档A中包含的指向B的链接命名为“A-B”,则对B来说这个“A-B”即为一个反向链接。 网页文档 假设把网页文档A包含指向B的链接命名为“A-B”,则对B来说这个“A-B”即为一个反向链接。 对某个网页文档来说,所有来自其他文档指向自己的链接都叫“反向链接”。 类型 (1) 站内链接 :分为两种,一种是实际存在的,而另一种是虚拟存在的;一种是为浏览者设计的,而另一种是专为搜索引擎设计的。 (2)镜象站的链接:分为两种,一种是有国际域名的镜象站,而另一种是使用免费空间所做的“ 桥页 ”。 (4)自助链接。 (5)blog链接。 (7)guestbook链接。 (8)forum链接。 (10)搜索引擎的搜索结果。 (11)引用日志。 编辑本段 增加反链 列表策略 1、建立一个类似“快速提高百度排名的35个技巧”这样的标题,这种文章经常会被看做权威文章而被大量转载引用,引用者会链接向这样的文章。

权威的内容 1、把文章内容写的简单易懂,这样更多的人就可以为你传播。 新闻和聚合 1、在一些相关行业网站发布高质量文章,如IT行业可以在艾瑞、Donews等网站发布,这些网站的排名都很好,处理增加反向链接,还会为我们带来高质量的流量 2、到一些行业网站和论坛提交文章,如SEO行业可以到28推,ADMIN5等网站发布 3、发送新闻稿。 目录、社会化书签 1、很老但很有用。 合作伙伴、专业交换 1、问问你的合作伙伴或商业伙伴是否可以给你一个链接,如某某技术支持:加上关键词链接。 免费链接 1、参与问答平台如百度知道、雅虎知识、搜搜问问等等。 评论 1、博客的评论,并留有自己的名字和链接,但也有不好的地方,别人看到你的链接容易删除。 会议和社会关系 1、行业会议时,拍摄行业名人的照片,并留有你的精彩解说。 编辑本段 增加原则 1.链接应该来自相关网页 这一点越来越重要。 2.链接在网页不同的位置 最好反向链接不要都来自于网页底部的友情链接区,而应该在各个网页的不同地方。 3.逐步自然增长 不要在短时间内增加成百上千个反向链接,这种不自然的快速增长,是网站进入Sandbox沙盒效应的重要原因之一,更严重的有可能被惩罚。 4.反向链接应该来自不同PR的网页 当然来自高PR值网页的反向链接很好,但如果你所有的反向链接都来自于PR4,PR5以上的网页,这恐怕也不自然。 5.来自好的邻居 6.链接应该来自不同的IP地址 1、要循序渐进. 高级搜索. Site report for (avenit AG - Internetagentur, Suchmaschinenoptimierung, typo3) Domain: Nserver: Nserver: Status: connect Changed: 2008-12-17T15:21:01+01:00 [Tech-C] Type: PERSON Name: Ralf Kaestner Address: avenit AG Address: Kornstrasse 7 PostalCode: 77652 City: Offenburg CountryCode: DE Phone: +49-781-91936925 Fax: +49-781-91936999 Email: ralf.kaestner@ According to regular HTML validation errors in HTML on were fluctuating between 10 (minimum) and 36 (maximum) during the last year. Why is this information so valuable? Search engines love valid HTML documents because of the simple reason that "it makes their job easier". For example if you don’t close some tags or if you simply don’t deliver HTML in orderly fashion, it makes the parsing process of your HTML document harder, which draws additional resources from the search engine. Therefore, search engines tend to favour documents that contain 100% valid HTML. Google Search Operators. The following table lists the search operators that work with each Google search service. Click on an operator to jump to its description — or, to read about all of the operators, simply scroll down and read all of this page.

The following is an alphabetical list of the search operators. This list includes operators that are not officially supported by Google and not listed in Google’s online help. Each entry typically includes the syntax, the capabilities, and an example. Allinanchor: If you start your query with allinanchor:, Google restricts results to pages containing all query terms you specify in the anchor text on links to the page. Anchor text is the text on a page that is linked to another web page or a different place on the current page.

Allintext: If you start your query with allintext:, Google restricts results to those containing all the query terms you specify in the text of the page. Allintitle: allinurl: In URLs, words are often run together. Author: cache: define: ext: group: China online internet marketing | Enter China market now. Chinese SEO, Baidu SEO & PPC Management Services in China.