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Media - in nature - Sequoias NP - Smokey Giant Forrest. Let It Dough! Gallery of Light calligraphy - No Photoshop on Photography Served. Dali-and-rhinoceros. Daily Dosage #237. Daily Dosage is a collection of inspirational images neatly displayed here for your enjoyment. Keep your creative juices flowing by checking out Daily Dosage every weekday, Monday through Friday! If you missed a day, or are looking for previous entries, why not stop by the archive? Find this post useful? Check out these: God is love: Pictures from burning Man. God is love Pictures from burning Man Newer PostOlder PostHome Menu Home Where is Heaven? A New World -continued from Where is Heaven What Collapses the Quantum Wave Function? What if the Conscious Observer Collapses the Quantum Wave Function? What else happens if the Conscious Observer collapses the Quantum Wave Function What if the Quantum Wave Function Collapsed Different?

Liu Bolin...The Invisible Man... - v1kram's posterous. Creating-life-1366x768. 'Strange Worlds': More than meets the eye. Given the subject matter of this blog, most of the artists, designers, and architects who I write about aren’t exactly in the business of deception. For this post, reality and transparency have gone on holiday, replaced with the truly exquisite, eye-tricking works of New Jersey-based artist Matthew Albanese. When looking at the below photo you might think, “Wow, what a dramatic photo of a tornado” not “Wow, what an interesting photo of ground parsley, cotton, moss and steel wool.” Well, that’s what you are looking at: ground parsley, cotton, moss and steel wool painstakingly arranged to look like a tornado sweeping across a plain. Creating "Strange Worlds," Albanese spends weeks constructing small-scale models of dramatic natural landscapes using common, household materials ranging from paprika to tile grout to fireplace ash.

Next, he photographs his miniature faux worlds, employing a variety of photographic techniques that alter the appearance of the materials. Tree of Death. Senju_new_1.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels) Alien Loves Predator. 304034_1210791847_large.jpg (JPEG Image, 1162x1194 pixels) - Scaled (64. Rainbows. ♥ Ww0052s.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x433 pixels) Natasha Lawes. ‘ I am truly part of the Blue peter generation, I just love making and decorating, whatever the medium or subject. My father the late David Lawes, was a Scenic Artist working for theater companies such as the Royal Opera House & ENO and this wet my appetite for working with many mediums, production design & all things theatrical. My interest in Tech-effect costume also blossomed from a young age when he worked with the amazing costume designer Eiko Ishioka.

My mother was a brilliant potter, and that inspired me to work with clay, to sculpt & to model make. I went on to study at Chelsea College of Art & Design in 1994 where I honed my skills in painting, sculpting, design & illustration. ‘ – Natasha Lawes. Amazingly Creative Drawing Vs Photography.

This wonderful work has done by a very talented Belgian painter, illustrator, portraitist, caricaturist and photographer Ben Heine. This creative artist was born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. He Studied graphic arts and sculpture and I also have a degree in journalism. Lets take a look at some of his awesome works that he calls “Drawing Vs Photography” or “Imagination Vs Reality”. 24 NOT photoshopped pictures – Illusion or delusion? The Namib Desert Indoors (12 photos) Inspired by an article he read about abandoned diamond mines in Namibia, photographer Álvaro Sánchez-Montañés wanted to learn more. In his magazine he had only stumbled across one picture of Kolmanskop, a now ghost town in southern Namibia that had once been a rich mining village. Online he found a treasure trove of interesting photos and at that moment promised himself that he would one day experience the Namib desert for himself.

He would see with his very own eyes how the desert sands' had reclaimed its space. When he got there, he found "the beauty in the abandoned, of the useless, of the time passing by. " Left at the mercy of the Namib desert, the winds had filled the rooms of the deserted buildings with sand. The diamond village that had once been thriving was now more like a surreal dream. via PDN Story and photos courtesy of Alvaro Sanchez-Montañes. Where Science, Art and Photography Intersect (25 photos) Silhouette with Matches Caleb Charland demonstrates lessons in physics and mathematics with his mind-blowing photography. Inspired by children's books of science experiments, he photographs everyday objects (like matches, pens and mirrors) in ways we've never imagined, often using multiple exposures to tell the story. For example, in Fifteen Hours, the last photo in this set, Charland used 15 exposures to show how the flame of a dinner candle beautifully burns down.

In still others, like in Cube with Rule and Penlight, Caleb Charland sits in pitch black darkness and, with a penlight in his hand, traces the shape of a cube along a ruler. I caught up with Charland to ask him a few questions about his work. The beauty of it all is that there's an honesty to Charland's work. “I guess you could do it in Photoshop a lot quicker and easier but I enjoy the analog process” says Charland, “there is something to working within limits.” Cube with Ruler and Penlight Arcs with Arms and Candles Three Jars. Lapp: Drawing by Light.