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We declare the world as our canvasStreet Art Solidarity. Facebook. 50.jpeg (450×600) 40+ Awesome Street Art Creating Realistic Optical Illusion. Julian Beever, Kurt Wenner and Tracy Lee Stum are artist who have been creating trompe-l’œil chalk drawings on pavement surfaces since the early-1990s.

40+ Awesome Street Art Creating Realistic Optical Illusion

Trompe-l’œil is the art technique involving extremely realistic imagery in order to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects appear in three dimensions. They use a projection technique called anamorphosis to create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the correct angle. It is often possible to position a person within the image as if they were interacting with the scene. Personally I’m amazed by this type of art and I hope you will well inspired and impressed as well.

Chalk Art level: British. Sidewalk chalk guy. Sidewalk chalk guy «« back to all material copyrighted by its original creator |

sidewalk chalk guy