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Social Media Infographics. [Infographie] Le tableau de bord des réseaux sociaux. Vous évoluez comme un poisson dans l’eau entre Facebook, Twitter, Spotify ou encore Pinterest.

[Infographie] Le tableau de bord des réseaux sociaux

Mais pensez-vous tout savoir sur eux ? Le monde des médias sociaux peut, en effet, parfois se révéler complexe et multiple. SocialJumpstart a donc créé une infographie, relayée sur Mashable, qui recontextualise les grands noms des réseaux sociaux mais aussi les moins connus, à l’image de Reddit ou Tagged. Social media in Asia: understanding the numbers. The Asia edition of our Internet Statistics Compendium saw significant expansion through 2011.

Social media in Asia: understanding the numbers

With rapid mobile and e-commerce growth in the region, more data has emerged than ever before. When it comes to social media, Asia continues to be of significant interest to marketers, brands and anyone with an interest in social trends around the globe. Here are a few highlights from our latest stats update... On a continent of varying population sizes across countries ranging from some of the most metropolitan to some of the most rural, the surface data can be difficult to process.

Thankfully, analysts are striving to simplify this, and we can get a more rounded view of the most significant markets. Penetration vs. Often, when faced with statistics concerning the popularity of digital activities, it is natural for us to look first at penetration, either on a region’s respective population or the 'internet universe'.

Facebook still dominant? Corporate activity. 20 Stunning Social Media Statistics Plus Infographic. [Infographie] Dernier état des lieux des médias sociaux en 2011. L’infographie suivante nous offre un dernier aperçu de l’état des lieux des médias sociaux en 2011.

[Infographie] Dernier état des lieux des médias sociaux en 2011

Si la plupart de ces statistiques ont déjà été évoquées, l’intérêt réside cette fois-ci dans leur actualisation. On regrettera toutefois, le manque d’informations sur Google + ou encore LinkedIn. Ce travail, réalisé par l’équipe du blog Dream Systems Media, rappelle par exemple que Facebook a gagné près de 200M de membres en l’espace d’une année. Vers l'émergence d'un Web post-social. En matière de Web, terre de débats où les convictions peuvent remplacer les doutes en quelques mois (et inversement), il est très souvent intéressant d'écouter les avis qui divergent de l'enthousiasme ambiant.

Vers l'émergence d'un Web post-social

LeWeb 2011 n'échappait pas à la règle avec un énorme enthousiasme autour de la consommation sociale d'Internet et un avis divergent : celui de George Colony, CEO de Forrester Research, le célèbre cabinet d'analyses américain. Il est l'un des premiers à avancer une notion qui dérangerait presque mais qui a le mérite d'être pragmatique : le "post-social".

Voici son intervention complète, je reprend et interprète ci-dessous les points clés de sa présentation. Les réseaux sociaux arrivent à saturation. Six Social Media Trends for 2012 - David Armano. By David Armano | 10:25 AM December 12, 2011 Each year at this time, I look forward and predict trends in social media for the coming year.

Six Social Media Trends for 2012 - David Armano

But first, I look back at my predictions from last year. How’d I do? Not bad. Social media continues to move forward toward business integration, a trend that I identified last year.édia_sociaux.pdf.

Sociology in social media

The State of Social Media in Small Business [Infographic] How Small Business Is Using Social Media [STATS] The University of Maryland's Smith School of Business looked at the relationship between social media and small businesses and found that the technology adoption rates in the U.S. have doubled in the past year from 12% to 24%.

How Small Business Is Using Social Media [STATS]

The data comes straight from the university's third installment to its Small Business Success Index report and is based on a December 2009 telephone survey of 500 small business owners. Adoption rate calculations are compared against a baseline report conducted in December 2008. User-generated content. Many commercial websites rely on UGC. For example, and Trip Advisor rely on users to rate products and hotels and restaurants, respectively.[2][3] These reviews are important part of what the two respective websites offer. When UGC is contained in commercial websites it is often monitored by administrators to avoid offensive content or language, copyright infringement issues, or simply to determine relevancy of the content to the site's theme. Because user-generated content is generally free to store, the world's data centers are now replete with exabytes of UGC that, in addition to creating a corporate asset,[4] may also contain data that can be regarded as a liability.[5][6]

OECD/UCC study.

General mapping of social media Global social networking revenues to double by 2016, report says. Did you know that Facebook was gaining ground in all emerging markets, including Brazil where one-time champion Orkut seems less and less unbeatable?

Global social networking revenues to double by 2016, report says

And did you know that altogether, social networks now have over one billion users across the globe? According to a report from the market intelligence firm Strategy Analytics, facts like these are expected to result in a 121% increase in global social networking revenues by 2016. Growing in emerging markets, maturing elsewhere According to the firm’s 2011 Global Social Network Market Forecast, this revenue should reach $12.6 billion in 2016, doubling this year’s figures. This growth will come both from emerging and developed markets. This may impact revenues in two ways. Beyond Facebook According to the report’s author, the analyst Leika Kawasaki, it’s not just about Facebook: The key factor, she says, will be social networks’ ability to work with third parties: New "Science of Sharing" Study Uncovers What Influences the Social Consumer. Scienceofsharing/ScienceofSharing_WhitePaper.pdf. Scienceofsharing/ScienceofSharing_Infographic.pdf. Social media around the world : 2011. [Infographie] Les chiffres clefs des médias sociaux à travers le monde. L’équipe de sociabakers a récemment publié une infographie complète, basée sur ses outils d’analyse, qui dresse un état des lieux des médias sociaux à travers le monde.

[Infographie] Les chiffres clefs des médias sociaux à travers le monde

Cette réalisation nous apprend, par exemple, que le jour le plus propice pour les marques pour communiquer sur les réseaux sociaux serait le jeudi… Vivement demain! Au menu également, de nombreuses statistiques « mises à jour ». The World of Social Media 2011 - State of the Blogosphere 2011: Introduction and Methodology - Technorati Blogging. Welcome to Technorati's State of the Blogosphere 2011 report.

State of the Blogosphere 2011: Introduction and Methodology - Technorati Blogging

Since 2004, our annual study has followed growth and trends in the blogosphere. This year's topics include: blogging and social media, bloggers and traditional media, traffic and analysis, brands and marketing in the blogosphere, bloggers' motivations and consequences, monetization, and changes within the blogosphere over 2011. The Blogosphere is constantly changing and evolving. In 2011 we are seeing bloggers updating their blogs more frequently and spending more time blogging. The type of information influencing blogging has shifted from conversations with friends, which was the primary influence in 2010, to other blogs, which for 68% of bloggers are having more of an influence in 2011.

This year we have chosen to display our results according to five different types of bloggers: